Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

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Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Leigh »

Hi guys,

Up until recently, I've mostly used my Indy gear for real life situations, I've worn the jacket daily, worn the shirt to work, used to use the bag as a student, my hat sits on display but that's about it, and I've had no real need for the more 'Indy specific' items that I can't use in day to day life (like a holster, gunbelt and whip and so forth). However, recently, my wife has been getting heavily in to cosplay, and started dragging me along. Naturally, there's only one character I go as, but as I'm going through a particularly difficult time in my life right now and seeking distractions, I'm wanting to try and make my costume a bit more Raiders accurate (at the moment I'm using a cheap costumebase Indy holster and belt rig, which looks okay, but is totally the wrong colour to be accurate to any of the movies, and a webley holster to boot so wrong for Raiders). So I really want to try and get an affordable Raiders holster.

I know that Todd's Costumes do a great option, but unfortunately, the cost to get it sent here seems to cost more than the holster itself, which is far more than I can afford on just one costume element. I found this offering on Soldier of Fortune for a pretty reasonable price: ... duct,15264" onclick=";return false;

but I can't find any information about it, and the image isn't that informative. I've searched the forum, but it seems that while people have ordered their bags from there, they haven't really used it for the holster. Does anybody have any information on this one or know whether it's any good? Or does anybody else have any good suggestions where I can find one in the UK that's affordable?

It doesn't have to hold up to storing a gun, I have no intention to even own a decent replica of the pistol since it'd be illegal to carry it everywhere anyway, and can just make do with a spray painted toy.

Thanks for any help :).
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Cajunkraut »

The sofmilitary holster you linked looks really nice. However, it's not the Raiders style you specified.

Other options, although I don't know how shipping costs will affect you with WPG: ... r-Holster/" onclick=";return false; ... r/holsters" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I got my either my MKVII or a Webley style holster from Soldier of Fortune way back in the day as my first two real pieces of Indy gear (around 1998).

I got the holster because it was listed as an Indy style, though I didn't realize until later than it was for the Webley and not a ROLA version. Still love it to this day!

As to the one shown on the site currently, it looks and reads that they took the general Webley design and cut it smaller to accommodate smaller pistols (the MkIV is similar in size to the S&W). So to your specific preference for a ROLA look, I would steer away from this one.


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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Leigh »

Thank you both :).

The alternatives offered look good, I particularly think the What Price Glory one looks fantastic, but again I get hit by shipping, doubling the price.

However, even then, it works out as only £15 more than the SoF one, so I may save up and go for that one. I'm wondering whether to just cut my losses and go for an accurate Webley holster, as they seem to be easier to get hold of. I doubt many outside of these circles even notice the difference in holsters! But it would be nice to be accurate.

Apologies if I was being thick, I'm not experienced enough with holsters to tell from the open image quite what the SoF one was, so was going off the measurements provided.
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Cajunkraut »

No apologies necessary - we were all newcomers once.

Welcome. :TOH:
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Leigh »

Haha, thank you. I was actually a member here many many years ago, but that was mainly investigating the jacket (although I ended up getting the shirt, bag and hat too, what can I say?). But I never really considered converting it in to a full costume before.

I have another newbie question, but I'm not too sure what the best answer is. If I was to go for a Webley holster, do you guys recommend black or brown? I noticed that on Indygear it's listed as 'very dark brown', but notice that the screen used example appears to be black, and from what I can tell from movie stills, it seems to sometimes be black and sometimes be brown (although that could just be the lighting?).

Also, another dumb question, but does the original Raiders holster have any basis in history, or was it an entirely custom made creation? I ask because my search for Webley holsters on Ebay found a vintage Webley holster that looked similar (much shorter and with a larger flap) but I'm no expert on them to tell how close it is (although if I could win the bid, being vintage naturally looks very good anyway, which might help win out over accuracy anyway, but I suspect it'll go much higher than I can afford).
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Kt Templar »

One possibility is making one yourself. There is a template around here somewhere and you can get tooling leather fairly easily online. It's not a hugely complex item.
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Cajunkraut »" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Leigh »

Thanks! I've never tried making anything like that before, sounds challenging, but it might be fun to give a go.

Thanks. I'd seen that page but that's what had confused me about the colours! I could swear that screen used one looks black to me. Maybe I need to adjust the brightness on my monitor a bit.

Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by whipwarrior »

I recommend MakeItJones for all Indy leather gear. David made my entire LC kit, and it's top-drawer quality, custom made in the U.K:" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Cajunkraut »

whipwarrior wrote:I recommend MakeItJones for all Indy leather gear. David made my entire LC kit, and it's top-drawer quality, custom made in the U.K:" onclick=";return false;
Beat ya to it! :lol:
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Leigh »

Thank you guys for all of your responses :). MakeItJones looks brilliant, but is slightly more than I was hoping to spend.

In the end, I ended up ordering the What Price Glory one, but found if you order it from their Ebay seller, you actually pay under half the postage you pay if you order from their website. Something that may be useful to know for other UK fans!

I went for their standard Raiders size one, even though I have to admit, it looks a little too orange. (They offer a longer version of it too in what looks to be a better colour). But I'm hoping some distressing (and if all else fails, shoe polish) will help make it look the right colour, as the actual design looks pretty good. Which is also a new experiment for me, I've never artificially distressed anything before, but I'm looking forward to trying!
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Cajunkraut »

WPG Raiders holster-related threads: ... rs+holster" onclick=";return false; ... rs+holster" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Leigh »

Thanks! Looks like it's a pretty good one. I'm surprised to see the colour is considered SA, it looks far too red to me compared to film shots, but I trust people much more knowledgable than me! I will have to try distressing it though!
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Cajunkraut »

The beloved Raiders holster is in fact "Alden 405" red in lots of screencaps. In others, it's more brown.

Check it out yourself:" onclick=";return false;

Either way, the SA color is darker than WPG's, but that's an easy fix with some black or dark brown shoe polish.

Good luck, and please post some follow-up pics!
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Leigh »

Will do, thanks :). I'm thinking when it arrives of trying various distressing techniques, I'm pretty new to it, but I have some ideas. Soak it, wear it down with sandpaper while a toy gun is inside (just to make sure it does it in the right areas), then I might try some leather dye/brown shoe polish to darken it a little.
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by ChrisMD »

Leigh wrote:Will do, thanks :). I'm thinking when it arrives of trying various distressing techniques, I'm pretty new to it, but I have some ideas. Soak it, wear it down with sandpaper while a toy gun is inside (just to make sure it does it in the right areas), then I might try some leather dye/brown shoe polish to darken it a little.

Here is a thread i made a while back. Im happy with the results. Good luck!

viewtopic.php?t=60415" onclick=";return false;



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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Leigh »

Thanks! Wow, those results were great! How did you darken it like that? Was that the Pecards? It seems difficult to get in this country.
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by ChrisMD »

Leigh wrote:Thanks! Wow, those results were great! How did you darken it like that? Was that the Pecards? It seems difficult to get in this country.
Yep it was the pecards!

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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Kt Templar »

If you can't find pecards, try a few light coats of brown shoe polish or cream.

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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Texan Scott »

It's been 2nd-ed, I'll put in a 3rd for Make-It-Jones. Made by a fan for fans, etc. Custom made.
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Leigh »

Thanks KT :). I think that might be my approach. So far on my online searches I've only found clear Pecards for order in the UK, and that doesn't darken much, I don't think?

It looks like shoe polish/cream does just as well though judging by your excellent results!

Thanks Texan Scott :). Make-It-Jones's were unfortunately out of my price range, but his work looks amazing and I can certainly see why he's recommended strongly for those who can afford it. Perhaps one day!
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Cajunkraut »

Adventurebilt is still in the Raiders holster business as well.

Not exactly inexpensive, but I figured while we're on the topic, we should be comprehensive for reference purposes.

Kim Flügel makes their holsters, and he'll make it in any color shade and degree of distressing you specify." onclick=";return false; ... gunholster" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by makeitjones »

Just finished stitching a new version of my Raiders holster using a modified template. Still needs all the finishing work (sand and burnish edges, dull the stitching a touch and a few coats of leather conditioner) but it's come out quite well. Bit overcast here so looks darker than real life.

I can make my holsters with the rear belt loop and closing strap riveted on rather than stitched which brings the cost down a bit but can never match WPG price - but that's hand made gear for you!

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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Mountaineer »

Excellent looking work!

Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by whipwarrior »

Simply put, David is the best. :TOH:
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Leigh »

That looks great! I might actually be in touch, as WPG has actually let me down. Despite ordering from their Ebay seller, the item not only never arrived, but they haven't responded to any of my messages either. Official Ebay rules say I have to wait until the 17th February before they issue a refund, but if I don't hear back and get a refund, I think I'll just pay the extra for a quality Make-It-Jones holster! They do look fantastic!

Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by whipwarrior »

Trust me, you will not be disappointed. :TOH:
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Cajunkraut »

Leigh wrote:That looks great! I might actually be in touch, as WPG has actually let me down. Despite ordering from their Ebay seller, the item not only never arrived, but they haven't responded to any of my messages either. Official Ebay rules say I have to wait until the 17th February before they issue a refund, but if I don't hear back and get a refund, I think I'll just pay the extra for a quality Make-It-Jones holster! They do look fantastic!
Sorry to hear about your bad experience.

I realize that you shouldn't have to do so, but have you tried contacting WPG directly at I've found that they're usually pretty responsive.
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Leigh »

Thanks Whipwarrior. I've never had any doubts that Make-It-Jones provides serious quality, it's just always been a little too expensive for me (and that's also not a knock against his prices! I totally understand and agree with why he charges what he does, it's just more than I can comfortably afford on a costume piece). But it's getting to the point where if things continue to go wrong with this order I'd have to find another source anyway.

Cajunkraut, I hadn't actually looked in to e-mailing them directly. With Ebay, they seem to recommend keeping it all done via the website. Now it could just be that they've got a lot on and haven't responded yet because it's not the deadline, they have until the 17th. I think if I haven't heard anything by the 16th I might drop them an e-mail, just to see what they say. I don't like to be too harsh with sellers because I never know the surrounding circumstances; it might have been lost in the post or delayed by UK customs or something which wouldn't be their fault, but obviously I would like contact and an answer.
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Cajunkraut »

Leigh wrote:Cajunkraut, I hadn't actually looked in to e-mailing them directly. With Ebay, they seem to recommend keeping it all done via the website. Now it could just be that they've got a lot on and haven't responded yet because it's not the deadline, they have until the 17th. I think if I haven't heard anything by the 16th I might drop them an e-mail, just to see what they say. I don't like to be too harsh with sellers because I never know the surrounding circumstances; it might have been lost in the post or delayed by UK customs or something which wouldn't be their fault, but obviously I would like contact and an answer.
As an eBay seller myself, I won't make excuses for another seller, especially if they're an established retailer. [-X

The very least a seller can do is post an "out of office" notice on the auction or something to that effect. Efficient communication is critical to business...period. Thus, the communication rating on a seller's feedback.

I'll never again do business with or recommend at least one popular overseas COW vendor for exactly that reason. [-(
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Leigh »

You certainly raise a good point. I have very little experience with Ebay, usually buying most of my purchases through websites, but it is true that a lack of communication is disappointing. And thank you for providing the e-mail address! I may give that a shot tonight, just to see if they respond.

As I said, there might be a perfectly good explanation, and if there is, that's fine with me, as long as I eventually receive it. It's just not hearing back which is frustrating.
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by makeitjones »

Since Pecards dressing isn't easy to find over here in UK you could give Fiebings 'Mink Oil' a try instead. Made from rendered mink fat and comes in liquid or cream. Will darken down the colour of an open grain leather, buffs up well, good for renovating worn leather, waterproofing footwear, stopping squeaky hinges and fixing dry skin.
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Leigh »

Thank you! That certainly sounds to be good advice :).

WPG still haven't replied to my Ebay messages or my e-mails, so sadly I will have to ask Ebay for a refund if they do not respond today. There may be a good explanation for it but unfortunately without communication it's not something I can risk.

Once the refund goes through, I will more than likely be in contact! I tried to be clever and go for the cheaper option and it backfired, so I might as well go for the best next :).
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Leigh »

Well, I've been fully refunded, so dropped Make It Jones an e-mail!

I guess the lesson here is always pay for the extra quality the first time around :lol:

Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by whipwarrior »

Glad to hear it's finally sorted out. It's always good to have options when shopping vendors, but sometimes you have to ferret out the right one thru trial and error (and believe me, we've ALL been there). At the end of the day, your outfit must be something that you're happy with, and the journey is part of the adventure. :TOH:
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Leigh »

To add to complications, after eBay ruled in my favour, the WPG holster arrived today! I have no intention of keeping the refund (the holster itself is actually very nice, and the colour is much better than I thought) so I've contacted the seller again, offering to pay in full. I particularly don't want to seem dishonest or like I was trying to claim it for free, and I had to sign for it anyway, so I suspect with any investigating WPG could learn that I had indeed received the item.

I felt I should post this here mainly because I didn't want to tar a seller's reputation on here for an item that did eventually arrive. I don't feel that I did anything particularly wrong as a buyer, the item didn't arrive in the allotted time, I attempted to contact the seller for an explanation, and didn't get a response within the time allotted for responses, and then escalated the case to eBay to investigate and they decided a refund was the only way to go, but ultimately they did send the item, and the delays were probably the fault of the postal service.

I'm actually very pleased with the holster (not quite up there with Make-It-Jones's above, but so many leagues above my crummy costumebase one it's not even funny), and need to work on distressing it now. I will share pictures later on, but first of all I wanted to explain the situation.

If I don't get a response again from WPG I should hopefully be able to just transfer the funds through Paypal as I should have their old details, but I don't want to just do that without talking to them first in case they then don't know what it's for.

Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by whipwarrior »

The reason it took so long to arrive is because all of their stuff is made in U.A.E. (Bahrain). I once tried one of their Indy shirts and repro MK-VII bags, and waited nearly a month for them. At least you finally got your merchandise!
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Leigh »

That makes sense, although this was nearly a month and a half. I'm certainly not inpatient, and had they answered my messages, I would never have contacted eBay for a refund. Unfortunately, because they didn't, I had no way of knowing what was going on.

But as I said, I will happily pay them :). Hopefully they will reply, if not, I'll just send the funds on over.
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Leigh »

Here's some images for those interested. Here's the holster on arrival:


(Sadly, the flash didn't go off, but it gives a good indication of its natural colour).

Here it is after my distressing (just getting it wet and sanding it down, nothing special/screen accurate):


The leather is still quite stiff, and it's fairly difficult to open and close, but overall I'm pretty pleased with how it looks. It's nowhere near as orange as it seemed in the original images, and once distressed, I think it matches the Raiders holster (as seen in some shots at least) quite well (although I'm far from an expert).

(For those interested, I've now also sorted payment with WPG).
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Indiana Jeff »

whipwarrior wrote:The reason it took so long to arrive is because all of their stuff is made in U.A.E. (Bahrain).

Not for nothing, the UAE and Bahrain are two different countries separated by 273.6 miles/440.3 kilometers. :TOH:


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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Cajunkraut »

More on Raiders holster distressing: ... lster+pics" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Leigh »

Thanks :). Some really good advice on that link.

I think some people might feel I overdid the distressing, but my logic is that this is the holster Indy wore when he got dragged behind a truck, so I use that as an excuse for how thrashed it is!
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Re: Affordable UK Raiders Holster?

Post by Wotalark »

Just a big thanks to Leigh for prompting a very wide ranging discussion on holster makers and options. Glad you got one in the end. I had been looking for Make it Jones so was very pleased to find the link and an order is on it's way.

thanks again :TOH:
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