saved from injury by Wested horse

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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saved from injury by Wested horse

Post by Treadwell »

I was using a table saw to cut an aluminum panel for a prop project. I finish the cut, turn off the saw and wait for the blade to stop spinning before trying to remove the piece.

It moved on its own. The blade caught it a microsecond after I cut power and threw it into my abdomen at great force.

Here's what the impact did to the panel: ... d449bc.jpg ... e4d095.jpg

...and here's what it did to the jacket: ... fe3105.jpg

I won't show you what it did to my gut, but it is only a very nasty bruise....

...because I was wearing the jacket, zipped up. The tough hide of the jacket (and, probably more importantly, the brass zipper) saved me from stitches or maybe even more serious abdominal injury.


1) Thank goodness it was cold.
2) I will stand to the side from now on.
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Re: saved from injury by Wested horse

Post by Michaelson »

A rolled up Wested cowhide 'Alien' jacket saved my youngest daughter from having her leg crushed between the Harley motorcycle she was riding and a car that turned in front of her. She still has leg and hip problems from the accident....but at least she has her leg and no broken bones, and ONLY because the thickness of the jacket was the area her leg WOULD have occupied when the Harley slid into the car fender at speed.

They're great jackets...... not really designed to perform this kind of service....even though they do. ;)

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: saved from injury by Wested horse

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Wow. Glad you're OK.

Guess that's why a lot of shop aprons are made out of leather.

Now it's time to develop your story. "You see, I was in Africa and there was this rhino......"


Indiana Jeff

Re: saved from injury by Wested horse

Post by whipwarrior »

I was chased by a tribe of spear-throwing natives after stealing this golden idol... Don't know what their problem was, but I managed to escape, and this jacket saved the day. :TOH:
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