Amongst them were the shoulder seam started too low down on my arm, the pockets were slightly too tall, the yoke was too big on my back and the colour was slightly too light. After talking with Wested about these points we decided that it would be too much work too alter all these things and the only way for me to resolve these problems would be to start from scratch and have a new jacket made.
I thought about this for a while then eventually decided to bite the bullet and go for it.
I am happy to say that I am very pleased with the results and glad I went ahead with the second jacket.
The biggest surprise to me was how much darker this leather is compared to the previous shrunken lamb, it really shows how it can vary in colour

I will probably sell the first one on e-bay and get half what I paid for it if I'm lucky

Here are some pics of the new LC jacket in Shrunken Lamb.