Raiders in Canada?

Need help finding an Indy Gun, want to discuss film used guns...

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Raiders in Canada?

Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Hello Everyone,

I have a really awesome Raiders holster being made my MakeItJones, and so I am looking to get a replica gun to fit in it.

I would be fine with either a full replica (resin) or a replica handle that would give the appearance of a gun in the holster.

Being that I am in Canada, I am not sure how to get a replica. I assume that even trying to get a replica over the border would be a hassle, and so I am looking for some advice from fellow Canadians as to the best options.


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Re: Raiders in Canada?

Post by Solent MKIII »

I made some replica pistol grip/frame outlines a few years back out of wood for use in our Indy/Vader fanfilm. I didn't get around to posting any patterns, but you could get a good side view of the real thing off the internet and then print it out to correct size and use that. The nice thing is that they don't pull down heavy on your gunbelt the way a real pistol would - great for cons and Indy screenings.

viewtopic.php?f=4&t=48251" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Raiders in Canada?

Post by TheExit148 »

I'm in Canada as well, and I bought a resin kit off ebay. It was all white, and had to be sanded a bit, painted and you had to glue on the grips. Came through with no issues.

Check out ebay for some, and see what you can find. There are a few that are already painted, but I'm not sure what the customs issues may be. If you live close to the border, you could ship to a US mailbox site and then drive over and pick it up. I know people have done that with zero issues.
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Re: Raiders in Canada?

Post by micsteam »

Try this ... g=5&rpp=10" onclick=";return false; it's a 4" .455 Ely S&W 2nd Model Hand Ejector just like in Raiders, Tanaka model # MPIS144VB but there's several others to choose from in the 4" barrel. Hope this helps, enjoy !! :TOH:
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Re: Raiders in Canada?

Post by makeitjones » ... sh-propgun" onclick=";return false;

This firm in the UK does an all black resin replica of the Webley MkVI for £79 and they'll ship worldwide - don't know if that's a good price compared to what something similar might cost closer to you?
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Re: Raiders in Canada?

Post by ChrisMD »

I would try" onclick=";return false;. They have tons of replicas and they all come with orange tips. Not sure if that satisfies the legal requirements of Canada as I know nothing about the law there. But good luck and buyer beware.
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Re: Raiders in Canada?

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

I've had a couple shipped as " theatrical prop" with no issues.

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Re: Raiders in Canada?

Post by crazylegsmurphy »

ChrisMD wrote:I would try" onclick=";return false;. They have tons of replicas and they all come with orange tips. Not sure if that satisfies the legal requirements of Canada as I know nothing about the law there. But good luck and buyer beware.
Those look cool, but it says right on the page no sales to Canada. I would have to order one while in the US, but getting it back to Canada would be risky.
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Re: Raiders in Canada?

Post by makeitjones »

If you're okay to have an air pistol in Canada then these replica MKVI Webley's have just come on sale recently - full metal construction and seem to be very well priced in the US as they're over $300 in the UK
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Re: Raiders in Canada?

Post by Cajunkraut »

makeitjones wrote:If you're okay to have an air pistol in Canada then these replica MKVI Webley's have just come on sale recently - full metal construction and seem to be very well priced in the US as they're over $300 in the UK
Won't fit a Raiders holster, though... ;)
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Re: Raiders in Canada?

Post by crazylegsmurphy »

makeitjones wrote:If you're okay to have an air pistol in Canada then these replica MKVI Webley's have just come on sale recently - full metal construction and seem to be very well priced in the US as they're over $300 in the UK
Great price, but unfortunately Airsoft are illegal in Canada. :/
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