Pecards' Black Dressing + jacket:

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Captain D
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Pecards' Black Dressing + jacket:

Post by Captain D »

Hello all,

I realize that the old saying, 'without pics - thread is useless' may apply here. But before that's said, just know that I tried without much success in posting, lol :oops: . Overall, I just wanted to share my experiences in using the Pecard dressings on my Wested Pre-distressed cowhide jacket.

First off, I'm certainly not complaining about any of the Pecards products as I've had nothing but the best experiences in using their products. In essence, I bought a Wested pre-distressed cow earlier this summer that fits like a glove, but it was a little light in color than I was used to so I shot it with a dose of the Pecard leather cream/jell + the standard dressing. It looked amazing afterwards even though I realized that, with the jacket's surface being removed/distressed, once the moisture left - it would re-lighten up once again. However, I noticed that it kept lightening back up almost too quickly than I had expected each time I applied both the standard and jell/cream. For instance, I treated the jacket right before a trip to Maine and nine hours later we arrived at our my surprise, the jacket had almost lightened back to its original state. Perhaps the excess sunlight and the heat of the car-cab didn't help, but I knew at that point that once I returned home from the trip that I wouldn't mind trying something new for the jacket in an effort to help keep the jacket darker for a little while longer. On average, it seemed that the jell/cream and standard dressing never really lasted very long until I tried the black tinted Pecards...

I'm unsure if anyone else has gone this route before in treating an entire Indy jacket w/ the black Pecards dressing, but I gave it a shot. I did some searches prior to buying a little tub of it, but didn't see any threads. Anyhow, when I first applied the black Pecards it kinda made me weary that maybe the black would make the jacket 'too dark' than what I was aiming for. Fortunately, I soon took notice that because the pre-distressed cow was so light in color underneath, it actually helped to prevent the black dressing from turning the jacket into a 'black leather jacket.' Instead, it enabled the jacket to match exactly the shade of color Wested had used on their standard dark-brown cowhides, goat, and lamb.

Throughout the many years of owning various Indy jackets, I've owned the dark-brown goatskin, dark-brown lambskin, and the dark brown cowhide. I can say with absolute certainty that my using the black Pecards made the pre-distressed color look exactly like those skins. Not only that, but the tint seems to be clinging much better in an effort to help keep the jacket 'darker' longer than the standard dressing and jell/cream when testing it in similar heated conditions while in the car. Since mine is a Last Crusade version, I simply left the seams untreated and went a little light as well around the cuffs, collar, and back panel to the point that it looks incredibly spot on and the 'distressed' look of the jacket looks amazing hands-down. It was like distressing...only in reverse, lol ;) . I just wanted to post and share this experience for those who may also like their Indy jackets, especially their pre-distressed cowhides, to remain darker in color for a little while longer.

I have some pics and can email to those who have the means to post if anyone would care to give it a try. If not, no worries and thanks for reading!


MOD EDIT:Success! Finally got the pictures to work. Should've thought of the fix sooner. #-o


Last edited by Captain D on Wed Oct 01, 2014 1:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pecards' Black Dressing + jacket:

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Well done! Sharp looking jacket.


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Re: Pecards' Black Dressing + jacket:

Post by Michaelson »

Glad to see it worked for you.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Pecards' Black Dressing + jacket:

Post by Tennessee Smith »

Looks great, just know that in 6 months or so the Pecards will fade back to the original color and you will have to do it again. I used the same technique with one of my jackets and by the next season it was back to its old self. The good thing is that it'll always get reconditioned ;)
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Re: Pecards' Black Dressing + jacket:

Post by skyhawker »

Your jacket looks great. :)
Funnily enough I have just done the exact same thing with my Wested pre distressed cow but I used brown Pecards.
The brown did improve the colour of my jacket but after seeing yours I think I will try the black. :TOH:
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Re: Pecards' Black Dressing + jacket:

Post by Captain D »

Hi y'all,

Thanks for checkin' out my thread and for the comments! Yeah, the black certainly seems to be clinging to the leather much longer than the jell/cream. In the pics, the jacket does, honestly, look very dark of course. But, in person - its not quite 'as dark.' To me, it just screams Wested's dark-brown cowhide (certainly not 'black' by any stretch...only a nice very dark brown shade). I agree, the product/moisture will gradually dissipate from the jacket, but if it clings on for 6 months vs. a single month; I'll take it as I don't mind that reapplication time, lol, :) .

Oh, and before you apply the black tinted Pecards, I would suggest using some disposable gloves as it was a little challenging getting the product out of my fingernails, ;) . Overall, nothing major at all, love the product, and I am 'very happy' with the results. The jacket looks more aged/broken in the more I wear it and as the black tint 'ever so slowly' begins to dissipate.

Thank you again and if anyone needs anymore pics, just let me know and I can snap em' in any shade of lighting, etc.
Best regards!
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