Long sleeves on Indy shirt?

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Long sleeves on Indy shirt?

Post by Canuck Digger »

Can anyone recommend a good or close-enough Indy shirt that has long sleeves? I have a hard time finding an Indy shirt that has sleeves that are long enough 26 1/2" - 27" and Magnoli, brilliant though they ay be, are a bit on the steep side for a shirt... Any other ideas?


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Re: Long sleeves on Indy shirt?

Post by Adventure Dog »

WPG has Indy shirts in long sizes.The Medium-Long I got had wider shoulders and a wider back/shoulder section that added plenty of length, compared to the Medium I exchanged it for. I wear a 15 34/35 and it's a little too long for me in the arms (an inch maybe?). The body length might as well be a night shirt, but that can be changed easily.

If your arms are super long, then custom might be the only option. But, at least the shirt will fit perfectly. It's the debate I have on OTR and custom. Being tall and skinny does not suit OTR, but sometimes you can get just lucky enough.

Other than that, Gap, Old Navy, LL Bean, Eddie Bauer, Lands End, typically carry long/tall sizes starting at size medium. Personally, I love the Slim-Fit Medium-Talls that Bauer puts out.

What size shirt do you normally wear?
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Re: Long sleeves on Indy shirt?

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Cabella's has a good close enough shirt, but their studs tends to be cut fuller in the body so it may be too baggy for typical Indy wear.


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Re: Long sleeves on Indy shirt?

Post by ChrisMD »

Indiana Jeff wrote:Cabella's has a good close enough shirt, but their studs tends to be cut fuller in the body so it may be too baggy for typical Indy wear.


Indiana Jeff

I second Cabela's. I got 4 from Chewie and they are FANTASTIC even second hand. Here is a green one.

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Re: Long sleeves on Indy shirt?

Post by Solent MKIII »

I would second Cabella's as they definetly seem to have longer sleeves - I had to have mine shortened by nearly a full inch so it that it wouldn't hang too low past my wrist ( I'm 6'2" - size ordered was a 2XL long ). As IJ previously wrote, the general bagginess of the shirt could be an issue as it is cut more on the generous size. Personally, I like this as I can't stand tight shirts.
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Re: Long sleeves on Indy shirt?

Post by Canuck Digger »

Thanks for your input guys! I really appreciate it!

I used to wear a XXL (two years ago), but these days I normally fit in a Large if the cut isn't too tight over the chest. So looking at WPG's size chart, I see chest-wize a medium would fit (which is pretty weird because what they call a medium is not a medium anywhere else that I know of...), but of course the sleeve length would be way off. So I think I will resign myself to a very big shirt and go for a Large Long (at least it comes in at 26" on the sleeve) and if it's too big everywhere else maybe I can have the sides taken in?

It's really hard to find anything off-the-rack when you are my size (6' 4"); either the sleeves are too short or you have to decide between a shirt that is either too tight over the chest and fine everywhere else, or fine at the chest but too large everywhere else! I would love to be able to buy nothing but custom-made clothes, but I really can't afford that so I have to shop around a lot.
Thanks a bunch,

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Re: Long sleeves on Indy shirt?

Post by Adventure Dog »

Don't worry Franco. I found WPG's very easy to deal with, and most people have an easy time returning or exchanging something.

I had my WPG taken in on the sides (yeah, the Medium-Long was very baggy). Find a good tailor! I'm still looking for a good one in the Gaithersburg area of Maryland (any hints? :lol:).

A good tailor can make something OTR look custom made, as long as it's within reason. $7-$15 is what I've paid for a shirt to be taken in, depending on where I was in the US, and how fast I'd get it. Definitely worth it! They can shorten sleeves as well (probably more expensive).
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Re: Long sleeves on Indy shirt?

Post by Canuck Digger »

Thank you for all your input and I ended up ordering a Large Long and beyond the shirt possibly being a tad too large, at least the sleeves should be long enough and I can always try to get the shirt taken in a bit...

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Re: Long sleeves on Indy shirt?

Post by Canuck Digger »

Hey all,
so I got my WPG shirt (sorry no pics yet), and the sleeves are perfect!

The shirt is a Large Long and it is HUGE!!!. Normally a large on me is a nice snug fit, not too small, but not Indy loose either. But on this one, it is quite a large shirt. The length is also much longer than any long shirt I've ever owned. I thought of having a tailor take the shirt in but the usual way of doing this is, as it was explained to me, to make two stitched or pleats, in the back. While this does reduce the size over the belly (which is where the shirt is too big), it would create a problem when it came time to rise my arms at shoulder height... something to do with the cut of the shirt and the way the sleeves are cut... I asked about taking in the sides of the shirt, where the seem is, but apparently they don't do that because it takes too long to do... So I left it alone, figured what's the point of fixing one problem if all that's going to accomplish is create a brand new one in the process...

The color is fine, though I like them better in a more stone shade than the tan of this one, but it's fine. No big woop.

The tailoring of the shirt, meaning the cut of it, is ok. Not terrible, certainly above the average costume fair, but not as good as an actual properly-made shirt. The fact is made "over seas"... is probably a factor in this. You will only understand what I mean by this if you try and iron your shirt; with a well-tailored shirt, the seams line-up and it isn't a headache to iron, but this shirt had all this extra material (I know what you're thinking and no, it's not because it's a large or a long size) that made any real ironing impossible. The best you can hope for is to do a quick job I'm afraid and be thankful Indy's shirt do not look pressed.

The parcel arrived very quickly and the service was very pleasant.

Overall, given the price paid and the intended use for this shirt, I would give it a 4/5.

I will post pics when I take some.

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Re: Long sleeves on Indy shirt?

Post by Adventure Dog »

They wouldn't take in the sides?! :shock:

There are two ways to take in the sides: Turn the shirt inside out, sew in however much, and then re-arrange the cuff (probably the hardest part after making sure the seems line up under the armpit). This allows the shirt to be "let out" again. My Mother was able to to this.

The other option is to cut the fabric on the sides, and resew the sides together by overlapping them. This is permanent but makes the shirt look... dressier?

Taking in the sides is all I've ever done to tailor a shirt. I don't think it has created a problem with the sleeves when I raise my arms. In fact, because the arm holes were "higher" after the tailoring, I felt that there was less "rising" or "lifting" of the shirt when I did.

If your tailor says "no" to such a simple procedure, go find another tailor! I have been to 3 different tailors in 3 different states, and each of them did the 1st option within a week. Maybe try a Men's Warehouse if you can find one. It's possible I have been really lucky where I've gone, but don't let one tailor turn you away. There's nothing quiet like a good fitting shirt if you can get it.

Glad you still enjoy the shirt. If you are daring, you could always try the hot water and hot dryer trick to shrink it up a little. Not sure if the arms are long enough for it to be useful afterwards, but you are the best judge (not the random internet guy).

The one thing that's always bothered me about the medium long was the "off the shoulders" feel of the epaulettes and the wide shoulder back panel.
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