Raider's Fedora

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Raider's Fedora

Post by jcm0687 »

Ok, I'll give this a try. First post...this site is amazing as it relates to gathering information on Indiana Jones stuff. I recently got hooked on Indy apparel, in particular the fedora. Based on info., provided by members on this site, I settled on buying my fedora from Penman hats. About a month ago, I had the fortune of being at the 'home' of Penman hats where I met with John Penman. Extremely amicable and knowledgeable person. He took the time to come to his shop on a Saturday (most impressive), we talked, he showed me his products (many different hats in addition to the Indy fedora), and that was all she wrote....I ordered a 'Raiders' hat. So, now just need to be patient and wait for it to be ready. Very pleased at selecting John as my hatter; glad there was all the information I needed on this site to make this decision.
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Re: Raider's Fedora

Post by Texan Scott »

...don't believe that dog and pony like ####! :Plymouth:
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Re: Raider's Fedora

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Welcome aboard.

Very cool you got to meet your hatter in person at the shop. Just like the 'old days' when you'd to go to a shop, check out the offerings, get measured and place your order.


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Re: Raider's Fedora

Post by backstagejack »

Wow! What an experience for a first timer. I'm jealous!!!!

Welcome to it..... be prepared though, you and your wallet will never be the same again, hahaha.

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Re: Raider's Fedora

Post by Cajunkraut »

Bull's eye. You'll never need another Raiders fedora, that's for sure.
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Re: Raider's Fedora

Post by BendingOak »

backstagejack wrote:Wow! What an experience for a first timer. I'm jealous!!!!

Welcome to it..... be prepared though, you and your wallet will never be the same again, hahaha.


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Re: Raider's Fedora

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Cajunkraut wrote:You'll never need another Raiders fedora, that's for sure.

Need, no. Want.... :-

Re: Raider's Fedora

Post by whipwarrior »

backstagejack wrote:Welcome to it..... be prepared though, you and your wallet will never be the same again, hahaha.
Ain't that the truth!
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Re: Raider's Fedora

Post by ChrisMD »

Welcome! The first step of fixing a problem is admitting you have one. There are no secrets here. We all share the same problem. :)

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Re: Raider's Fedora

Post by knibs7 »

ChrisMD wrote:Welcome! The first step of fixing a problem is admitting you have one. There are no secrets here. We all share the same problem. :)

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Not necessarily true... I've known about this obsession/problem for years and I'm still collecting as much as the day I started :Plymouth:

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Re: Raider's Fedora

Post by TenuredProfessor »

Congrats and welcome to the forum!! :TOH: You sure started off on the right foot by going to see John. He's a master at what he does and an all around great, generous guy. I did the same as you years back...went right to his shop for a fitting. Now I'm a proud Penman owner three times over :lol: Join him on FB as well, as he posts pics of the hats he finishes each day. This will either quell your anticipation for your hat, or make it even more excruciating. As Tom Petty once said, 'the waiting is the hardest part'. =P~
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Re: Raider's Fedora

Post by BendingOak »

TenuredProfessor wrote:Congrats and welcome to the forum!! :TOH: You sure started off on the right foot by going to see John. He's a master at what he does and an all around great, generous guy. I did the same as you years back...went right to his shop for a fitting. Now I'm a proud Penman owner three times over :lol: Join him on FB as well, as he posts pics of the hats he finishes each day. This will either quell your anticipation for your hat, or make it even more excruciating. As Tom Petty once said, 'the waiting is the hardest part'. =P~

Hey buddy. Glad to see you here. Hope your doing well. If your in town please stop by.
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Re: Raider's Fedora

Post by TenuredProfessor »

BendingOak wrote:
TenuredProfessor wrote:Congrats and welcome to the forum!! :TOH: You sure started off on the right foot by going to see John. He's a master at what he does and an all around great, generous guy. I did the same as you years back...went right to his shop for a fitting. Now I'm a proud Penman owner three times over :lol: Join him on FB as well, as he posts pics of the hats he finishes each day. This will either quell your anticipation for your hat, or make it even more excruciating. As Tom Petty once said, 'the waiting is the hardest part'. =P~

Hey buddy. Glad to see you here. Hope your doing well. If your in town please stop by.
Thanks John! I will most definitely stop in next time I head south. Maybe another Horse Brass hat summit/meet up is in order? "Penman's and Pints"!! :rolling: Perfect! A pint of Ol' Rasputin sure sounds good right about now :lol: I'm serious...I'll put some feelers out in the next month or so. :TOH:

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Re: Raider's Fedora

Post by APL »

TenuredProfessor wrote:Congrats and welcome to the forum!! :TOH: You sure started off on the right foot by going to see John. He's a master at what he does and an all around great, generous guy. I did the same as you years back...went right to his shop for a fitting. Now I'm a proud Penman owner three times over :lol: Join him on FB as well, as he posts pics of the hats he finishes each day. This will either quell your anticipation for your hat, or make it even more excruciating. As Tom Petty once said, 'the waiting is the hardest part'. =P~
I watch for those daily... I think it makes the wait exciting, but definitely excruciating; exciting because I know that with each post he's one hat closer to the order I placed (a Crusader), and excruciating because with each passing hat I see I want to order a Raiders next.... haha. I really want the one I ordered and wouldn't change that (currently have an AB Henry in an excellent Raiders style), but the more Raiders hats I see the more I need one too. :D
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Re: Raider's Fedora

Post by ChrisMD »

knibs7 wrote:
ChrisMD wrote:Welcome! The first step of fixing a problem is admitting you have one. There are no secrets here. We all share the same problem. :)

Sent from the Bantu Wind using Tapatalk.

Not necessarily true... I've known about this obsession/problem for years and I'm still collecting as much as the day I started :Plymouth:


Buying stuff does fix the problem! Or at least scratches the "new gear itch". I have a jacket getting mailed tomorrow. KILLING ME! This is gonna be a good weekend. Just got all my licenses for hunting season and my fishing license for 2014 (a little late I know but I need to get a rod in the water). Going camping this weekend, huge gun show (fingers crossed for my Indy S&W I still dont have) and then my jacket comes next week. Im gonna faint I have so much to look forward too. But the jacket....makes it hard to sleep knowing it is on it's way. I am a pathetic addict. And proud of it!

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Re: Raider's Fedora

Post by baddates1 »

I can understand the waiting issue. My Fed IV deluxe came weeks late. Every day I hung around the front screen door of my home. Every time the UPS truck came by, I would be like"yes, yes, yes, yes......... oh dang!!" Man, I remembered being on a trip at Washington D.C. and hearing that it came. And I was actually dancing in the old post office food court while I was talking on the phone when I heard the news. And now I wish I could relive the excitement of watching a friend of mine while he was shaping it to the raiders hat. Ahhh happy days.
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Re: Raider's Fedora

Post by jcm0687 »

Update status: Oct. 31, arrived home to get ready for the "young" ghoulies who were already prowling the neighborhood in search of delectable candies. Not only were there treats for the kids but there was also a large package waiting for me. The Mrs. wouldn't let me see who the sender was; she just said, "Open it." Trying to remember what I might have ordered, I opened the box. At that point, I saw a round box which could only mean one wait was finally over...My Fedora, courtesy of John Penman, had arrived. With extreme trepidation, I stood in front of the mirror and placed "MY" hat on its rightful head. All I can say is I am pleased at selecting the Raider's hat and having John do the work. Now, its time to find out how much more "disposable income" exists to continue my foray into Indiana Jones collecting (the grey fedora, will no doubt be a future purchase - hope John doesn't lose/misplace my measurements lol). I've also made the commitment to buy the Marshall suit from Magnoli clothiers (there goes more of that elusive disposable income); my fedora will go perfect with it.
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Re: Raider's Fedora

Post by baddates1 »

Nice! Would love to see pics!
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Re: Raider's Fedora

Post by BendingOak »

You can find pics on my site" onclick=";return false; or" onclick=";return false;
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