From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Well, I placed my order for a Last Crusade 8'er this afternoon. The email i received said it won't be ready until the end of July. I'm really excited about it, but the wait! Oh, the humanity! But from the reviews I have seen from you folks, I feel I made a good choice
Last edited by Misfit13 on Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dusty's Cowhide Whips Feel and look like they are made of Roo. He is amazing! I owned a couple second hand and then sold when I needed the $$$...I still regret that. I should have kept the 11'er.
Sorry to be so late in posting. Been out of town and Work related stuff always gets in the way with the fun stuff. I still need to take pics of the whip. I will be able to get to it this week. I also need to take pics and post my DeMiguel diary I received a while back as well.
Thank you Cajun! Just to clarify, The anchor and ship is a tribute to my Grandfather who fought in both WW2 and Korea. I got it for him since he had such an impact in my life. It put tears in his eyes. The rest of the arm reflex more traditional representations of my family. But pack to the whip. It really is an awesome piece to hold!
Misfit13 wrote:The anchor and ship is a tribute to my Grandfather who fought in both WW2 and Korea. I got it for him since he had such an impact in my life. It put tears in his eyes.
What an honor for both of you. God bless The Greatest Generation.