Moderators: Mike, Cajunkraut, Tennessee Smith
Or? Area '54baddates1 wrote:Either torn up and in the garbage, or it is in the hands of a private collector would be my guess.
No! I mean Area 54 -- two blocks down from Area 51. It is truly one of our countries greatest secretsbaddates1 wrote:I'm pretty sure you mean area 51........ or district nine. Lol. Maybe we should consider where the bag is, because it had the strap on it and maybe still does.
I have to think it was lost to the sands of time. By TOD they switched to a new strap and that was only a couple years later.knibs7 wrote:Does anyone know what happened to the original screen used bag strap from Raiders? Kyle
Was just about to say. Unless the costume changes in TOD (hat, jacket, gunbelt, holster, bag strap) were intentional, it stands to reason that some of the Raiders gear was disposed of or went "missing" shortly after Raiders wrapped up production and/or after all of the publicity stills were done.Indiana Jeff wrote:I have to think it was lost to the sands of time. By TOD they switched to a new strap and that was only a couple years later.
Intentional or not, it still doesn't make any sense that TOD was a prequel to Raiders. I mean, we see Indy with a dark bag strap and different hat/jacket/holster and whip. Then we see a tan bag strap, different hat/jacket/holster and whip. Then, back to the same (as far as the story goes) dark bag strap and different hat/jacket/holster and whip.Cajunkraut wrote:Was just about to say. Unless the costume changes in TOD (hat, jacket, gunbelt, holster, bag strap) were intentional, it stands to reason that some of the Raiders gear was disposed of or went "missing" shortly after Raiders wrapped up production and/or after all of the publicity stills were done.Indiana Jeff wrote:I have to think it was lost to the sands of time. By TOD they switched to a new strap and that was only a couple years later.
Wardrobe continuity between movies (and different year settings - 1935, '36, and '38) is easily explained away. Clothes and gear have life spans, especially under field conditions. Besides, I don't think anyone presumes that Indy had just one set of anything. Heck, he used three different handguns in Raiders alone. Four if ya wanna get technical.knibs7 wrote:Intentional or not, it still doesn't make any sense that TOD was a prequel to Raiders. I mean, we see Indy with a dark bag strap and different hat/jacket/holster and whip. Then we see a tan bag strap, different hat/jacket/holster and whip. Then, back to the same (as far as the story goes) dark bag strap and different hat/jacket/holster and whip.
Just doesn't make sense either way.
Did I?knibs7 wrote:^ Clearly you missed the point
I hear ya barkin', Big Dog.knibs7 wrote:Obviously there are continuity errors, but if you're a costume designer on a PREQUEL to a mega blockbuster, then why on earth wouldn't you try and get the gear looking as close to the first film as possible? If it were a sequel I would understand Indy just upgrading his gear, but to have it change back and forth is just weird. And yes, Indy probably doesn't have just one piece of gear, but then why not show the Raiders gear in LC or CS?
Cajunkraut wrote:I hear ya barkin', Big Dog.knibs7 wrote:Obviously there are continuity errors, but if you're a costume designer on a PREQUEL to a mega blockbuster, then why on earth wouldn't you try and get the gear looking as close to the first film as possible? If it were a sequel I would understand Indy just upgrading his gear, but to have it change back and forth is just weird. And yes, Indy probably doesn't have just one piece of gear, but then why not show the Raiders gear in LC or CS?
I can only theorize that the gear differences may have something to do with the absence of Deborah Nadoolman Landis in Indy II and III.
If you think about it, very few movie heroes wear exactly the same thing in every movie, even if there are only subtle differences. Think most superhero movies for instance.
Ya I'm with ya on the Deborah Nadoolman theory. That's the only thing that remotely makes sense to me. And I know they don't wear the exact same thing in every movie. And I realize we are abnormal from most movie goers because we notice every little detail, but even for the average joe, it's a noticeable difference when Indy goes from a (in order or story period) dark strap to light, to dark to dark. Again, the only thing I could think of was DNL not working on II and III.Cajunkraut wrote: I can only theorize that the gear differences may have something to do with the absence of Deborah Nadoolman Landis in Indy II and III.
If you think about it, very few movie heroes wear exactly the same thing in every movie, even if there are only subtle differences. Think most superhero movies for instance.
knibs7 wrote:...but even for the average joe, it's a noticeable difference when Indy goes from a (in order or story period) dark strap to light, to dark to dark....Little inconsistencies in movies like this just annoy me. Kyle
Excellent point. Darth Vader's costume changed movie to movie. Batman's costume changed movie to movie. Wolverine's jacket changed movie to movie.Cajunkraut wrote:If you think about it, very few movie heroes wear exactly the same thing in every movie, even if there are only subtle differences. Think most superhero movies for instance.
Actually, a lot of the 'average Joe's' think his hat is made of leather, so it's even worse than you state.Indiana Jeff wrote:The "Average Joe" thinks Indy wears an A2 jacket and a DP is an exact match to the film used hat. Regards,
Indiana Jeff
Michaelson wrote:
As to the strap? Let's face it, it was such a 'non-item' to the prop folks they could have cared less, and more than likely it was either tossed or thrown back into Western Costume's inventory and sold off long after the film was done. A lot of the Raider's inventory was sold off by Western Costume after the film was done.
Regards! Michaelson
Let's be honest though, the Prequel is a new concept. The fact that TOD was a prequel is STILL a new concept to people. The prequel or even the origin story was not a concept in 1985. And film continuity was not a big importance back then either...... that was the dawn of gearheads that dissected every frame.knibs7 wrote:Obviously there are continuity errors, but if you're a costume designer on a PREQUEL to a mega blockbuster, then why on earth wouldn't you try and get the gear looking as close to the first film as possible? If it were a sequel I would understand Indy just upgrading his gear, but to have it change back and forth is just weird. And yes, Indy probably doesn't have just one piece of gear, but then why not show the Raiders gear in LC or CS?
(aside from the fact that Indy has always been the stepchild to Lucasfilm and therefore GL might have purposefully not kept as many props etc from Indy as he did Star Wars)........Indiana Jeff wrote: At that point no one knew for sure they had a hit on their hands. The various props and costumes were returned to rental houses, outright discarded or ended up in crew members suitcases.
Indiana Jeff
Batman came to my mind also, but mainly for the care in continuity that was shown in the Cristopher Nolan trilogy. Batman's suit from film 1 was the same suit shown in the beginning of film 2 until Wayne had it changed to be more mobile ( being able to turn his head, seperation of the armor plating, etc. ). This suit design continued on for the rest of the film and all the way through the third one as well ( please correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I'm pretty sure ). Now on the flip side, the suits in the Burton/Schumacher series definetly did change in every film, and sometimes even in the same film! ( those black/silver mega batsuits in the Schumacher films were God-awful!Indiana Jeff wrote:Excellent point. Darth Vader's costume changed movie to movie. Batman's costume changed movie to movie. Wolverine's jacket changed movie to movie.
There was a small market, yes, but nothing like today. We didn't have access to this thing called the internet until the early 90's, so everything was done either using print media or by word of mouth.backstagejack wrote: I have to ask for those older..... what was the market for movie props in the 80s or before, vs. the market today?
Though people kept things for nostalgia etc..... was there as large a market for props, etc as there is today?