From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
I've made my son wait as long as I possibly can to see Raiders (all of his friends have seen it but I wanted to make him wait until he was the same age I was when I first saw it). I am arranging a special screening at a local theater for his birthday and also want to get him his first whip. I have a David Morgan 10 footer that I've had forever and love it. But I should start out with something shorter and more reasonable so if he abuses it or leaves it outside once I don't blow a gasket
Any advice on a good 6 to 8 footer? I know of the trade-offs between price and quality but need to find the right balance for a starter (my first one was a POS but I had fun with it none the less). Thanks for your input.
I'd suggest a Gus Caicedo; nice look, not too pricey, and they're also a bit lighter and easier for a 10 year old to bring around. I think they're very nice quality with good workmanship. Not sure about current prices, but worth checking.
Thanks Tibor, I appreciate the feedback and will check out his site. Its good to be able to draw on other's experiences. I'll keep you posted.
I'm close to narrowing down the decision between 6 ft and 8 ft by looking at the ratios of my height to whip length and my son's. Its the engineer in me that obsesses over these things.
dusty from made one more my kid and lighten the whip up for him. dusty has a son so he would really have the right weight and balance needed. His prices are very reasonable on what high quality you get.
Ride Guy wrote:But I should start out with something shorter and more reasonable so if he abuses it or leaves it outside once I don't blow a gasket Ride Guy
Take a look at nylon/paracord too. They tend to be lighter than equal length leather whips and will absorb more abuse than leather. Especially if it gets left out in the rain overnight.
I started my kids off with nylon 4 foot bullwhips when they were 8 and 6. Matter of fact, my oldest won the county science fair demonstrating the speed of sound with it!!
Hi Blake, it's killing me because the local theater is delaying showing the movie because they wanted to build a marketing thing around several Spielberg Blockbuster Movies; starting with Raiders and Ending with Jurassic Park. I'm making a few props for the lobby (crate for the ark, cherubs, idol, etc).
Its an amazing restored theater from the 1937 (" onclick=";return false;) and will make a great location for his first viewing of the movie with all his friends. I promise to post info and pics when it finally comes to pass; we're getting close according to the Theater Director.