One of the small pleasures in life is to receive a brand new leather jacket in the mail!
I mean, can I get a shout out?!!

A new batch of Shrunken Lambskin recently arrived at the Barn. Possibly Wested has never been closer to matching the actual Raiders film leather, as its more recent offering of Shrunken Lamb, in terms of the tanning method, ie veg tanned in the rough.
Believe it or not, there were some specs about the Wested's of old, that were very true to film, especially the RoLA pattern in terms of the collar and pockets, and if you spec'ed it rightly and if they honored your requests, you had a heck of a repro. I sought to have them reproduce some of these details in this newest version. To me, the RoLA is a great fitting pattern, while still retaining the flavor. Here are a few pics., pre-Hero project:

*pics and review to follow when it arrives.