Indyesque vintage jacket

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Indyesque vintage jacket

Post by whipitgood »

I found this on my hunt for vintage jackets. It's a very Indy 1940's motorcycle jacket. Sadly it's too small." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Indyesque vintage jacket

Post by WConly »

That's a cool jacket! Where did you locate it? Looks a bit like a hybrid of "Indy/Skyfall." No wind flap, I note and it also looks (as if pictures are the true guide :-k ) like it could be horse hide. Neat jacket though! What size is it? W>
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Re: Indyesque vintage jacket

Post by whipitgood »

WConly wrote:That's a cool jacket! Where did you locate it? Looks a bit like a hybrid of "Indy/Skyfall." No wind flap, I note and it also looks (as if pictures are the true guide :-k ) like it could be horse hide. Neat jacket though! What size is it? W>
I found it on ebay. The seller specializes in vintage jackets out of the UK. It's funny you mentioned Skyfall, as he has an original 1930's jacket that was the inspiration for that jacket. I was going to buy it, but the sleeves were two inches too short. I believe the Indy style jacket is probably a 36 given the measurements provided.

Here is the Skyfall style jacket." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Indyesque vintage jacket

Post by Texan Scott »

Do you know what type of leather it is?
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Re: Indyesque vintage jacket

Post by whipitgood »

Texan Scott wrote:Do you know what type of leather it is?
The Skyfall is goat. I'm not sure about the Indy style.
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Re: Indyesque vintage jacket

Post by Texan Scott »

Hey, Whipster! I bet we can narrow it down. Is it light weight for heavy? If you can get a close-up of the grain, I bet we could nail it?

Judging by the look of it, it looks heavy, like HH or cow. Being the cheaper hide and more plentiful, that would be a guess, but either cow or lamb.
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Re: Indyesque vintage jacket

Post by whipitgood »

Texan Scott wrote:Hey, Whipster! I bet we can narrow it down. Is it light weight for heavy? If you can get a close-up of the grain, I bet we could nail it?

Judging by the look of it, it looks heavy, like HH or cow. Being the cheaper hide and more plentiful, that would be a guess, but either cow or lamb.

I'm not sure about the weight, as I didn't purchase it due to sizing. It's still at auction if there are any interested members. You just have to find it ;) Here is close-up." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Indyesque vintage jacket

Post by Texan Scott »

.... :-k ....the pebbly texture of the left pocket is kinda pointing me to cow, but that would remain to be seen. HH can be pebbly too.
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Re: Indyesque vintage jacket

Post by whipitgood »

Texan Scott wrote:.... :-k ....the pebbly texture of the left pocket is kinda pointing me to cow, but that would remain to be seen. HH can be pebbly too.

It's hard to say, as it looks very similar to a HH jacket I had some years ago. A cool jacket either way.
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Re: Indyesque vintage jacket

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I SOOOO want that jacket!
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Re: Indyesque vintage jacket

Post by Indy Magnoli »

Any photos of the back?
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Re: Indyesque vintage jacket

Post by whipitgood »

Indy Magnoli wrote:Any photos of the back?" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Indyesque vintage jacket

Post by CM »

No one can tell what leather it is from a photo. Tony Nowak was clear about that. In fact we now know that many WW2 A2's previously though by experts to be horsehide (after actually handling them) have been established by Gary Eastman, a key researcher, to be steerhide. Generally if a vintage jacket is American and heavy it is likely to be horse, if light it is likely to be goat. Over here where horse and goat were never used it's either cow or lamb. It's playing the game of odds.
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