Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Canuck Digger »

So I'm in the process of ordering my very first Indy jacket, a Hero from Wested. I've waited 33 years for this and am very excited! Back in the 80's I had a local leather store that was selling a WW II-type of bomber jacket make some alterations to have it look a bit more Indy... it didn't look particularly Indy, except in very broad strokes, but it was mine and I wore it all the time, so I think this will be a well-loved jacket, since it's bound to be a lot closer than my old one was...

Having said that, I sent in my measurements and was told that since the Hero hangs lower in the back than the general Raiders, that my measurements may be too long. I took them to an inch or so under the belt, and since I wear my pants at the hips (like may men today) and not the waist (or the navel like in the 30'a..), I know the jacket will be a bit longer than most would wear, but then I also have along torso (I'm 6'4" so...), and I want the jacket to at least clear the belt line.

So my question is this, for those who have a Hero, how did you measure the length? How low did you measure to? How high do you wear your trousers?

And thoughts/suggestions?
Kind regards,

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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by indyhan »

hey Franco

congrats on your decision !

strange that you should say that the hero hangs lowre in the back

i was under the opposite impression... i've had a few wested jackets before my hero and the latter is the only one to ride up a bit in the back above the belt line, jsut like a raiders is supposed to

then again, it's the shortest back measurements i've ever orderd (23 inches), my previous wested were all sized longer (24 to 25 inches)

the cut is quite different than an otr raiders (and it's by far my favorite)
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by tomek9210 »

Hi Franco,
I almost as tall as you (191-192cm) and I went with 24" back in my hero jacket. I had custom Raiders and custom Rotla, both were 27" long (26.5 after a lot of wear), so when I ordered hero jacket, I stated the back length as 26" and it was way too long, it seemed longer than both other jackets. So I returned it, paid 80 pounds and had a new jacket made with 24" back. And it's perfect. I also wear my pants at my hips and still the jacket covers my beltline. When I wear higher waisted pants, it still looks cool and not too long.

What length did you choose?
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

The back length on the hero fit is really deceiving. I almost always prefer a 25 inch back length on a standard fit jacket, which brings the bottom hem just below the belt line, hovering a the top of the back pockets. On a hero jacket, I get the same effect with a 23 inch back length. So maybe start with a standard back length and subtract two inches?

Also keep in mind, that the hero fit will have a front length nearly equal to the back length. My Nowak Raiders has both a 23 inch front and back. I certainly wouldn't want the front any longer. (I'm 5' 10") When zipped, it looks normal, but unzipped, the front appears longer than one would expect, while the back rides up a bit. This is evident in many scenes in Raiders. Good luck in your jacket quest!
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Texan Scott »

I guess the question is, how did you measure the back? Typically, it is measured from the bottom of the collar stand. If you have an older version of the Raiders jacket and used the same measurement, then it could be about 2" too much. The reason is because of the Hero collar. If you were to take a RoLA jacket, which is the old pattern, and compared the collar/collar stands and stretched them end to end, the Hero is much longer. Because of the extra collar length, it is cut deeper into the back. Because of that, the overall back length of the Hero jacket will be shorter than an older styled jacket. This is also partly why you have vertical pleating on the front panels of the jacket, because it is due to the extra material. The other part is due to the fact that the breaks in the front panels are because of the natural break on the wearer's upper chest/shoulder and not the shoulder seams of the jacket.
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Canuck Digger »

I don't have ANY Indy jackets, so I really have no way of comparing. All I can do is take normal measurements on normal everyday jackets, which in the case of the back length starting at the bottom of the collar stand on a normal windbreaker or sports jacket and go about an inch past the belt so it's just above the back pocket (so basically right above the bum...) I get 27". I double-checked that on a few of my jackets and that is the reality of my body. Now I don't know how you all go about interpolating this data with Wested because they don't have a chart that says "for the Hero model subtract XX inches from your normal measurement...) you know? I mean I live in Canada so shipping won't be 5 bucks and I would really like to not have to start screwing around back and forth with this.

So here is my question, as simply as I can manage to word it: HOW do you decide how MUCH to subtract from your NORMAL measurements in order to accommodate the Hero cut?

Thank you very much guys, I know this is a really tired subject for most of you, but there's a newb every day isn't there? I tried, lord knows I tried to read up on this (that's what I've been doing for the past 4 years actually-going back even before the Hero became a regular model at Wested!) and I still can't figure this out without having a jacket in my hands!


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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Kt Templar »

I think what you could start with is show them a full length pic of yourself (front and back) in the type of trousers and shirt you normally wear and indicate your height.

This will show them your body type.

Also send them your regular suit jackets size, sleeve length from shoulder tip to normal cuff ending. I would be tempted to allow slightly longer on the sleeve as that can easily be shortened locally but not lengthened.

And then see how you go from there.
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Texan Scott »

You are headed in the right direction, I think. As mentioned, give them your height, suit coat size, long or regular, and they can cut it to fit. If you had an older RoLA pattern, it would be easy, just subtract around 2", but 26-27" sounds about right, for your height. The older RoLA fit like an OTR jacket, so the sizing was easier. BTW, pleading 'canuck' is no excuse, as import law does not exempt you from the jacket police. :P
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by tomek9210 »

I can measure my height tomorrow and take some pics with my hero jacket. As I'm almost of your height, you will be wiser with your order.
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Canuck Digger »

I'm not pleading nuthin' Tex, I'm just saying when you start sending things back and forth like that, with import duties every time, the costs go up real fast and yer still only getting one jacket. Know what I mean jelly bean?

Tomek, yes that would be great! Thank you so much!!

It's just odd to me that the client is somehow supposed to know how to adapt their size to this model... Or maybe I'm just reading things the wrong way... I'm sure it will get sorted out.

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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by CM »

CD, sizes are so subjective that's why it's not straight forward. I am 6'2 and I need a 26 to 27 inch back. However the original jacket word by Mr Ford was only about 23 inches long. He is 6'1. So go figure. It's down to how you like your Indy to fit. Best way to work it is get a short jacket that you like the fit of, measure it and have your jacket made that length.
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by tomek9210 »

Ok, this is how it looks.

I'm 191 cm tall and the jacket has 24 inches back (no collar stand included) and 25,2 inches back (collar stand included). Sleeves are a bit over 27 inches.
Pants I wear here are modern cut chinos. Jacket covers my belt.



I hope that I was of some help :TOH:
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Canuck Digger »

Ya I still have my doubts about HF's height... not sure he is that tall; My brother is 6'2" and he has a bomber jacket and it is a lot longer than 23" and it has the proper bomber length so unless the collar is open three inches down from the neck and he is shorter than 6'1", the numbers just don't add up for me here...

Anyway I'm not trying to start a whole debate about this, I know it's already been done. Fine. I just want to fit MY jacket.

That's what I did, I measured other jackets and gave them the length, but those have a normal cut with the collar closing normally in the back and they still told me it was too long! Anyway it's the weekend and nothing can be done about it now. I will take pics of me with the measuring tape and they will see what's what. Beyond that and short of taking a plane to England, I really don't see what else I can do.

Thanks for your help and input.

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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Canuck Digger »

Ah thanks Tomek!

Ya ok so for me 26" easy! Not so far from the 27" I gave them...

Thanks again!

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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by tomek9210 »

26 inches should be fine. If it will be too long, you can shrink it a bit :CR:
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by moses »

tomek9210 wrote:Ok, this is how it looks.

I'm 191 cm tall and the jacket has 24 inches back (no collar stand included) and 25,2 inches back (collar stand included). Sleeves are a bit over 27 inches.
Pants I wear here are modern cut chinos. Jacket covers my belt.



I hope that I was of some help :TOH:
Nice jacket - is it lambskin? Authentic brown?
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by tomek9210 »

It's a 2 years old dark brown lambskin. I like it very much, I don't need any other Indy jacket. This one is perfect for me :TOH: Wested did great job.
I keep my fingers crossed for you jacket Franco!
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by moses »

I like the look of the db lamb, but I keep thinking about how thin it is - thinner than ab lamb apparently. I wish there was a more robust option in the same colour.
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by MARQ »

Tomek that jacket looks superthin and good!.... how much it weighs?
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by tomek9210 »

I believe it weighs a bit less than 1 kilogram. It is super thinand it drapes beautifully.
What skin did you choose Franco?
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Canuck Digger »

For the longest time I was thinking of the goat, but decided to go with the dark brown lamb in the end. I'm a little nervous about it as I've only ever had cow hide jackets and am unfamiliar with this leather, but I figure if it was good enough for Indy, I'm sure it'll be fine. My only hope is that I'm not opening a can of worms that has me buying jacket after jacket in some elusive quest to find something that will never look on me the way it did on HF... I have my doubts though...

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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

Canuck Digger wrote:My only hope is that I'm not opening a can of worms that has me buying jacket after jacket in some elusive quest to find something that will never look on me the way it did on HF... I have my doubts though...

And so it begins... :twisted:

Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by whipwarrior »

Aw, c'mon, that never happens around here! It's quite unheard of! [-X
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Texan Scott »

....his jacket was actually made of strips of kangaroo hide..but don't tell anyone. :-$
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by ThatManFromRio »

No way , there's no flap on kangaroos' pockets ! ;)
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by tomek9210 »

Dark brown lamb is very thin. You need to wear layers of clothing if you want to feel comfortable when the temperature drops. But last week the temperature here in Warsaw was at about 5 Celsius degrees one morning and despite the fact I was wearing tshirt, jumper and scarf then, I was freezing. This style of jacket is ok for wearing over tshirt, shirt or thin sweater, for about 8-20 some Celsius degrees.

Let us know Franco when you get the jacket! I'm looking forward for some pics :TOH:
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by baddates1 »

Like it has been seen in the past, this thread is worthless without pics.
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Canuck Digger »

@ baddates1,
I haven't even sent in payment, how do you want me to take a pic?

Patience young grasshopper.
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by ChrisMD »

Canuck Digger wrote:@ baddates1,
I haven't even sent in payment, how do you want me to take a pic?

Patience young grasshopper.
You mean you DON'T have a Delorean and some weapons grade plutonium? Rookie!

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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Canuck Digger »

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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Canuck Digger »

Right, so Wested sent me pics of a customer's LC and Hero side by side with the customer wearing a scarf around his hips like a belt to show the difference of how low each model goes with apparently, the very same measurements... So based on this and everything else I've seen and read, I was thinking of 26 1/2" in goat leather. Given my height and the fact I do have a long torso, I'm hoping this is right... Urgh I hate ordering something when not sure how it will fit!!! Argh, #### you Jones!
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by ChrisMD »

Canuck Digger wrote:Right, so Wested sent me pics of a customer's LC and Hero side by side with the customer wearing a scarf around his hips like a belt to show the difference of how low each model goes with apparently, the very same measurements... So based on this and everything else I've seen and read, I was thinking of 26 1/2" in goat leather. Given my height and the fact I do have a long torso, I'm hoping this is right... Urgh I hate ordering something when not sure how it will fit!!! Argh, #### you Jones!
I would go on the long side. Worst case scenario it is "too long". Meaning the jacket will shelter you even more from the elements. I say to heck with "screen accurate"short jackets unless you use it only for costuming. My jackets go with me into the Rockies, I need that length.... For fighting mountain lions barehanded and such... ;)

Michaelson taught me how. He is 134-0. No wonder their numbers are down!

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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Canuck Digger »

When you reach a certain height, things start to work in strange ways... proportions aren't exactly the same and although you can "cheat" certain things (like a short body jacket to elongate your legs etc), you are pretty much stuck with having to contend with certain realities... these include things like a bit too long is probably ok but a bit too short shows up REAL fast, even to the untrained eye! For instance, there is a trend right now on fashion suits to have short hems on the trouser legs (apparently to "show off" your socks... ya I know!) and similarly with the sleeves, well someone 6' can get away with this (though WHY they would want to remains a mystery to me!), but if I try to wear that I'll just end up looking like Frankenstein's monster...

SO I will measure YET again, sleep on it and hopefully make a decision this week.
Thanks again for everyone's feedback!

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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by tomek9210 »

You are 2cm taller (less than one inch). I would go max 26 inches, 25.5 probably (no collarstand included). In my opinion, there is no point in having hero, true Raiders jacket with too long back, because it just doesn't look right.
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by moses »

For what it's worth, I'm 181cm and my last Hero jacket was 24" in the back, which was perfect on me.
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by tomek9210 »

Could you post some pics Moses?
We are 10cm apart in height and we chose the same jacket length :-k
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Texan Scott »

I have a Hero in 24" back length and it is just a fit (for me), but I think your specs are in the ballpark (for you). Too tall (Indy) Jones. :P
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by moses »

This was 24 back and 25 sleeves if I remember correctly



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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Canuck Digger »

So I'm thinking a 26" back and 26 1/2" sleeves on a size 46 jacket (I'm 45 'round the chest). Keep in mind this will probably shrink a wee bit and the sleeve can always be taken in a bit...

Taken from base of collar stand:

Taken from "normal" shoulder seem:

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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by tomek9210 »

It should be perfect. Don't wait anymore and order it tomorrow :TOH:
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Texan Scott »

I think you are on the right track, Franco. You've accounted for the eccentricities of this particular pattern, and that is where it is.
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Kt Templar »

Definitely show them the pics. I don't think they believed how big you were...


They have had a few returns for people ordering longer then they needed due to using the older standardised shape patterns as a guide. But your pics are proof you need 26 (ish).
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Canuck Digger »

Well thanks to you guys I went from my original 27" down to a more Indy 26"... I could have gone with 25 1/2" but for my body I think the overall look will be better served with that extra inch. As for the sleeve, there too I think a slightly shorter sleeve is probably a more accurate measurement, but for one thing sleeves CAN be shortened and once it's broken in with a few arm wrinkles, it may shrink slightly so It may not be that big a deal.

I lost a lot of weight in the last year and a half and went from a tight size 48 to a 44-46 (my new suit is a 44, but it isn't made to fit like an Indy jacket either...). I am what I am and I will never be the same size as HF, I have to take what I have and make it work, and when it comes to clothes a good fit looks better than trying to stick to a number.

BTW, I placed my order in today and they will get it when they open Monday morning.

I will naturally post pics when it gets here. Thanks again everyone for your help, it's been a harrowing experience to say the least!

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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Texan Scott »

I dunno, something tells me we are going to be in for it.... :-k ... 1084%3B850" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Canuck Digger »

Trying to say something here?
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Texan Scott »

.... :P !!
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Canuck Digger »

I'm a guy, I don't do "hints"
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Texan Scott »

With these specs, you may start a new trend, Franco. The Indy leather greatcoat. :P
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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by Indiego Jones »

All depends if you pursuit a "screen-accurate" jacket fit, or a jacket that fits you in the way you like?
OR....a little bit of both worlds.
Where the pockets and collar dimensions must be proportional adjusted.

With a 45" chest (at maximum inhaling, I pressume), and 6'4" height (weight is VERY important), if you are on the slim side, my suggestion would be:

* for SA look: size 44 w/25" back
* for a more everyday "wearable" fit: size 44 w/26" back

The next guy is 6'4" height - 47" chest - about 240 pounds

Jacket is a S&J (not Wested). Is a 48 size + 26" back + 25" front. Pockets and collar are proportional to this jacket sizing.
A little bit of both worlds.

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Re: Soon to be part of the Hero club!

Post by moses »

Texan Scott wrote:With these specs, you may start a new trend, Franco. The Indy leather greatcoat. :P
I don't see why. He is 10cm taller than me. I had a 24" back and he is going for a 26" back. Seems Ok to me.
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