It's not often I frequent this place these days and it's been a long time since I've worn a fedora! However, on a recent trip to Italy I decided to take along an old hat that I thought I had donated to the church jumble last year - seems my wife rescued it! It was fun to wear a fedora again, especially visiting ancient historic sites.
The MKVII is the only bit of other gear I have and it sees regular use - it's become my travel bag in which I keep my travel journel and watercolours.
Who knows..might have to consider getting a jacket again..
What ever you do,don´t lose the hat,it looks great on you! Great to see and hear from you in COW again,speaking of jacket..get one and keep it.Trust me,it´ll look good on ya.Don´t take it so seriously,it´s only a "piece of leather"
It's also just a hobby. Just enjoy it at your own pace and heck with everyone else. It's supposed to be fun and occupy your spare time as you go along. The hat has always looked good on you as has the jacket. Just roll with it.
It was the revamped Christies, if I'm not mistaken? What was it, Top Secret hats? It made a fine likeness, I thought. If you get tired of it again, nothing wrong with hanging the jacket back, putting the fedora away in storage for awhile?
baddates1 wrote:Well is one of them a Penman? Pics No.1 and 2 look like ones.
I can guarantee you, if John said: 'No,' then none are his. He knows his own work and the work of others....does this mean: "Only The Penman Knows (wicked laugh here ) !" W>
baddates1 wrote:I'm sorry. I just thought by looking at the felt it was his.
No need for apology! I just trust John and if he says it is not his work, then it isn't, that's all. I am starting to lean towards the Christy angle, the more I look at it, but until we know -- it's all a big mystery. Have a great day...maybe 'Whiskey' will get back with us and drop the suspense . W>
Yes, the hat is a Christies - not the Adventurer, but the other model that Top Secret hats released. It never really fit until I ripped out the sweatband and lining. I'm suprised it still looks OK considering how it's been treated over the years.
Although the colour looks different in the pics, it's the same hat - just different lighting.