I have read a LOT of threads on various distressing for different leathers. But I think this is a first.
Let me preface this by saying that as an actor, I have come to realize the importance of moisturizing to keep your skin healthy and younger looking (to prevent ageing!). You Never wash with regular soap. (yeah, I realized it too late, wise guy). I have also noticed how in the winter, the heater in my house is so dry that I still get drying skin issues.
That said, it occurred to me to try combining that knowledge with the often suggested "wetting" method. I used a sponge to wet down an older Todds OTR that still looked pretty shiny, and it definitely took down the shine. So I decided to take my "new" (latest run with great striated lamb) Todds into the shower. I zipped it so as to not soak the inside. I got it all wet then lathered up with regular bar soap. The kind that dries out your skin. Ahhhh =) Then I rinsed it off and towel dried and twisted it up ant threw it on the floor like an old towel.
This step is to loosen up the leather like well worn style and knock off the shine.
Next I'll hang it or flop it under a heater vent which will really damage the skin, drying it out like ageing. Right now it looks like this all wet on a Toht hanger:

I'll post again when the results are in. I'm interested to know if anyone has tried the soap method...or the "this house needs a humidifier" method.