MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

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MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by mojoturbo »

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Hey, I woulda posted here, but the last entry was from 2009 and I didn't know how ya'll felt about resurrecting dead threads? Hey. it's ARCHAEOLOGY!


My question is about the MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase or more importantly the strap. There are tons of pics from one side, but zero pics of the "other side" my question is - can you take the strap off? I mean, without cutting it? Is it riveted on or what?

Curious if either part can be salvaged to be used for something else.

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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by Kt Templar »

The strap is pleather, and too short.

It's only use is landfill.
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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by mojoturbo »

I'm only 5'5 so 52" will work just fine for me. My question still stands, how is it attached?


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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by auntsugar »

A real MK VII is dirt cheap.
CostumeBase is junk--get the real thing, bud.

To answer your question--you'd cut off the old strap and attach a new one, like we do on the MK VI.

But, just get a real MK VII. Todd got some in.
What Price Glory has them, too.
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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by mojoturbo »

Hey, everybody thanks for the responses. I guess I am not being clear enough and that's my fault.

I got a real-deal bag from Todd's. So I am not so much worried about that.

My question is about the Costume Base Imitation bag - and if anyone has seen how the imitation leather strap is attached?
I know it is a loop and buckle on one side (which is easily removed) but how is the other side attached? Is it a screw? Or is it bolted on?

Thank you for your answers.
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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by Michaelson »

Most folks use 'Chicago' screws to attach the strap, regardless of maker.

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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by mojoturbo »

yes, :) that is what I am asking. Does cotumebase use a Chicago screw to attach the strap?
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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by Michaelson » ... ub=8742570" onclick=";return false;

Why don't you write them and ask directly?

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by mojoturbo »

Good question, although I have dealt with them in the past with other costumes and I know English is not their first language. I just figured this being the Indiana Jones forum and it was filled with expert knowledge and advice - somebody would know the answer. I've searched the forums and I know that many members own it. So I was asking for "personal knowledge"

Sometimes you can get better information from the buyers than the sellers.

But I will take your advice and ask them directly. THANKS!

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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by Michaelson »

Not trying to dodge the question, but based on the lack of replies, I'm figuring that other than the negative comments, no one has one of these bags in in their collection order to give you the requested information. There are too many GOOD bags out there for less money (expert advice WAS given above, as you hoped), so folks apparently never purchased one? :-k

That said, their photos sure don't give you a good look at that side of the bag either, so it may be a fair guess it could be riveted rather than a Chicago screw too. That would be the cheap way to go.

Good luck in your search. :TOH:

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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by mojoturbo »

no such luck - CB says its not removable and that it is a sewn loop
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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by Michaelson »

That really doesn't surprise me. If you think about it, the fewer hand operations they have to perform to attach items, like hand attaching a screw, the less they have to pay to have the items made.

Thing is, you won't be able to detach the strap to wash the bag, so it's a pretty 'one note' item. Just wear it.....tear it up....order another.

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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by Texan Scott »

The best advice I could give you, Mojo, would be to buy a leather strap from Make-It-Jones. His are top quality and he gives you 3 buckles, as well. Think it over, and then shoot for quality and to keep awhile. ;)
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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by mojoturbo »

who is this make-it-Jones gentlemen, this is the first I've heard is name.


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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by Protoss »

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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by Texan Scott »

Here are links to the work he does:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by mojoturbo »

ah yes, I've seen his work on "the bay" in the past - good work
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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by auntsugar »

Or, since you're just getting into Indy Gear--make your own strap.
This is a great first project, and was one of mine!
They're inexpensive to do, and pretty much all supplies can be bought from Tandy Leather.
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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by mojoturbo »

I did make my own belts for Jack Sparrow. Punched, tanned and cut the whole nine.


Has someone posted a "tandy tutorial?"


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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by auntsugar »

mojoturbo wrote:
Has someone posted a "tandy tutorial?"


Don't think so, but it's really simple.

Or--might be cheaper to get a WPG strap at $12.00

For a tut, you just get your strip and punch holes first.
Then dye and let dry.

Attach buckle.

Then, wrap ends through bag loops and attach with Chicago screws.
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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by mojoturbo »

Todd's strap is $20 who is WPG?

For wearing the strap, I assume the tongue is "behind" on the front. You never see it.
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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by davidd »

Here's a link to my gear photo set on Flickr. The first few photos are close-ups of the Costumebase bag attachment points. Later in the set you'll find side-by-side comparison photos of the Costumebase bag and a Magnoli bag: ... 202404067/" onclick=";return false;

The Costumebase bag lasted for quite a while with "real world" use; in fact, the fabric body of the bag tore at the strap connecting point halfway through my rim to rim hike across the Grand Canyon when I overloaded the bag with three full Gatorade bottles.

I salvaged the "pleather" strap by prying open the brass connecting rings with pliers and a screwdriver. I used the same fake leather strap on my first Magnoli bag... and the cheap strap has outlasted the Magnoli bag! Yup, the strap connecting point tore out of the Magnoli bag just like it did with the Costumebase bag. I pried open the black metal rings on the Magnoli bag with pliers to install the Costumebase strap.

I actually prefer the C-Base strap for day to day use. It's more supple than the Magnoli leather strap I have on my second Magnoli bag. In fact, I was using the C-Base strap on my Magnoli during the "Pillar of Darkness 1913" expedition with Snakewhip Sable last summer. See photos in this topic: ... f+darkness" onclick=";return false;

At the risk of incurring the wrath of the leather strap purists, I fully endorse the Costumebase "pleather" bag strap as an inexpensive, functional alternative to a leather strap.

I think my response and the photos on my Flickr page should answer your questions. You were correct in your assumption that somebody here would know the answer to your question. I apologize for the late response, I haven't been around in a few months.
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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by mojoturbo »

Thanks for the response, I have however moved on to my own research:" onclick=";return false;
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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by davidd »

There you go! Similar to my comparison shots, only I had a Magnoli bag rather than a Todd's.

I still think the Costumebase bag strap is an adequate "looks good enough from a distance" strap to use with any of the bags.

So now... what are the differences between the Magnoli and the Todd's bags? :-k

Actually, I have a newer Magnoli bag and an older version. I like the older version much better – slightly heavier fabric and a double bottom, considerably more durable. My first Magnoli bag actually outlasted my second one.

A difference between the Magnoli bags and the C-Base bag is that when the C-Base bag ripped, I threw it out. The Magnoli bags I could stitch up and keep using.
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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by Snakewhip_Sable »

I haven't used a Costumebase bag, but their holster and gun belt have lasted me a long time. The holster eventually failed because I was putting heavy replica guns in it and then I ran about, but the belt is still going strong. I wouldn't dismiss their stuff. Especially for the budget minded. It's pretty good.
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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by mojoturbo »

AGREED - I have the gun belt and could not be happier

Here is my side by side comparison of the bags" onclick=";return false;
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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by car96 »

On the Todd's bag strap, how do you get the buckle off and replace with the other buckle he sells?

The screw is not a Chicago screw on that end.

I am talking about the buckle that ultimately sits across your chest once the bag strap is attached and you are wearing the bag across your shoulder hanging at your hip.
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Re: MK II Gas Mask Bag from Costumebase (II)

Post by knibs7 »

You have to cut it off
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