Indy shirt questions..please help!

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Indy shirt questions..please help!

Post by Toldog07 »

I've been out of the loop for a while so im trying to catch up, what is the most screen accurate shirt available these days? As far as look and feel?

Also, what is the consensus on the best overall shirt in terms of screen accuracy and durability??
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Re: Indy shirt questions..please help!

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Ask 100 gearheads and you'll get 100 different answers. :?

Like everything in this hobby, 'the best' is completely subjective.

All the vendors: Magnoli, Todd's, WPG, Azuma (and I'm probably forgetting one or more) have their plusses and minuses. In some cases it depends on which movie you are after, in others the particular batch of shirts from a maker as materials and colors change over time.

My best advise, read to get caught up and then make your own decision based on matching reviews to what you are looking for.


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Re: Indy shirt questions..please help!

Post by westy1970 »

I can only speak to the Wested and What Price Glory shirts. The Wested shirt is VERY light weight and not very SA. I think the WPG is more SA but you have to order one size larger than you normally wear and it is NOT a "wash and wear" shirt. I have ironed the @#$% out of mine and still can't get it to look nice so it's going to the dry cleaners. Hope this helped a little.
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Re: Indy shirt questions..please help!

Post by RaidersBash »

For me, I have 6 or 7 Todd's. Some guys find the color off, but I think they look great, feel great, and get better color with age. Todd has spent a lot of time getting the design right (I believe using screen used shirts for the research).

Good luck with your quest.

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Re: Indy shirt questions..please help!

Post by fifthchamber »

I love my Azuma....Spot on in nearly all that it needed to be spot on in...

I also have a Magnoli, and love that just as much (since it's a fitted shirt, FOR me, rather than a general size) but I'd place the Azuma just slightly ahead in design and accuracy...

Both of them kill the other shirts I've seen for exact details, but it depends on how much you care about the 1cm difference in collar width or pleat size..Etc...

Todds (new ones looked good...Not sure if he's making them yet?)

I would say.
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Re: Indy shirt questions..please help!

Post by westy1970 »

Todd's doesn't have any currently and not planning on getting any for a while. Same with pants and other stuff from Coyles. He's out of most Indy items and that was the reply I got when I emailed him about it. I think he is waiting so he can place a big order all at once or maybe Coyles is out of stock.
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Re: Indy shirt questions..please help!

Post by indyexpat »

These posts update so quickly and though the same questions get asked over and over, I'm grateful that they're answered as I'd never heard about the WPG shirts before. They look great and come in numerous sizes.

I've had Todd shirts before and they're great though I have the original colour. Has anyone got the new stone colour shirts? Thoughts, photos?
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Re: Indy shirt questions..please help!

Post by DiCatania »

I just received my WPG shirt a couple of weeks ago. It is spot on and the quality of the shirt is beyond expectation. You will be very impressed with the shirt. Order the shirt in the size you usually purchase shirts. I ordered a XL long because I needed the length in the sleeves. It is very long in the back but still fits great. .
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Re: Indy shirt questions..please help!

Post by Whitman »

DiCatania wrote:I just received my WPG shirt a couple of weeks ago. It is spot on and the quality of the shirt is beyond expectation. You will be very impressed with the shirt. Order the shirt in the size you usually purchase shirts. I ordered a XL long because I needed the length in the sleeves. It is very long in the back but still fits great. .

+1 (impressed with WPG shirt)
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Re: Indy shirt questions..please help!

Post by chuck2003 »

I like my WPG its probably the closest thing out there besides an original noel howard.....only complaint is they seem to run long might have them a call and see if they have a regular size....long is REALLY long
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Re: Indy shirt questions..please help!

Post by MARQ »

All I can say that Todd´s shirt is great,great and....great! And now with the new colour..better. :tup: ;) :TOH:
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Re: Indy shirt questions..please help!

Post by Texan Scott »

Anyone with a WPG in a Large?
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Re: Indy shirt questions..please help!

Post by Kt Templar »

The thick shirts are wrong...

Just sayin'
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Re: Indy shirt questions..please help!

Post by bullit »

Don't forget about the Adventurebilt's pretty awesome. 8)

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Re: Indy shirt questions..please help!

Post by micsteam »

The WPG shirts, depending on what batch run (my latest was not soo great and had nothing to do with fabric but color and button color), are period correct with the type of fabric. I have an old WPG, prob 4-5 years old, and it mimic's Raiders almost exactly !! I've had real WWI WWII and safari type shirts from period and WPG shirt is a great shirt !! Is it a Noel Howard MBA shirt ?? Probably not as the Noel Howard movie shirts were made in very thin fabric. My two cents... :TOH:
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Re: Indy shirt questions..please help!

Post by Solent MKIII »

:tup: I really like the WPG as well. The details are very good, the color is spot-on, and after a wash and a line dry, it wrinkles up in all the right places just like the film shirt. Ordered a 2XL long and it fits great ( and the extra length stays tucked in nicely - I can't stand short-length shirts that pull out with the slightest twist or turn. ](*,) )

Re: Indy shirt questions..please help!

Post by whipwarrior »

The overall consensus is that while accuracy varies in the shirt details, nobody except Noel Howard has sourced the correct fabric. I was recently delving into the old IndyFan archives, researching some information for a post about my fedora, when I discovered an interesting bit of information that hasn't been brought up on this forum (at least to my knowledge). Somebody mentioned that Noel Howard sourced his Indy shirt fabric from Switzerland. So the authentic material is a khaki / beige Swiss cotton poplin. When I punched that into Google search, this was the first result listed:" onclick=";return false;

The cream color appears spot-on to my original Noel Howard shirts. I'm not sure about the currency conversion rate, but it's certainly worth a look if somebody would like to get a sample to match up. If this is the real deal, it could revolutionize the Indy shirt market. :TOH:
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