The closet caper....?

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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The closet caper....?

Post by Texan Scott »

I've often wrestled with what to do with certain jackets in my closet. Some do not get much use, and are obviously just hanging around. The only reason why I haven't is because I am partial to some. Take for instance, this Wested RoLA. Don't absolutely need it, but was made prior to the Hero project. It could be about the best fitting Raiders that I own. The collar is spot on to the film jacket. I had thought to keep a good example of a RoLA, pre-Hero. One thing that has changed over the years, is that I no longer need to find a jacket that is spot on with the movie. You sorta' learn to live with the minor details that are not exactly spot on, but they do tend to grow on you. I've pared it down to 7 now, and I think I may keep a good copy of each of the vendors eventually, just so I'll not have to buy them again. Who knows what will happen if a vendor, or a couple decide to step out of the game, eventually? Tastes change over the years, and perhaps vendors will too? Better to find one that you really like and be satisfied with it.

Anyway, have you made sense of your own closet caper?
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Re: The closet caper....?

Post by Indiana Jeff »


Two jackets. The Wested my Bride got me for our anniversary back in 2000 and a veg-tanned goat G&B that's bounced around among several of the Mods over the years.

The rest of my closet is chock full of other movie or TV related jackets.


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Re: The closet caper....?

Post by Michaelson »

Texan Scott wrote:Anyway, have you made sense of your own closet caper?
Nope, I have not, but it's all been due to this weird winter we've had to date. :roll:

My main jacket is my Expo, but it doesn't layer all that great as it's more form fitting and great with a just a shirt, or a shirt and vest....but when it gets in the low 50's, I pull out my cowhide Magnoli which does allow layering and it's heavier weight material......that is, until we got temps like we did last week with wind chills below zero, which caused me to need to layer even MORE than before, and called for the pulling out of my horsehide Wings jacket that is roomier and allows for a LOT more clothes to be worn underneath.

So, yes.....and no. :|

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: The closet caper....?

Post by Texan Scott »

I think that early on in the hobby, a guy tends to look for the very jacket, as Ford wore on film. I mean, you want that very jacket, to capture that flavor. It's part of the dilemma in the hobby, I think. You sort of accept it. Then you realize, that very jacket is not possible, and maybe its a good thing, that this one jacket that everyone aspires to, was only found on him, and that I need to find my jacket, the one that I can write my own stories with? I have a good LC likeness in copper novapelle, and the rest are Raiders, but capturing that lightning in a bottle, of features, etc. is no longer the priority it once was, and that's ok. The good thing is that we have a few vendors in the forum that have significantly narrowed the gap, from the jackets of old. This could be the very golden age of Indy jackets, so get them while you can... :mrgreen:
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Re: The closet caper....?

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

I have one Indy jacket, an Expo. It works for me and 99.5% of the people who see it don't know and don't care about the small details. I get more Indy comments when I wear my A2.

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Re: The closet caper....?

Post by Ridgerunner58 »

As sacrilegious as it may seem, despite having 3 TNOs, 3 US Wings, 3 Westeds and 1 Kelso, along with various G-1 and A-2 jackets, I wear my less practical (2 slash pockets - no inside or cargo pockets) Levis Vintage Skyfall jacket in preference. :-$

The much maligned distressed sheepskin leather acts more like what I think "The Jacket" should do than any of the others. :[
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Re: The closet caper....?

Post by Gorak »

I think I once had a jacket from every vendor in my tiny closet, even some doubles( and triples with all the Wested and US wings variations) but, this day I have, in order of use, my Relic Hunter, a Wested Hero, an old version Todd's and a Wested that sits on my display. And hopefully soon I will be the proud owner of Steele & Jones distressed version. My jackets wants and desires are completely fulfilled with that set and I wanted to add a Steele and Jones as ,they produced such great fedoras, I can imagine their attention to detail on the jacket as a fan is probably just as amazing!
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Re: The closet caper....?

Post by CM »

These days I'm into minimalism. I used to have 28 leather jackets. I now have one Indy and 3 others. I'm a big believer in not having much stuff.
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Re: The closet caper....?

Post by Charybdis »

Oh, I would love to have many more leather jackets, mainly A2s, since those are my favorites. I currently have 3 A2s and my US Wings Indy jacket along with a cotton A2 as well.

I sold off an older A2 that I just wasn't wearing as much to fund my purchase of the Indy jacket last year. I mostly wear the A2s because they are a bit thicker than the Indy, but I try to wear them all when the mood strikes me. Just depends on the weather that day! Goatskin is my favorite.

Right now I am in the market to try and get a goat Indy jacket but need the funds...
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Re: The closet caper....?

Post by jnicktem »

During my time here I have owned countless Indy jackets. I really can't even begin to count all of the different ones I have owned.

And after all of those jackets I am down to just three jackets.

1) Tony Nowak CS (I've kept it because it IS what it is!)

2) Tony Nowak Raiders in a vintage Shrunken Lambskin (it's one of the coolest best made jackets I have ever owned!)

3) Wested Hero Raiders from the first batch of shrunken Lambskin (it's a good jacket for the price- and I like to wear it because I'm not too worried about wrecking it since I've already beat it against rocks and drowned it).
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Re: The closet caper....?

Post by auntsugar »

My Wested goat.
Been around the world with me in several adventures, still fits--and is my "go-to" every time.
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Re: The closet caper....?

Post by DiCatania »

Depending on the time of year, I have two go to jackets. Winter time I grab my Copper Novapelle Wested Last Crusade made to my specifications (warmest jacket I have ever owned). The rest of the year it's my Wested Hero jacket in Shrunkin Lamb. I sold all the rest of my jackets. I didn't see the need to have anymore (my wife may have contributed in making me get rid of them). :-k
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