Opinions of the Hero Fit

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Opinions of the Hero Fit

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

I'm looking for your opinions of the screen accurate Raiders "Hero" fit. I want to work under the assumption that this is the real-deal authentic pattern, as re-created by Tony Nowak using an actual screen-used Raiders jacket. Let's accept that as fact, although there still may be some skeptics out there. What I want to know, for those that own one (be it TNO, Wested Hero, Bill Kelso Mfg, or even Todd's most recent update), do you like the the authentic hero fit? Yes, I know, it definitely gives the look of Ford's jacket in Raiders, but do you actually prefer the way it fits to a standard fit jacket?

I'm asking because, for as awesome as my TNO Raiders is, the fit is just so odd. Whenever I slip on a standard fit jacket, I think to myself, "oh, right, that's how a jacket is supposed to fit." What do you guys think?

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Re: Opinions of the Hero Fit

Post by CM »

I think it's pretty well established here that the film jacket is a very strange pattern. Tony once described it as a !!!!!! mess. I personally can't see much difference in the look of this or a properly cut Indy jacket. The key issue for me is if you are not a similar build to Ford no jacket will look quite the same.
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Re: Opinions of the Hero Fit

Post by chuck2003 »

I think the love for all things Indy makes most people look past the hero jackets fitting like @#$%. To me they always feel a bit strange wearing them but that doesnt matter because it IS Indys jacket and thats all that matters. Thats also part of the reason I bought a wested custom to have the overall look and good fit and then bought a bill kelso for the true authentic look....Or atleast thats how I rationalize buying two jackets :lol:
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Re: Opinions of the Hero Fit

Post by WConly »

I have a Wested Hero (picked up from Zorak -- here) that fits me fine. My size -- could have been 'my custom' order to begin with. Look good in it and all is well, except that truthfully, for me, I am much more comfortable overall with an LC/CS cut jacket, etc. I am fortunate in the fact that had I acquired this style/fit, etc. in previous years, it would not have looked as good as it does now on me, but I am still much more at ease with the others. Hector (Zorak) looks like he was 'made' for the jacket, just as Ford did at the time of 'Raiders.' They look at ease and comfortable in them. I look ok, but don't always feel that way. It requires adjustment of attitude, more then anything and I am still, even though I love the jacket, having an 'attitude' issue with it. Hope this helps, a bit, anyway. W>
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Re: Opinions of the Hero Fit

Post by jnicktem »

I have or have owned a TN Raiders, Wested Hero, and BK Relic Hunter. I am all too aware of the Raiders fit. If I am wearing a Raiders jacket- I want it to fit like a Raiders jacket. If I am not wearing a Raiders jacket- then I want it to fit like a regular jacket.

It's when a regular jacket fits like a Raiders jacket you know something is off.
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Re: Opinions of the Hero Fit

Post by Texan Scott »

I think you answered your own question but you can only answer the other. The Hero incorporates the quirks. With the Rola, the pattern is more standardized, in that the shoulder seams are centered on the top of the shoulders and the sleeve/shoulder seams are fitted. The Hero features most all the essentricities that look cool on film. The collar is cut deep into the back, and it is longer than the Rola. If the shoulder seams are centered on top of the shoulders, move them back about one inch or so, for the Hero. Coupled with the deeper inset cut, it gives you the off the back feature of the collar. Sleeve and shoulder seams are extended past the natural fall of the shoulders, making the sleeves seem about 1-2 inches longer than your usual order. Because the shoulder seams are pushed back, the material drapes at the natural break on your shoulder, the upper curvature. The Hero is not your conventional A-2 knockoff, yet the quirks produced that iconic look....better to look good than to feel good...
Last edited by Texan Scott on Sun Dec 01, 2013 10:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Opinions of the Hero Fit

Post by WConly »

Texan Scott wrote:I think you answered your own question but you can only answer the other. The Hero incorporates the quirks. With the Rola, the pattern is more standard in that the shoulder seams are centered on the top of the shoulders and the sleeve/shoulder seams are fitted. The Hero features most all the essentricities that look cool on film. The collar is cut deep into the back, so it is longer than the Rola. If the shoulder seams are centered on top of the shoulders, move them back about one inch or so. Coupled with the deeper cut, gives you the off the back feature of rhe collar. Sleeve and shoulder seams are extended past the natural fall of the shoulders, making the sleeves seem about 1-2 inches longer than your usial order. Because the shoulder seams are pushed back, the material drapes at the tnattural break on your shoulder. The Hero is not your conventional A-2 knockoff, yet the quirks produced that iconic look....better to look good than to feel good... :P
Well stated...I was just thinking about my post and you said what I was attempting to (poorly) put down in words -- "It' is a great film jacket! W>
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Re: Opinions of the Hero Fit

Post by Texan Scott »

And therein lies your dilemma. Pre-TN, How many times did members start threads complaining about why their Wested's just did not look like the film jacket? One of the reasons for the vertical pleating of the leather material in front is because the top of the chest/shoulder forms the natural break instead of the shoulder seams, off the back feature of the collar, etc. There is madness to the method. :twisted:

Yet the RoLA is probably the most comfortable Indy jacket I own. G&B is right in there, as well.
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Re: Opinions of the Hero Fit

Post by WConly »

Texan Scott wrote:And therein lies your dilemma. Pre-TN, How many times did members start threads complaining about why their Wested's just did not look like the film jacket? One of the reasons for the vertical pleating of the leather material in front is because the top of the chest/shoulder forms the natural break instead of the shoulder seams, off the back feature of the collar, etc. There is madness to the method. :twisted:

Yet the RoLA is probably the most comfortable Indy jacket I own. G&B is right in there, as well.
Exactly! And, if one does not wear the jacket, as it is designed to be worn, it will look off-skew! As if it fits 'funny,' if you will. If you wear it, as it is built, it looks fine, otherwise -- you have the issues, you describe. My one ROTLA (Black Goat) is perfect, minus the sleeves being a bit too wide, but overall it is a great fit and still looks 'Raiders' in nature. But, I don't have to constantly, be concerned about how the jacket is balanced on my torso. It just rides by itself. My Hero, is another story. Again, it looks good on, but is not as comfortable, as the ROTLA, or my two LC/CS jackets. W>
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Re: Opinions of the Hero Fit

Post by Texan Scott »

I would say that if you already have a TN Raiders jacket, then you already have a jacket that is closely tied to the Raiders archives source, no? In fact, the closest tie. Why then would you want another save for skin type, etc.? I know that TN was fond of using bullet proof skins, etc... :P ....but his first generation SL (Shanghi Jack) was right on the mark. The thin goatskin jackets (Raider S) he produced really replicated the look as well. I was not a fan of the 747 though, not in a Raiders jacket at least. There are characteristics in certain cuts and thicknesses of the leather that really retain the flavor of a Raiders jacket, whether or not they are intended to be exact replications of the film jacket, and one is thinness. Thick, LC type hides do not drape or reproduce the look as well as the thinner hides, and I'll throw the disclaimer out there once again, so we do not get too legalistic...generally speaking. Super thin-overkill-not quite; thicker-not exactly, retains more of the LC flavor. There have been some really nice Raiders jackets made with thicker hides, but if you are striving for historical accuracy, I think the thinner versions reproduce the look and drape better. Depends on what you are wanting, though. If I was going for accuracy, I would be looking at around .8 to .9mm striated/veg tanned lamb/sheep that was tanned in the rough. Peter's SL could be as close as he has ever been, jmo. BK hit a home run in that dept.
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Re: Opinions of the Hero Fit

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

Thanks for the opinions, guys. Don't get me wrong, it is awesome that we can get the authentic pattern for this jacket. Sometimes, though, it does seem odd having such a peculiar fit in the shoulders and the back of the neck. Whenever I put my Wested standard Raiders on, while looking different than the real deal, I can't help but notice how well it fits. Funny, what fickle souls we are...

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Re: Opinions of the Hero Fit

Post by backstagejack »

An interesting read.
I was aware of the eccentricities of the Hero jacket and was and still am excited about it being available. I had been searching for this jacket as a kid for years and years. One day, after the ad vent of the web (thanks Al Gore) I found Indygear.com and within a year, I had saved enough money to buy from Wested (300 bucks was alot back then).
Not being on this forum (was it around in 1998?) I though all I had to do was go to wested.com, and order the Raider's jacket and all would be well.
The jacket came and I loved it. Still do (wore it last night). But over the years and since being on this forum, I started to like it less and less. Being the pre-2000 cut, I have the infamous "clown collar" as well as a few things that now stand out like a sore thumb to me. (and after 14 years of wear, the sleeves are insanely short on me.

Then the Hero came out and that's all I want now..... yet, here we are, hahaha. After reading this it makes me wonder if the "Hero" is really what I want... I LOVE the indy jacket in the movies, but don't want to sacrifice my comfort, etc just for looks.
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Re: Opinions of the Hero Fit

Post by Texan Scott »

I've been where you are, at a crossroads with the pattern vs. fit. I liked the details of the Hero, but the fit of the Rola. Peter worked with me on them and that is what I received. The two do not have to be mutually exclusive.
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Re: Opinions of the Hero Fit

Post by Indiego Jones »

Forrest For the Trees wrote:Gearheads,
I'm looking for your opinions of the screen accurate Raiders "Hero" fit. I want to work under the assumption that this is the real-deal authentic pattern, as re-created by Tony Nowak using an actual screen-used Raiders jacket. Let's accept that as fact, although there still may be some skeptics out there. What I want to know, for those that own one (be it TNO, Wested Hero, Bill Kelso Mfg, or even Todd's most recent update), do you like the the authentic hero fit? Yes, I know, it definitely gives the look of Ford's jacket in Raiders, but do you actually prefer the way it fits to a standard fit jacket?

I'm asking because, for as awesome as my TNO Raiders is, the fit is just so odd. Whenever I slip on a standard fit jacket, I think to myself, "oh, right, that's how a jacket is supposed to fit." What do you guys think?

Forrest, I think the original RAIDERS pattern is beautiful.
Not a perfect fit, offcourse, but IMO, a work of art.
I learned about the pattern making job. I had to. In particular on the RAIDERS style.
Of the Indy jackets you mention, only 2 are "pureblood" RAIDERS pattern. TNO & KELSO.

My answer to your question is yes. I like very much the authentic hero fit.
With the zipper open, the jacket moves off my shoulders freely, like a cape.
When zipped, I still have enough room on my chest, an appearance of a reduced waist, not too short in the back, and at the same time, long enough in the front.

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Re: Opinions of the Hero Fit

Post by MARQ »

My only..gripe is the "off-the-shoulder" factor..Wested website has,to me,ideal looking jacket at the combo section.That jacket is how I picture the One True Jacket.. :tup: [-o<
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