Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs
You checked this thread out? You may find it of interest if you haven't.MARQ wrote:.I´d like to have a fedora but "the top of the lines" are so freaking expensive.It gets me mad.....
MARQ wrote:..are they any good? I mean the fedora that we "had" to suggest a name for.It looked great to me and really would like to see some opinions and perhaps images about how they´ve held up.I wish Todd would get them back to the stock.The resent ones were not that awesome.I´d like to have a fedora but "the top of the lines" are so freaking expensive.It gets me mad..(Me Thinks...Anybody gotta AB or Penman in 60cm to spare?
) And to those who own an Advintage Fed´s; opinions would be great as well...
+1.Texan Scott wrote:Depends on what you want, but Garrison sells a custom Raiders for $200. Steve sells his for $300. Both custom, and within a budget, ie its doable.
I think the contemporary school of thought is that 5.5 inches is the open crown height, versus bashed? Any input from the fedora gurus?Dr. Jones, Jr. wrote:Incidentally, I looked up Garrison hatters and the crown on their hat is 5 inches instead of 5 1/2. Not very long, but it does make a considerable difference if you're a detail freak like I am (Dad gum it, why doesn't my center dent look as deep as his?!?!?.
Dr. Jones, Jr.
Thank you for the referral.Dr. Jones, Jr. wrote:I would definitely check out the Steele-Jones website. They have hats from all 4 movies, great customer service and they will custom-bash your hat, too. When you first look, you'll probably think "What! $250 for a hat?!" but when you consider that it's custom-made, custom-bashed, and you think of all the frustration you will go through trying to get something that's not SA to look exactly right, or you buy something inferior in quality and end up with a hole in the crown less than a year after purchase like I did, it starts to seem worth it in a hurry. It will also save money when you consider buying a lesser quality hat year after year. For instance, you can spend $250 once, or you can spend $100-$150 three or four times and wind up spending $300-$600 anyway replacing hats... Just a thought.)
Incidentally, I looked up Garrison hatters and the crown on their hat is 5 inches instead of 5 1/2. Not very long, but it does make a considerable difference if you're a detail freak like I am (Dad gum it, why doesn't my center dent look as deep as his?!?!?. Hope this helps and good luck!
Dr. Jones, Jr.
Send me an e-mail, we offer the possibility of paying in instalments.MARQ wrote:Thanks for the input fellowgearheads.I´ve been going through the vendors ever since I first visited COW.And there are extremely high-quality items "low-priced" and high-quality expensive ones...like said here it´s matter of preference.The ones I like are expensive, that I can´t currently afford, and that´s the part that makes me "mad" ;-) nothing personal.
Texan Scott wrote:Obviously John, those things are important too, but if you have to push the dent in far enough to get to 4 1/2" bashed, there can be taper and it won't look right. Pushing the dent too far down in back will also cause issues as well. When you wear a hat with a 5 1/2" or more crown, sometimes the top of your head pushes up on the dent...cue the conehead still in 3...2...1.....
+1 on the Garrison rabbit. You won't be disappointed.mojoturbo wrote:Q: In your personal opinion what is a good $200 "range" hat?