KOTCS shirt

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KOTCS shirt

Post by afalzon »

Anybody knows who made the shirt for KOTCS?
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Re: KOTCS shirt

Post by Michaelson »

Word was always Western Costume as being the source of the shirt.

In plowing through a LONG line of facebook postings on their page someone asked the same question, and the responder at WC stated they were, indeed, the supplier of all the CS shirts, so I guess that's a close as an answer as we're going to get.

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Re: KOTCS shirt

Post by afalzon »

OK, because we came across the original supplier, the one who supplied them to WC.
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Re: KOTCS shirt

Post by TenuredProfessor »

Hopefully this can only mean you'll be offering a KOTCS shirt down the line?? :clap: \:D/
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Re: KOTCS shirt

Post by Duck9000 »

That will be nice! :)
TenuredProfessor wrote:Hopefully this can only mean you'll be offering a KOTCS shirt down the line?? :clap: \:D/
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Re: KOTCS shirt

Post by Texan Scott »

afalzon wrote:OK, because we came across the original supplier, the one who supplied them to WC.
...so who was it?
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Re: KOTCS shirt

Post by IndyRiv »

Anto Shirts were the people who made the shirts for CS. Western Costume, I think sourced them out and "maybe?" provided the fabric to them as well. Not sure. But I do know for a fact that it was Anto shirts that made the shirts for CS. I contacted them a couple years ago to ask if they could make me a CS shirt. They said, "yeah, no problem". There was no guarantee though it would be the same exact specs, fabric, etc. of the movie shirts. And price tag - $450 plus shipping! Needless to say, I didn't have enough money to purchase one, but I've always been curious to see one in person. May have to contact them again and talk more in-depth about this.

Trousers were made in-house at Western Costume Co. so no way to get a pair made. I've tried and they won't do it. May have to try again. :-k

Let me know if you guys need anything else. :TOH:

Re: KOTCS shirt

Post by whipwarrior »

Good grief! $450 for a shirt?!?! SA or not, no fan on earth in their right mind would pay that much for an Indy shirt! Jacket, whip, fedora, or boots, yes, but not for the clothing. Even Noel Howard's Indy clothing was reasonably-priced, and he was the original supplier of the trilogy! While it would be cool to have an authentic KOTCS shirt, I don't need one THAT bad! :Dietrich:
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Re: KOTCS shirt

Post by IndyRiv »

whipwarrior wrote:Good grief! $450 for a shirt?!?! SA or not, no fan on earth in their right mind would pay that much for an Indy shirt! Jacket, whip, fedora, or boots, yes, but not for the clothing. Even Noel Howard's Indy clothing was reasonably-priced, and he was the original supplier of the trilogy! While it would be cool to have an authentic KOTCS shirt, I don't need one THAT bad! :Dietrich:
That was the same reaction another member I had talked to in the past had about it. While I agree, one thing a person has to take into account though is that they supply a lot of clothing to the film industry and also cater to the Beverly Hills/LA area where people tend to have a lot of extra cash to burn and $450 would be like $20 to us. They have no problem dropping that much on a shirt for everyday wear. It's just part of the economics of the area - they make a lot and spend a lot. For a collection, I'd have no problem spending that on a CS Shirt from the original maker. The only thing that worries me is that there is no GUARANTEE it's the same fabric, specs, etc. they used for the film. With people like Tony Nowak and Steve Delk, they guarantee their work to be authentic to the film ones. Anto's didn't when I talked to them.
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Re: KOTCS shirt

Post by knibs7 »

Haven't we already covered this a couple of times already? :-k

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Re: KOTCS shirt

Post by IndyRiv »

knibs7 wrote:Haven't we already covered this a couple of times already? :-k

As I stated, I think I mentioned this before in another thread somewhere. Yet I don't mind answering it again and again for those who are interested. "pass it on" philosophy so to speak. :D :TOH:
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Re: KOTCS shirt

Post by Michaelson »

I'm not surprised that Western takes the credit. Like B&N, they were the prime contractor to the film, and anything made for them by a sub-contractor techinically 'belongs' to the prime contractor.....meaning in this case, the credit. It always 'confuses the issue' when someone is trying to find out who REALLY made an item. Leads to a lot of false trails.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: KOTCS shirt

Post by Texan Scott »

It seems like the movie industry suppliers work alot like defense contractors at $450 a shirt? Even dc's would be like....you're not charging enough money!

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Re: KOTCS shirt

Post by Michaelson »

Most of that cost is the provenance rather than actual worth of the item.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: KOTCS shirt

Post by Texan Scott »

I understood that WC was the supplier, but I did not know the shirts were sub-contracted, the way Peter was a supplier to B&N. The CS shirt looked thicker than the previous film shirts, like an older generation Todd's, for instance.
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Re: KOTCS shirt

Post by Whitman »

Speaking of the KOTCS shirt, how do the specs of the KOTCS shirt differ from those of the shirts used in the trilogy? (Sorry if this is covered elsewhere...I did a search and didn't find this info.)
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Re: KOTCS shirt

Post by Indiana Jeff »

The biggest difference that I'm aware of is the front pleats have different seams at the bottom of the pockets. The pleats go 'over' the bottom seam of the pocket.


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