"New" S&W Revolver?

Need help finding an Indy Gun, want to discuss film used guns...

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"New" S&W Revolver?

Post by binkmeisterRick »

I noticed while rereading sections of the main IndyGear site that there is a note under the handgun section for the HE2 which reads:

Vintage Hand Ejectors can be tough to come by; especially to ideal "Indy Spec." It just so happens, that S&W has released a new "N" frame revolver. Click here for more...

I clicked on the link and it just took me to the regular S&W website, but I can't easily figure out what the above is talking about. I don't know how old the link is, either, so this "new gun" may not be new at all. Can anyone tell me about this "new" S&W? :-k
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Post by Michaelson »

The then 'new' gun was the reintroduced N-frame HE that came out just before the 'Return of the Mummy' movie came out. You can see it in the opening scene in Rick O'Connell's hand in 6 inch barrel length. It's the standard N-frame, with the exception of being made with a round butt rather than the old Smith square butt, which is no longer manufactured. I haven't kept up with it's current availability....Regards. Michaelson
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Thanks! Now I'm off to see if I can find a pic of the revolver. One of these days, maybe I'll come across an old S&W N frame I can afford. I love my Victory/Model 10 (which I've never had problems with and it's a great little shooter) but I'd like to have a REAL Indy gun! :wink:
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Post by Amaziah Rimfire »

Those guns were available last year as a Custom Shop item at horrendous prices ($900 or so), in .44 Special and I think .45 Auto Rim or .45 Colt. Too many things wrong with them, IMHO. I didn't like the round butt configuration, the drift adjustable sights, the modern shaped cylinder latch or the fact that they colour case hardened the whole receiver instead of leaving it blue like the originals. What were they thinking?
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Post by Michaelson »

High profits, low quality, what else? :? Regards. Michaelson
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