Indy "style" Shirts

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Indy "style" Shirts

Post by ChrisMD »

As most of you know I'm down in Disney World this week (WOOHOO) and wearing my Indygear to the Halloween Parties. But I see alot of guys wearing Safari type shirts that remind me of Indy. You know, button down shirts with pockets and vents and such. SHARP looking, and functional. Curious if you guys have any you recommend. Id love to grab a few, they look great!

Thanks gents!
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Re: Indy

Post by Michaelson »

That style is pretty standard for mid to south Florida, and very popular with the Cuban population of Miami and related locales.

Look around some of the local shops. You shouldn't have any problems finding them.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Indy

Post by Texan Scott »

Duluth, Csbelas, Bass Pro shop are the usual suspects. They may have these stores in Orlando?
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Indy "style" Shirts

Post by ChrisMD »

We never go off property, we exhaust our Park Hoppers (and our feet!). Ill be ordering online for sure!

Funny you mention Deluth, I had thought they had something like that. I am VERY fond of their products. In fact their underwear is so airy and breathable, it's all I buy especially for Disney use. It is superb stuff. They dry so quick you can hand wash things for times sake and hang em up and be ready to use them again quickly. Im loving the Indy shirt, and I'd love to have it in a few colors. I wonder if any makers would entertain the idea of a forrest green and maybe a maroon. Black would be nice for "Johnny Cash Adventurer" types.

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Re: Indy

Post by WConly »

ChrisMD wrote:We never go off property, we exhaust our Park Hoppers (and our feet!). Ill be ordering online for sure!

Funny you mention Deluth, I had thought they had something like that. I am VERY fond of their products. In fact their underwear is so airy and breathable, it's all I buy especially for Disney use. It is superb stuff. They dry so quick you can hand wash things for times sake and hang em up and be ready to use them again quickly. Im loving the Indy shirt, and I'd love to have it in a few colors. I wonder if any makers would entertain the idea of a forrest green and maybe a maroon. Black would be nice for "Johnny Cash Adventurer" types.

Believe it or not I noticed (about a week ago) that Paul Fredrick's Menswear had some linen & cotton safari style shirts -- linens are in a variety of colors. Here's a link. ... earance_ss" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Indy

Post by Tennessee Smith »

I'd suggest getting on the mailing list for the Cabela's catalogue. They normally have a few Indy styled shirts they offer like Tex said.
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Re: Indy

Post by Indiana Bugs »

WConly wrote:Believe it or not I noticed (about a week ago) that Paul Fredrick's Menswear had some linen & cotton safari style shirts -- linens are in a variety of colors. Here's a link. ... earance_ss" onclick=";return false;

Ooo, paisley!
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Re: Indy

Post by WConly »

Indiana Bugs wrote:
WConly wrote:Believe it or not I noticed (about a week ago) that Paul Fredrick's Menswear had some linen & cotton safari style shirts -- linens are in a variety of colors. Here's a link. ... earance_ss" onclick=";return false;

Ooo, paisley!
Really didn't pay any attention to those -- uhm -- wonder what they would look like with the covered pockets and epaulets :-k? NAW! Even I can't sink that low :rolling: ! You know I had never really thought about it -- but, when I am looking for something specific, I really don't pay much attention to what is around it! Man, those truly are nasty! W>
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Re: Indy

Post by backstagejack »

I've noticed that the military style is in. I've found many shirts at Marshalls, etc with the two front pockets, epaulettes, etc but with a modern cut. No where near a Indy shirt but still very reminiscent.

I seem to recall a COW member posting once about watching some Fashion reality show and they recommended to some guy a khaki shirt almost exactly what Indy wears.

At least we were into Indy before it was cool :TOH:
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Re: Indy

Post by westy1970 »

Check out WPG's militaria. They have great, period shirts
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Re: Indy

Post by micsteam »

Chris, there's really nothing there that's authentic to either Indy or period stuff, everyone there must be purchsing of property... have you been to Disney Hollywood Studios ?? Off to the left of the Indy Spectacular is the the supposed " Indy" shop/Adventure shop ... not there either. For the money and overall best place to go is What Price Glory. I have a shirt that I bought off a member here on COW and it is spot on but, however, my second I ordered direct from them came in a little too dark and buttons slightly off but can all be corrected with several washes and some wear. Let me know :TOH:
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Indy "style" Shirts

Post by ChrisMD »

micsteam wrote:Chris, there's really nothing there that's authentic to either Indy or period stuff, everyone there must be purchsing of property... have you been to Disney Hollywood Studios ?? Off to the left of the Indy Spectacular is the the supposed " Indy" shop/Adventure shop ... not there either. For the money and overall best place to go is What Price Glory. I have a shirt that I bought off a member here on COW and it is spot on but, however, my second I ordered direct from them came in a little too dark and buttons slightly off but can all be corrected with several washes and some wear. Let me know :TOH:
I shoulda clarified. None of these shirts are Disney or sold here. They are just safari type outdoors shirts. Like real breezy and roomy. Very light with lots of pockets and buttons for rolling up the sleeves. Utilitarian with a slight Indy resemblance.

I see alot of people fishing and shooting in them back home.
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Re: Indy

Post by WConly »

ChrisMD wrote:
micsteam wrote:Chris, there's really nothing there that's authentic to either Indy or period stuff, everyone there must be purchsing of property... have you been to Disney Hollywood Studios ?? Off to the left of the Indy Spectacular is the the supposed " Indy" shop/Adventure shop ... not there either. For the money and overall best place to go is What Price Glory. I have a shirt that I bought off a member here on COW and it is spot on but, however, my second I ordered direct from them came in a little too dark and buttons slightly off but can all be corrected with several washes and some wear. Let me know :TOH:
I shoulda clarified. None of these shirts are Disney or sold here. They are just safari type outdoors shirts. Like real breezy and roomy. Very light with lots of pockets and buttons for rolling up the sleeves. Utilitarian with a slight Indy resemblance.

I see alot of people fishing and shooting in them back home.
Yes, I understand what you are referring too. Filson has some great fishing-type I recall, been a while. LLBean used too, don't know about now. They (this type, style, etc.) are out there. And, many that are more 'utilitarian' in nature, then your true-SA, so-to-speak, Indy shirt. I have some older Tilley's that are great shirts -- except a bit blousy for tuck in -- but great for 'summer wear' over t-shirts -- open -- kind of 'old-style' 'Bruce Willis' look. It is amusing to me though, that here in the last year or so -- these 'types' of styles have all of a sudden become more and more 'main-stream,' if you will. I have even seen guys with t-shirts with epaulets. Now, for me -- that is a bit too extreme -- but, if it works for them -- so be it ;) ! W>
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