Which type of leather?!

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Which type of leather?!

Post by ChrisMD »

My 2x fits me well, but with a T-shirt. Im getting a 3x so i can layer lots of stuff under it and wear it in the winter time. Right now, I dont wanna do a custom as im coming down in weight so Ill get another US Wings to be quick and "cost effective". Im curious which one you would go with? I beat mine to death so I'd prefer an imported $215 jacket as opposed to a more expensive one. I see texas steerhide, antique steerhide, and lambskin. What do you guys think is the most authentic looking of those? Not going for a particular film, just a jacket that says "Indy". Not worried about the lambskin being "ultra lightweight" as ill be layered up.


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Re: Which type of leather?!

Post by Ranging Robert »

Does US wings have a imported goat jacket?
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Re: Which type of leather?!

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Steer hide/cow is more durable than lamb so if you plan to beat up your jacket go that route.


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Re: Which type of leather?!

Post by CM »

Indiana Jeff wrote:Steer hide/cow is more durable than lamb so if you plan to beat up your jacket go that route.


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Which type of leather?!

Post by ChrisMD »

I should have been more specific. I think beat up was an exaggeration. It will be treated exactly like my last one, according to Tundrariders "natural distressing" thread. Then it will be "pecarded" and some VERY light weathering/distressing done. By beat up I mean it is worn in the woods, at the shooting range, off road. Which means elbows in the dirt shooting rifles, catching a branch here or there on a hike, occasional mud splatter, etc. I wouldnt call it beating it up. Poor word choice on my part. Maybe what I meant is, it wont be babied. So with that clarification, what say ye?
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Re: Which type of leather?!

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Even given this description I would recommend steer over lamb. Will a lamb jacket fall apart on your first hike through the woods? No, but steer will hold up better in the long run.


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Which type of leather?!

Post by ChrisMD »

Indiana Jeff wrote:Even given this description I would recommend steer over lamb. Will a lamb jacket fall apart on your first hike through the woods? No, but steer will hold up better in the long run.


Indiana Jeff
Awesome thanks for the help everyone! It was just that neat look lamb had that drew me toward it. But the steer has that tough Last Crusade look too it, and the LC is my favorite film jacket.

Now the next question is, which model do I choose? I want the cheaper one but I see they have a few. Hmm time to look deeper.
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Re: Which type of leather?!

Post by RRPDD190 »

I have the CE vintage cow and its been a great jacket. I've used Pecards and Obenaufs on it with terrific results. Definitely has the Crystal Skull look when treated. I know that is a little more on the expensive side, but well worth it in my opinion. Cowhide is definitely more durable, but lamb seems fine for normal wear. I just picked up a BK Hawaii in Merino Sheep that is AWESOME! Goat is durable as well. Whatever you decide, I'm sure you'll be happy!
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Re: Which type of leather?!

Post by Michaelson »

Glad to see a decision has been made regarding material, as I think you'd have had a real problem finding a lambskin that would have suited you in a 3X. These are fairly small animals, so most manufacturers have to piece jackets together that are above an XL in sizing....and even that isn't guaranteed.

Cowhide, on the other hand, is definitely where you want to go.

As to manufacturer, your budget will define who you go to, as has been mentioned above. Sounds like WIngs or Wested is in that ballpark.

A piece of info: Wings Legend pattern tends to be a bit more 'form fitting' than their regular signature series, which is cut more generously around the chest.

Just a few more points to ponder.

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Re: Which type of leather?!

Post by ChrisMD »

Michaelson wrote:Glad to see a decision has been made regarding material, as I think you'd have had a real problem finding a lambskin that would have suited you in a 3X. These are fairly small animals, so most manufacturers have to piece jackets together that are above an XL in sizing....and even that isn't guaranteed.

Cowhide, on the other hand, is definitely where you want to go.

As to manufacturer, your budget will define who you go to, as has been mentioned above. Sounds like WIngs or Wested is in that ballpark.

A piece of info: Wings Legend pattern tends to be a bit more 'form fitting' than their regular signature series, which is cut more generously around the chest.

Just a few more points to ponder.

Regards! Michaelson

AH HA! So that is why the XXL is snug on my ahem..keg. Normall XXL anything is a little big on me. Shirts I wear Xl or xxl. So since the only one in my price range and size is the legend in texas steerhide. I think thats what ill go with. In xxxl. That way I can layer up real well if need be. I wonder if ill need the sleeves shortened or if its just bigger in the belly....
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Which type of leather?!

Post by ChrisMD »

OH NO! Ive hit a snag! They have a signature series in goatskin that is in my price range! That 3x or the legend steerhide 3x....

Ahhhhh hellllp meeeeee.

EDIT: Went for goat to change it up. What was the LC jacket?
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Re: Which type of leather?!

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

ChrisMD wrote: EDIT: Went for goat to change it up. What was the LC jacket?

In my opinion, I'd say thin cowhide, but it is much debated.

Goat is a nice choice, VERY practical. But it has to be given time to break in to drape best. Also, the collar might take some elbow grease to get a nice shape on.
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Re: Which type of leather?!

Post by CM »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:
ChrisMD wrote: EDIT: Went for goat to change it up. What was the LC jacket?

In my opinion, I'd say thin cowhide, but it is much debated.

Goat is a nice choice, VERY practical. But it has to be given time to break in to drape best. Also, the collar might take some elbow grease to get a nice shape on.

Can you get goat in 3x - they're small animals too aren't they?
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Re: Which type of leather?!

Post by Michaelson »

Not as small as lamb. ;)

Regard! Michaelson
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Re: Which type of leather?!

Post by Ranging Robert »

The goat will wear better than lamb or cowhide...goats are tough!
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