I got one of Magnoli's economical whip offerings back in March. It has been fantastic and not much to tell. I keep it on top of a box in one of my costume closets along with other costume pieces, clothing, etc. A couple of weeks ago, I noticed when I looked in the closet, that there was a small lump of very fine powder located beneath the whip handle, right near the bulb at the end of the grip (not sure what that is called). I thought that it was something perhaps from the ceiling or something that caused the small spot of material to appear there. I didn't think much of it until I wiped it away. Well, a few days later, I looked back in the closet and there was the tiny lump of powder again!
I was totally flummoxed, perplexed and puzzled as to what was causing this tiny lump of powder, not only that, but not even knowing what the powder was made of! I wiped it away again. Same thing happens a few days later! This time, I noticed that some of the powder was on the lower grip of my whip, sort of inbetween the strips of leather that make up the handle. It was finally at this time that I noticed a tiny hole smack dab in the middle of the one of the strips of leather at the base of the grip. I wiped the powder away again and returned the next day. Sure enough, tiny amount of powder right from around where this tiny hole was!! It was then that I finally determined that there is something living inside my whip!! It seems to be boring into the material inside the leather and the "powder" was really bits of the leather and whatever else is inside the whip. I still have not seen what this little bugger looks like but I am determined to get rid of him. I sprayed the handle with bug killer and for the most part, no more powder! I think I got him. But just yesterday, I noticed some darker colored powder, very faint on the box below my whip, so there is the possibility that there is either another critter in there or the one I am after has moved to another location. This time the material seems to have come from the very base of the whip handle where the strap is attached. I think I am going to watch carefully and spray the handle again.
I am very concerned that this little critter is going to destroy my whip from the inside!!!
Have any of you ever come across this??? And not only that, any advice on how to get rid of this thing???