The whole fashion thing
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The whole fashion thing
hey guys, having trouble, I wanna wear my Aldens alot more than I do but I can't find the right clothing/colors to wear them with, I'm wondering what those of you who dont wear full indygear all the time do when wearing aldens? I usually wear dockers and a black or blue shirt, but a nice pair of old dark brown Aldens wouldnt be so hard but what goes with this "brick" color?
Regards, Dan
Regards, Dan
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- IndianaGuybrush
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Black goes with everything, although many people feel that black isn't good for brown and/or navy blue...
Regardless, I kind of had the same problem. I think it was less of a problem of the shoes actually going with what I was wearing, and more of a problem of me not really digging the brickness of the boots. I know it's leagues better than the pumpkin that people had to deal with, but they're new and I'm still getting usedk to them. One thing I found that helped me, I darkened them. I don't know if this was ill advised or not, so take this with a grain of salt. I used brown and black (very little black) kiwi shoe polish to darken them to a much deeper brown, and then kind of sealed that in with Pecard's boot oil. This darkened the shoes a lot, but left a really nice mahogany color, in other words, a deep brown without sacrificing that beatiful red undertone. Now I think they're hot. But I don't know if you want to do that to your $260+ shoes.
They go great with jeans or any color chinos or dress pants (although black dress pants would still be a judgement call). I'm thinking of getting pics of all my gear up but I kind of wanna wait until my keppler fed comes in, so I can set up a nice little photoshoot like Indiana Ken did.
Regardless, I kind of had the same problem. I think it was less of a problem of the shoes actually going with what I was wearing, and more of a problem of me not really digging the brickness of the boots. I know it's leagues better than the pumpkin that people had to deal with, but they're new and I'm still getting usedk to them. One thing I found that helped me, I darkened them. I don't know if this was ill advised or not, so take this with a grain of salt. I used brown and black (very little black) kiwi shoe polish to darken them to a much deeper brown, and then kind of sealed that in with Pecard's boot oil. This darkened the shoes a lot, but left a really nice mahogany color, in other words, a deep brown without sacrificing that beatiful red undertone. Now I think they're hot. But I don't know if you want to do that to your $260+ shoes.
They go great with jeans or any color chinos or dress pants (although black dress pants would still be a judgement call). I'm thinking of getting pics of all my gear up but I kind of wanna wait until my keppler fed comes in, so I can set up a nice little photoshoot like Indiana Ken did.
I used acetone on them to strip the sealer and color and then redyed them to a beautiful medium brown. I know most people aren't willing to do this with such an expensive pair of shoes - but it makes a whole WORLD of difference in terms of what they go with. A nice pair of true brown shoes goes with most anything...
- Renderking Fisk
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ob1al wrote:They go with everything but speedos.

Last edited by Swindiana on Tue Mar 30, 2004 9:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
- binkmeisterRick
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LOL Ren! I can just see it now:Renderking Fisk wrote:Just fill your closet with every shade of Brown and Khaki that you can. Khaki goes with everything?
What is this becoming? Indy-Eye for the Average Guy?
Next week on Indy-Eye for the Average Guy:
Oh my goodness, we have GOT to redecorate this living room! Look at this space, you've got the furniture arranged all wrong! This whole room to me screams giant rolling boulder... tell you what, we'll get a few tons of sand, some dwarf palm trees, and give you a Tanis motif!
And, the latest in Pan-asian/Thugee fusion cuisine, Chilled Monkey Brain Tartlets! Perfect for impressing that certain lady in your life.
Now if we can just convince you to go for that Mola Rom hairdo....

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I like the way you think... but if it would work it would have to be more practical and down to earth.IndianaGuybrush wrote:
LOL Ren! I can just see it now:
Next week on Indy-Eye for the Average Guy:
If I had a Billion Dollars… I would have my own Jones Network. It would only last one week because I would have every show ending with someone yelling at the camera: “WILL YOU SHUT THE FREAKING TV OFF ALREADY AND GO OUT AND HAVE YOUR OWN ADVENTURES?”
My version of “Lifetime” or “Bravo” would have shows of how to use a map and a compass, how to make a campsite that’s nature friendly while saying “Don’t screw with me” to the other campers. Shows about how to fight back when provoked, how to drive offensively, getting yourself in shape and how to travel light… it would be a real nightmare for the ACLU.
One of the shows I would do is have a bunch of us go into the homes of wimps and straighten them out… Like Indy-Eye For The Average Guy.
“Ok, Fairy… you’re DVD collection is Harrison Ford deficient! You’re going to need to get the Indiana Jones Box-set, Air Force One, and a double dose of Jack Ryan ‘Patriot Games’ and ‘Clear and Present Danger’!”
Ok… let’s go take a look at your music collection. … Barry Manalow? Judy Garland? You woosie! We need some John Williams in here! STAT! ABBA? Dude… you’re only entitled to ONE ABBA album, not every album AND the box set. Replace all the Disco with Jazz and Big Band Swing!
Now… the closet- Dude… what do you do on the weekend? Attend “Village people conventions”? This looks like a wardrobe for the first Gay Western! It’s all gotta go! Get some Khaki’s in here, Oxford shirts and a handful of IndyGear accoutrements.
Where’s your fedora? That’s not a fedora! I’ve seen hats worn by little old ladies on Easter that look more manly then that!
Get my wife to work on the walls… “Ok… for a single man living in a house with pastels, it’s not working out for you. This is like a Queer Retirement home with a 1970’s motif. You gotta go bold! We also have to take down a lot of these pictures and replace them with ones of you going places and getting some action in the woods done. We need things on the wall here that scream: I’m a man of action!”
Like I said… it would be a nightmare for the politically correct mind-set.
- binkmeisterRick
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- Renderking Fisk
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- binkmeisterRick
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