Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

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Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by Gorak »

Mods- you can link this up to the Relic Hunter thread if you think it should be there...
In the end I know it all boils down to individual tastes and opinion but I am going to say..
I am certifiably convinced that the Bill Kelso chose the perfect leather for their Straited Lamb Relic Hunter Raiders replica...
I felt kinda `saucey` and, after looking around to make sure Michealson wasn`t around, I began to take a fine grit sandpaper to my Relic Hunter. Just on the sleeve ends to see what I would get and ended up doing the whole thing. I am WAYYYYY pleased with the results only wishing that I had watched the movie while I did it to get the markings accurately. The thing that convinced me was that, in person and in pics, the parts that I scraped ended up having that "sueded" look to it....just like the film jacket did after seeing it in the HD IMax redo. It`s not suede but has that appearance. That`s just the best way I can describe it. It look lots of pics but they were all indoor as we are having horrendous rains right now and it dark outside. As soon as the sun is up I will take clear sunlight pics where you can really see the Screen Accurate results. For now, here are some shots....
I also thought you guys might want to see what one of these looks like after some distressing.. ... 87ddb6.jpg" onclick=";return false;

Excuse the goofy pose but I liked the way the collar looked on this shot as a `waterfall` jacket whereas in the other shots the collar changed shape....the awesome chameleon abilities of the awesome Relic Hunter! ... 843fab.jpg" onclick=";return false;

here are the rest of the shots.....excuse the beater hat and the regular clothing..I was just doing test shots for when I can really show this baby off but I was so excited by the similarities of the film jacket that I had to throw these up real quick.. ... c%20Hunter" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by TenuredProfessor »

That turned out great, Gorak!! :TOH: I know the feeling though...I certainly waffled back and forth about distressing my LC Wested but was more than happy with the end result. Once you take the plunge, there's no going back :anxious: That's a perfect Raiders jacket now :clap:
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by Tibor »


Absolutely brilliant! That is THE best raiders jacket in 30 years. Congrats. Would you by chance ever be interested in doing this for someone else :)

By the way, I couldn't remember if you ever said, but what #/1981 is your jacket? --- never mind, I found it in the Kelso thread; 003/1981 !!! (For those who don't want to rummage through that thread). Very nice
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by Bdgsi11 »

Amazing job, Gorak! :notworthy: :tup: It has just the right amount of distressing to make it look like an authentic Raiders jacket. Well done!
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by WConly »

Hector....what can I say...except -- you done it :clap: ! Looks superb! W>
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by TheExit148 »

This looks awesome man! I really gotta get me a BK jacket. I need my TN to sell!
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by afalzon »

wow, maybe we should hire you to do our distressing jobs

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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by Gorak »

:notworthy: :notworthy:
Thanks for the comments, guys. Really means a lot as I a had a hard time making that first mark!
Afalzon- That is the exact scene where I first noticed that particular distressing when I saw Raiders in HD IMAX. And the one I had in mind as I grinded my jacket to life! Thank you! Glad to see you got the connection! Great job on the Straited Lamb, too! Hauntingly accurate! Bravo! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
I am VERY unqualified to be distressing other peoples jacket as I think it is a personal and opinionated thing to do. What I see on film may not be what you see and to what degree is distressed to you may not be to me.....
I just used the search engine on COW and found plenty of advice and experience already presented and followed that.
I just bought some $3 sandpaper from Walmart that had Fine, Medium, and Course sheets. Sat down, took a deep breathe, and scratched the inner cuff. I immediately recognized that Suede-ish look I saw on film and commenced on it! I took care not to hit any threading and not look so manufactured, making circles, criss-crosses, and gentle rubs where I thought it would naturally occur. On places like elbows, shoulders, and side-vents I went over it again with the Medium sandpaper.
I do have a dream of taking a jacket and watching the film and distress it as screen accurate as ever possibly attempted....even right down to the bullet hole in the arm. But now that I know that this leather would do it, I don`t think I want to go so far as to put a hole in this jacket as I love it so. Now that I know this is it, I will prowl the Bizzare in the event a Kelso in my size pops up at an affordable price so I can follow thru on that project! That would be awesomely fun!
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I do have a dream of taking a jacket and watching the film and distress it as screen accurate as ever possibly attempted....even right down to the bullet hole in the arm.
I just heard Michaelson spit out his coffee! =P~ :Dietrich: :lol:

Great work on the jacket though.


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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by Texan Scott »

Also, the sunlight will really bring out the nuances.
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by Kubrik »

Looks great Gorak, very inspiring. Gonna try a bit that on my Relic Hunter too, will take it really easy and to do it in stages.
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by ChrisMD »

Well done friend! Looks excellent
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by Michaelson »

Indiana Jeff wrote:
I do have a dream of taking a jacket and watching the film and distress it as screen accurate as ever possibly attempted....even right down to the bullet hole in the arm.
I just heard Michaelson spit out his coffee! =P~ :Dietrich: :lol:

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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by Baldwyn »

Looks superb! Man, I love these Relic Hunters, but yours is my favorite (after mine!) :)
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by Pete#9 »

That takes guts my friend, especially on an expensive example like that.
Looks nicely aged now.

I think I'll let mine age naturally though.

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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

:clap: :notworthy: :TOH:
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by Gorak »

Not sure if this will work or not but....
The awesome team at Bill Kelso went thru the mirade of photos that I have taken with my Relic Hunter and sent me these photos. The part that tickles me the most is that except for maybe one or two photos, I was never really posing to any particular picture. I usually video myself then just take screen shots of that and yet, in many of the pictures I was very close to the screenshots they used to compare. It also really shows how close the jacket mimics the real deal!
Thanks Afalzon and the team over at Bill Kelso. ... 0&p=469235" onclick=";return false;

WE have this huge construction site with lots of dirts hills and such nearby. I am waiting on my Steel and Jones Streets of Cairo to come in to do a proper photoshoot for the newly distressed jacket and hat!
Enjoy! :TOH:
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by Baldwyn »

We can't see that link, Gorak. But you're probably talking about this! ... 158&type=1" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by moses »

Those comparisons seem to show the differences rather than the similarities..
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by RayROnline »

Gorak wrote:Mods- you can link this up to the Relic Hunter thread if you think it should be there...
In the end I know it all boils down to individual tastes and opinion but I am going to say..
I am certifiably convinced that the Bill Kelso chose the perfect leather for their Straited Lamb Relic Hunter Raiders replica...
I felt kinda `saucey` and, after looking around to make sure Michealson wasn`t around, I began to take a fine grit sandpaper to my Relic Hunter. Just on the sleeve ends to see what I would get and ended up doing the whole thing. I am WAYYYYY pleased with the results only wishing that I had watched the movie while I did it to get the markings accurately. The thing that convinced me was that, in person and in pics, the parts that I scraped ended up having that "sueded" look to it....just like the film jacket did after seeing it in the HD IMax redo. It`s not suede but has that appearance. That`s just the best way I can describe it. It look lots of pics but they were all indoor as we are having horrendous rains right now and it dark outside. As soon as the sun is up I will take clear sunlight pics where you can really see the Screen Accurate results. For now, here are some shots....
I also thought you guys might want to see what one of these looks like after some distressing.. ... 87ddb6.jpg" onclick=";return false;

Excuse the goofy pose but I liked the way the collar looked on this shot as a `waterfall` jacket whereas in the other shots the collar changed shape....the awesome chameleon abilities of the awesome Relic Hunter! ... 843fab.jpg" onclick=";return false;

here are the rest of the shots.....excuse the beater hat and the regular clothing..I was just doing test shots for when I can really show this baby off but I was so excited by the similarities of the film jacket that I had to throw these up real quick.. ... c%20Hunter" onclick=";return false;

Great work. What grit sandpaper did you use? wet or dry? Why does the jacket look so wavy soft? That's as good as I can describe it. It has a lot of waves (not folds) like it is well worn and flexible like a rag (sort of) I hope you get what I'm saying. That first pic shows it well. The leather is not stiff. Now I know BK is not stiff. My BK SL is soft and flexible, but it doesnt look or fold like the one in your photos. It's not just the fading but also the character of the leather itself. If you have a lot of detail, please feel free to PM me rather than make a huge post.

Thanks :TOH: :TOH:
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by HDRnR »

looks pretty darn good.
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by chuck2003 »

I have to say Gorak you have a big pair to distress your kelso LOL. I love my jacket but I wouldnt want to ruin it. I almost wish I had two relic hunters one to keep nice and one to distress. BUT even if I had two its such a nice jacket I dont know if I could do it hahah
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by Gorak »

Thanks guys.....
Rayonline- I really dont know any of the specifics on the sandpaper. Just went to Walmart, in the tool section and picked out 3 differents packs. One was "fine", the other said "medium" and the last said "coarse". Cost about $4 for the set. Mostly used the fine all over the jacket but used the coarse over part would see more damage, ie.. the elbows, the midsection front, one back shoulder, things like that.
Not having a second Kelso to compare, I am not aware if my leather is slightly different causing it to "wave" more. I understand what your talking about but I just wasnt aware that they might not all do that. It could be the distressing affecting it or, more so, I think it may be that yours is the thinner more current lamb they use and it just acts different from the kind they used on my jacket. Remember, mine was number 3 to first go out the door and was made of their first batch of lamb. I really dont know though. :-k
Believe me, it was not easy to start that first mark. I had two other jackets ( a Wested and a USWings) that I tried to distress and was very unhappy with the results :o :cry:
but this Kelso was different all together. It felt very special and unique and was THE jacket for me. So I decided, in the end, it can't really be an Indiana Jones jacket if it hasn't seen some adventure and that is what prompted me to go for it. I do have to add that, these Kelso jackets DO NOT need breaking in. They are ready to go straight outa the box. I specifically was looking to add "battle damage" for screen used appeal. Lord knows, eveybody knows my life ain't that exciting! #-o
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by Gorak »

I was outside helping my daughters with their bike repairs and my wife took some candid snapshots of me knowing that I might want to know what my jacket and hat combo looked like in the direct sunlight. So I condense afew..... ... vyzjdm.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... dzsi7a.jpg" onclick=";return false;
The hat is my Steele&Jones HJ Replica in the Streets of Cairo version.
I liked the unposed positions of it and thought it showed the jackets form better ... :TOH:
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by Texan Scott »

...yep, we need to gettcha' a few more daycare nube's... :P
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by TheExit148 »

Man, that leather is THE Raiders leather IMO. Kelso really need to bring this back. That jacket looks amazing man.
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by Duck9000 »

I really need that jacket. Why my wife can't understand that?
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by RayROnline »

Gorak wrote:I was outside helping my daughters with their bike repairs and my wife took some candid snapshots of me knowing that I might want to know what my jacket and hat combo looked like in the direct sunlight. So I condense afew..... ... vyzjdm.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... dzsi7a.jpg" onclick=";return false;
The hat is my Steele&Jones HJ Replica in the Streets of Cairo version.
I liked the unposed positions of it and thought it showed the jackets form better ... :TOH:
So :Plymouth: how does this BK leather compare with your Dark Brown Lambskin Wested? Softer, Lighter weight...what's the 411?
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by Texan Scott »

...its exactly like your other ones.... :P
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by Texan Scott »

db lamb is very reminiscent of Todd's first few runs of jackets. It is really thin and light weight. The BK is more of a mid-weight lamb jacket, I'd say.
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by RayROnline »

Texan Scott wrote:db lamb is very reminiscent of Todd's first few runs of jackets. It is really thin and light weight. The BK is more of a mid-weight lamb jacket, I'd say.
So far, so good. Is it sturdy? You know what I mean. Will I tear it or snag it easily? Some lame is Very strong while still thin.
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Re: Bill Kelso Relic Hunter in Straited Lamb..DISTRESSED!!!!

Post by Texan Scott »

ive be impressed with the quality, but I've not had it in a compromising situation yet. I can say it is well made.
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