From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Thanks guys!
I made this whip, because I've been helping out a fellow leather craftsman who is preparing a whipmaking course. Discussing various aspects of whipmaking and giving him various tips and info got me rather inspired so I bought one of his hides and used up some of my old supplies to make this whip. Also I always regretted not keeping a 10ft for myself when I was an active whipmaker. Now I have one!
Thanks. I'm very happy with it- nice to own a 10ft. I'm enjoying cracking it and will certainly not be babying it either. I have an 8ft that I made a few years ago that I take very good care of as something to pass down to the grandkids. This whip, I want to use!
Just out of curiosity, and feel free to not answer if you don't feel like it, but I was wondering if you built it following Morgan's technique or your own way/variation?
There was never anything original about my whips - they were always attempts to recreate the whips David Morgan made for the Indy movies. As such I only ever tried to work out how they were made and to make my own in the same way. I never made any other whips, never even braided in 16plait let alone do any fancy braiding or knots - and I certainly never tried to improve on the Indy whip. Having said that - unlike Bernardo, I've never had the pleasure of visiting David Morgan and watching him work. I've read his books and chatted on the phone, but that's all. I think I know how he worked and I think I work in the same way, but perhaps our techniques differ to some degree. Not deliberately though. What a rambling answer!
Thanks so much guys - compliments like that mean a lot to me indeed. David Morgan is my greatest inspiration. There are many fine whipmakers these days - more so than when I started getting into whips - and many whose work I particularly admire. But David will always be THE MAN. Afterall, the Indy whip is completely his invention. My greatest thrill was when Bending Oak kindly took one of my whips (on loan for the occassion from Gmann) for David Morgan to inspect and try out. I phoned him afterwards and he was very generous in his praise - which was a huge boost to my confidence. I still hope one day to make it over to the States to visit him.
As for not making whips - well, very occassionally I do, as you can see. One of the problems is the price of roohide these days. I couldn't possibly make bullwhips at a competative price and even break even anymore. Which is a shame. I'm pleased to have two whips to keep for myself and maybe I'll make another one or two down the line, when I have some extra funds for hides, in which case I might put them up for sale- who knows. In the mean time, it's nice to know there are folks out their enjoying the whips I made them.