Introducing: holster and strap...

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Introducing: holster and strap...

Post by Texan Scott »

Recalling the days of old, or as we would know it, the summer of 1980, through Bermans and Nathans, Lucas & Co. sub-contracted skilled craftsmen around the London area to make articles of clothing, props and other such things for the new, Raiders production. Well, recently, I found such a vendor on Ebay that still hand makes SA reproduction pieces just as they originally produced them.

David at:" onclick=";return false;

To give you some back story, I found a Webley in really good condition on, and this acquisition led to the need for a solid, left-handed holster for it. Canvassing potential vendors turned futile, so I contacted David, who was only pleased to help with this request, as I had previously bought a reproduction bag strap from him on Ebay, several months back. I've owned 3 bag straps: WPG, Todd's and this one from David. I was initially very pleased to find that the strap was very faithful to film, and the leather was also very thick and supple. You will receive 3 buckles with the purchase of a new strap, and here it is as compared to the WPG.

According to David, "I was looking again at the link you'd sent me to the auction you won - hadn't spotted first time it was one of the Enfield MkVIs you got. There were only around 27,000 of them ever made (over 300,000 Webley VIs) so they are much rarer. The broad arrow marks in the D stamped on it mean it was probably issued to the Australian armed forces, so it's well travelled. Got myself a deactivated Webley VI last week so think a left handed holster for that will be on the cards."

If you are looking for a vendor to fill the void, then I highly recommend David and his abilities to....makeitjones!

David's repro. strap and 3 buckles on the (left) with a Todd's vintage buckle, WPG strap and buckle on the (right).
Last edited by Texan Scott on Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Introducing: holster and strap...

Post by Texan Scott »

Thanks, Michael! Good to see you around. 1926 model and issued to the Australian infantry, from what he said. Issued during relative peace time between the wars, there is no telling how it got here? :-k ... 237575#PIC" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Introducing: holster and strap...

Post by IndyRiv »

That's a nice gun you have there Texan Scott!

I also own an Enfield Mark VI like yours. I wanted one so bad and searched around at our local gun show for one. Didn't see a one there UNTIL the VERY END of the rows - and there it was! Paid $450 for it which, at the time, was a lot of money for me. It wasn't "SA" in terms of the grip but it was a Mark VI which was as close as I was going to get for a very long time. Did some research later on and found out that the Enfields are rarer than the actual Webley's (which is what the fellow mentioned to you).

I also own a Webley Mark IV which is in .38 caliber.

Again, very nice gun you bought! :TOH:
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Re: Introducing: holster and strap...

Post by Texan Scott »

Thanks, bro! Funny how things hit you? I had not really gone to gunbroker since I bought the 1917 S&W, and it's as though it jumped out of the auction and into my hand! Didn't really need another pistol, but the fact that it had been issued to the Aussie infantry caught my attention. They had fought very bravely in north Africa during WWII, and so much so that Rommel often made reference to them as being outstanding troupes, especially on the ground. Though made some 15 years previous, I wondered if it saw any war time? In the condition it is in, probably not, but it made me wonder. It has quickly grown on me, and has really satisfied my desire to own such a piece. ;)
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Re: Introducing: holster and strap...

Post by Michaelson »

:M: :tup:

Beautiful revolver, Scott!

HIGH regards! Michaelson
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Re: Introducing: holster and strap...

Post by ChrisMD »

Nice pistol. There is no telling where it has been. Thats why I love surplus guns. Every dent or scratch has a story. Are you sure it hasnt been refinished? That adds more clues to the story if it has. It could have been in the war but perhaps on the hip of someone in administrative duties, or in garrison in Australia. Perhaps an MP gun? Looks too good to be a training piece. Youll probably never know, and thats half the fun! Nice pistol, hard to find lately too.
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Re: Introducing: holster and strap...

Post by Texan Scott »

Thanks, Chris! Got the pics to fit on one screen, finally!

I keep thinking David will make an appearance...he's a member here. ;)
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Re: Introducing: holster and strap...

Post by makeitjones »

makeitjones here - very kind of Texan Scott to give my work a showcase here and to see it get a compliment from michaelson has put a big smile on my face!

It's great to see something you've made in use once it's out in the world with its new owner. Out of curiosity have gone back through my records today and I'm startled to find that since 2006 I've made 19 holsters, 28 sandbags, 72 belts, 170 gas mask bag straps and 425 bullwhip holders. Wonder if this qualifies me for vendor status!?

I've just updated the front page of with a picture from way back in 1989 when I found the actual truck used in Raiders parked outside at a military vehicle museum - no prizes for guessing what happened next...

I'm very lucky to have easy access to a local firm selling quality leathers who regularly supplies stage and screen productions. A while back I even got to see one of the orders they were getting ready to send off to Game of Thrones - it was pretty substantial.
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Re: Introducing: holster and strap...

Post by Texan Scott »

I would think that being drug my a truck or your willingness to put up with these COW-mongers would qualify you right away! :P You know, they swear up and down at Disney that their truck is the real deal...? :-k
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Re: Introducing: holster and strap...

Post by makeitjones »

I read around a bit after I dug out the flyer and photo last week and found on IMCDB (internet movie car database) that when the owner of the Lamanva military museum died all his film hire vehicles were auctioned off - the Raiders truck passed through a few hands and eventually ended up at Disneyland.

Guess it's there to stay now.
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