Magnoli Jacket question

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Magnoli Jacket question

Post by Caber »

In the next year or so I am going to get a magnoli Indy style jacket. On there web site he has the adventure jacket with styles A ,B,C and D. I asked him what the differences were in the Rola, Td and LC jacktes and he said that on his web site it states very clearly what the deferences are. So i guessing each leter represents each jacket used in each movie? Reason im asking this is i read some where on here that the adventure jacket was compleatly different than any indy jacket and you had to ask spacificly about indy jackets. Is the A version the same as ROLA and so on?
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Re: Magnloi Jacket question

Post by WConly »

Truthfully, I had never really paid that much attention to the details, until your post, but if I am reading this correctly, then you are right on! Each jacket moves from one picture to the next. "Raiders," "TOD," "LC," and, "CS!" It makes total sense to me. I am glad you posted this, otherwise, I would never have taken the time to look at these options! Pretty cool, how he put this in line \:D/ ! W>
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Re: Magnloi Jacket question

Post by Holt »

This is correct!
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Re: Magnoli Jacket question

Post by CM »

And the Magnoli LC is very accurate. It's based on measurements taken by a COW member of the jacket that was on display at the Smithsonian Institution.
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Re: Magnoli Jacket question

Post by Caber »

Awesome. I was just wanting to make sure last question is goat or
cow hide more durable ?
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Re: Magnoli Jacket question

Post by trdaggers »

Caber wrote:Awesome. I was just wanting to make sure last question is goat or
cow hide more durable ?
Caber 8)

imo, cowhide.
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Re: Magnoli Jacket question

Post by Holt »

Well, it depends on many factors. Thickness of the skin, tanning.etc.

In my experience the goat is a stronger hide then cow. Goat is more flexible and will last you longer in the long run. Cow on the other hand, which is also a very strong hide wears better then goatskin. Goatskin can look very shiny and 'plasticy' and takes a very long time before it shows any wear. Again, this has to do with the tanning. If it's chrome tanned? then yes, it takes forever to wear. If it's veg tanned it wears good but still takes longer to wear down then a cowhide. Regardless, take this with a grain of salt. Cowhide can also wear hard before it shows any wear.. However, from my experience, my goat still looks almost new after too many years of wear.

So if I had to choose between the two and want it to look good and worn within a decade? I'd go cowhide.

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Re: Magnoli Jacket question

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

If Magnoli is still using the same cowhide he did on mine, then it will distress very easily. No doubt it is tough, but the finish is the sort that's made to show usage. I baby it, but that's pretty normal for me anyway. It makes for a brilliant LC hide. But if you want something to beat the livin' you-know-what out of and still look pretty new, goatskin would be the better bet.

As for custom details, you can order a letter version and ask for a tweak. My version A has a few modifications to suit my tastes. But to support what's been said, the letters correspond to the films, in order.
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Re: Magnoli Jacket question

Post by IndyOriginal »

Hey Chewie, do you think (if you have the chance) that you might be able to post some pics of that Magnoli cow to show how its aging? I'm actually thinking about getting a Magnoli LC due to its precise specs (all Mag's jackets I've seen look spot on!), but the lamb and goat that I usually see from Mag's jackets seem to be fairly thin for my LC tastes.

Either way, your input is appreciated. :TOH:
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Re: Magnoli Jacket question

Post by Caber »

Yes plz do post some picks.
Im wanting a leather that is durable for out dores as well as casual wear. I want it to be able to take some abuse not that I will abuse it . I do alot of camping, kayaking and stuff like that. I wont float with the jacket on but I will prolly take it camping and what not.
Im guessing Cow hide will be the best for this?

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Re: Magnoli Jacket question

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Rather than double posting, I will put photos on the new thread started by IndyOriginal, since that subject is focused specifically on images.
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Re: Magnoli Jacket question

Post by Caber »

Have any of u seen one with a zip out flees
Caber 8)
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