Lucked out with a Beaver Brand

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Lucked out with a Beaver Brand

Post by Ravenswood »

I was in the market for a new Raiders hat, went head over heals into research with all the options (of course, perusing all prior links to the different Indy hat makers) and came up with something a trifle unexpected. I had not heard of Beaver Brand, but upon doing research, found out that they were (key word "were", since they only recently went out of business :( ) the oldest brimmed hat manufacturing company in the USA. Some of you may be familiar with their heritage, so I wont go into detail there, suffice it to say: THEY DELIVERED THE GOODS.

I LOVE their Indy offering. I say that because this hat is called the "Temple". I believe if ever their was an Indy offering in their company somewhere, this would be it. I purchased it through Hats Plus, online. It was their last one, unfortunately. I was going to order another because I got caught in a rainstorm, and there are already some stains on the ribbon, not pictured, but they don't stand out too much anyhow.

I ordered another, to "start fresh", but my order was cancelled because of the company's recent folding.

I think I scored BIG time with this one. The brim however, is not trimmed on the sides, so you don't get the dimensional look, so to speak. And I am also debating on getting the ribbon replaced. That's another venture altogether. I think this is a fabulous hat, and I don't think I should let a couple of subtle water stains on the ribbon get in the way of my enjoyment of it. I have been wearing it every day since I got it, and I am pretty pleased how my "Raiders" bashing came out.

Straight out of the box, and tough as nails:
With the Raiders bash:
The sewed-in liner:
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Re: Lucked out with a Beaver Brand

Post by Dalexs »

That's interesting about them going out of business.
I'm pretty sure they were the company Lee Keppler sourced his hats from.

Nice hat though. Congrats. I'd love to see a natural light (outdoors) shot of it for color.

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Re: Lucked out with a Beaver Brand

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

That's right. My Keppler is a Beaver brand. Excellent value.

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Re: Lucked out with a Beaver Brand

Post by Ravenswood »

:shock: WOW :D That's great to hear, about the Keppler association! I mean, this is one robust hat, no question. And upon wearing it day by day, I can't say I've had a better fedora. And Dalexs, here is a shot in more natural light. I think this would just about cover the color spread this hat can achieve.
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