I emailed Wested for a translation when I originally got it- no response. No one here knew how to decipher it either. Anyway...my goal is to make an LC look out of it.....yes I know the jackets are fitted different...I rubbed a little bit of acetone which took away the shiny gloss, and I rubbed down the edges along the seams, pockets, etc with a 220 grit sandpaper, which duplicated the Last Crusade jacket's distressing look to a 'T', although I didn't go nearly as aggressive. What is didn't do, however, is turn that wonderful caramel tan color under the dark brown. It is a 'grey' color underneath.
I've seen other members' jackets show that caramel color underneath, besides the actual LC jackets, so what's the deal with this one?! It's lamb, for Pete's sake, which is what the LC was, right?

What the Heck!! Here are pics outside, natural sunlight- it is hard to see any distressing in the pics, but look at the bottom picture, at the cape seam on the left and you'll get the idea.