Why is my Lamb Wested 'grey' underneath and not a 'tan' ?!!

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Why is my Lamb Wested 'grey' underneath and not a 'tan' ?!!

Post by Kokopelli »

So I finally went about distressing my Wested Lamb Raiders. I've worn it for a year and it was still shiny new. I got it second hand off eBay because of the measurements; being a 44 and it had long arms... after fruitless searches and purchases to get what I want. It fits perfect. So I'm not sure what 'style' of Lamb it is or what style Raiders it is- the bag's label says 'ESM-RDRK-L'
I emailed Wested for a translation when I originally got it- no response. No one here knew how to decipher it either. Anyway...my goal is to make an LC look out of it.....yes I know the jackets are fitted different...I rubbed a little bit of acetone which took away the shiny gloss, and I rubbed down the edges along the seams, pockets, etc with a 220 grit sandpaper, which duplicated the Last Crusade jacket's distressing look to a 'T', although I didn't go nearly as aggressive. What is didn't do, however, is turn that wonderful caramel tan color under the dark brown. It is a 'grey' color underneath. ](*,)

I've seen other members' jackets show that caramel color underneath, besides the actual LC jackets, so what's the deal with this one?! It's lamb, for Pete's sake, which is what the LC was, right? :-

What the Heck!! Here are pics outside, natural sunlight- it is hard to see any distressing in the pics, but look at the bottom picture, at the cape seam on the left and you'll get the idea.

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Re: Why is my Lamb Wested 'grey' underneath and not a 'tan'

Post by Michaelson »

http://indygear.com/cow/viewtopic.php?f ... 05#p767505" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Here's an old thread where Holt explains how he overcame the grey undercoat to achieve the LC look that you might find of use.

Also explains why the difference in undercoat colors too.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Why is my Lamb Wested 'grey' underneath and not a 'tan'

Post by Gorak »

It looks ALOT like Authentic Lamb. I have one in a Hero Pattern and it looks VERY similiar in color and grain. But it somewhat looks, from what I can make out from the pics, like an Off The Rack Raiders.....I`m going by the seams lining up along the back. Just a guess!
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Re: Why is my Lamb Wested 'grey' underneath and not a 'tan'

Post by Kokopelli »

Michaelson wrote:http://indygear.com/cow/viewtopic.php?f ... 05#p767505

Here's an old thread where Holt explains how he overcame the grey undercoat to achieve the LC look that you might find of use.

Also explains why the difference in undercoat colors too.

Regards! Michaelson

Bam!! Perfect! -I did try searching, too, but that's why you're the Master. I'll be in the shoe isle....
Gorak wrote:It looks ALOT like Authentic Lamb. I have one in a Hero Pattern and it looks VERY similiar in color and grain. But it somewhat looks, from what I can make out from the pics, like an Off The Rack Raiders.....I`m going by the seams lining up along the back. Just a guess!
I thought it was an off the shelf too, since the size tag is a simple '44', but maybe the arms were just cut generously? They are 26" long, which is exactly what I needed, and other 'normal' sized jackets were always ~ 24-25" long.
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Re: Why is my Lamb Wested 'grey' underneath and not a 'tan'

Post by Kt Templar »

X box stitches and gussets, piped inner pocket.... that's a custom. IMO.
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Re: Why is my Lamb Wested 'grey' underneath and not a 'tan'

Post by Texan Scott »

...because it was tanned with chromium compounds, as opposed to veg tan.
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Re: Why is my Lamb Wested 'grey' underneath and not a 'tan'

Post by Kokopelli »

chromium...why did it have to be chromium....
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Re: Why is my Lamb Wested 'grey' underneath and not a 'tan'

Post by Texan Scott »

No inside leather facings, along with X-box, piping and gussets as KT describes, looks like a custom RoLA jacket, maybe a year or two pre-Hero project. Sleeve and yoke seams line up, which was not uncommon. Peter's repro. "Raiders" jacket had facings.

I'll take a shot at "'ESM-RDRK-L." ESM could be the initials of the original buyer. R Raiders, DRK-L Dark (brown) Lamb. Just a guess though. :-k
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Re: Why is my Lamb Wested 'grey' underneath and not a 'tan'

Post by whiskyman »

Every Wested I ever had in various leathers was always grey underneath. Only exception I've found was the shrunken lamb.
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Re: Why is my Lamb Wested 'grey' underneath and not a 'tan'

Post by Michaelson »

I just did a quick 'search' and found discussions regarding the grey undertone of both lambskin and goatskin in Wested jackets going clear back to 2002 and the problem in trying to distress the leathers, so it's not an 'unknown'.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Why is my Lamb Wested 'grey' underneath and not a 'tan'

Post by skyhawker »

I have the EXACT same problem with the grey undercoat. i have a LC Wested in Novapella. Looks great but i just can't get that caramel colour on the worn areas. :(
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Re: Why is my Lamb Wested 'grey' underneath and not a 'tan'

Post by Texan Scott »

Koko, I have a jacket very similar to this that was custom made maybe 2-3 years before the Hero project and I really like it. RoLA, they still made the collars almost exactly like the Raiders Hero jacket. Yeah, gray undertones, simi-aniline leather is dyed with chromium compounds, unlike veg tan.

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