What Indy jacket should I choose?

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What Indy jacket should I choose?

Post by indyexpat »

Following suggestions from Michaelson, I thought to start a new thread. Does anyone have multiple Indy jackets to comment on?

I am literally crying out for a jacket and have read a fair bit about goat being popular. There are so many varieties so many options. I've looked at Novak (no longer available), Todd (2012 as the popular 2008 is no longer available), Magnoli, Wested and Wings. The truth, my Todd just doesn't sit right on me. The collar is tight round my neck and it doesn't seem to fit well (I have broad shoulders and a thick neck. :lol:). I welcome any suggestions from seasoned posters for any 'currently available' jackets.
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Re: IF only one... Indy?

Post by ChrisMD »

I am in love with my US Wings Texas Steerhide jacket. Ill try and look up the model. After some wear and Lexol it looks fantastic. I get alot of comments on it and even tho it was a gift, i believe the price was grea too! Plus you get a ton of free Sarge stuff with it like other people have mentioned haha. I have worn this jacket almost every day since Christmas. I can be comfortable in it for hours. Per Tundraiders brilliant natural distressing thread i have used lexol and slept in the jacket and done the pillow case treatment. The comfort after the break in increased 10x. I know i am rambling, but gosh i am obsessed with this jacket. Im a big guy who lifts weights alot so its hard to find one that fits my arms and shoulders, and my big fat tummy. This thing is great. If i drop a few pounds itll be SPOT ON!

I waiting on some action shots from a friend.

Before Lexol, just a TAD light

Here it is after some Lexol, pic makes it look black but its actually a very very dark brown.
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Re: IF only one... Indy?

Post by Michaelson »

Uh, no that's not what I meant. I meant your questions about sizing that you started in another members thread.

There's already a thread by your title here.

viewtopic.php?f=2&t=58993" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

You might want to re-title this thread so it doesn't get locked. :TOH:

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Re: IF only one... Indy?

Post by indyexpat »

I kept the title similar to keep with the theme. I'll retitle it I need a jacket I don't want it locked!
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Re: IF only one... Indy?

Post by Michaelson »

:M: :tup:

The main reason is if we have similar titles to threads, it messes up the search function.

It also keeps us from having duplicate discussions going in parallel.

Just change your subject title, and you'll be good to go.

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Re: IF only one... Indy?

Post by trdaggers »

I have 12 indy jackets but for the for the life of me I can't think of anything to comment on that has been written before. All I will say is my Kelso is my favorite.

Gailen :TOH:
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Re: What Indy jacket should I choose?

Post by Michaelson »

First thing you need to do is determine what your budget is. How much are you wanting to spend on the 'one jacket' for your daily use?

Second, you need to determine if you want an off the rack jacket (OTR) or a custom made jacket.

Once you get those two questions satisfied, that will narrow down your choices quickly.

You then can go to the next set of questions........ ;)

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Re: What Indy jacket should I choose?

Post by indyexpat »

Honestly; I just want a great jacket to wear daily. $50 or $1,000..
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Re: What Indy jacket should I choose?

Post by Michaelson »

Then look at custom all the way.

Off the top of my head, that would be Magnoli or Kelso to explore, as they're the most active. They'll make you EXACTLY what you want, and in YOUR measurements/specs rather than trying to get something to work.

That would be MY advice.

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Re: What Indy jacket should I choose?

Post by Ridgerunner58 »

I have no experience with Magnoli's offering, but from what I know it would likely not disappoint.

I DO have experience with both the Nowak jackets made while Tony Nowak was with us, and later by Riley, and the Kelso jacket and can honestly say if they were side by side I would probably lean toward the latter.

Several of the US Wings jackets are nice, but I've always had issues with the lining of the sleeves poking out. Wested is okay, but not in the same league as the first two.
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Re: What Indy jacket should I choose?

Post by Michaelson »

Ridgerunner58 wrote:I have no experience with Magnoli's offering, but from what I know it would likely not disappoint.

I DO have experience with both the Nowak jackets made while Tony Nowak was with us, and later by Riley, and the Kelso jacket and can honestly say if they were side by side I would probably lean toward the latter.

Several of the US Wings jackets are nice, but I've always had issues with the lining of the sleeves poking out. Wested is okay, but not in the same league as the first two.
Just to separate them out......Magnoli and Nowak are/were custom jackets.

USW are production OTR jackets.

Wested has both custom AND OTR offerings.

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Re: What Indy jacket should I choose?

Post by Baldwyn »

"What Indy jacket should I choose?"

OH OH OH!!!! I know the answer!!!! ALL OF THEM!!!
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Re: What Indy jacket should I choose?

Post by Michaelson »

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Re: What Indy jacket should I choose?

Post by Texan Scott »

Initially, I'd recommend 3, and these are jackets that score high marks on both details and wearability. If you are basically a standard size, the G&B goat is hard to beat for around $528. Wested's Hero jacket is made very much like the original and you have your choice of leather, for around $300. The Hero tends to fit tightly around the upper arms and sleeves. Kelso's Relic Hunter is quite possibly the most accurate reproduction ever made, in terms of details and the leather sourced. All three of these jackets config the collar to fit off the back of the neck, so there is plenty of neck room in these.

If I were basing this decision on wearability, the you might look to somewhat of a relaxed fit. In those terms, I'd recommend the G&B or a USW. Both are very comfortable wearing jackets.

You are picking a good time to buy, because the jacket makers that have been around the longest have greatly improved their standards from the days of old, as you remember them.
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Re: What Indy jacket should I choose?

Post by indyexpat »

Kelso relic? I am very intrigued, where can I get one?
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Re: What Indy jacket should I choose?

Post by Ridgerunner58 »

http://www.billkelsomfg.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

There are several threads on this site discussing this jacket.
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Re: What Indy jacket should I choose?

Post by interbak »

Be careful asking BK for custom options. As soon as I mentioned it Andy stopped responding to my emails, never to be heard from again!! I hear people on here talking about customization with BK, but it sure seem to scare them off in my case. I hadn't even asked for anything particular, just beginning inquiries, and I WAS already a repeat customer!
They're off my list.
On a practical note, and to actually attempt to answer the original question. Indy's jacket was designed for a specific look on a specific body type. It doesn't sound like you are "Ford Spec", neither am I. Ford has fairly sloping shoulders and a slim build. The more accurate jackets follow this pattern. I have fairly broad, square shoulders and Indy jackets don't sit properly on me, they bunch up at the back of the collar and just look funny. I've own Wested, G&B goat and lamb, US Wings signature and Legend. I'd recommend the cut of the USW Sig series for someone with large shoulders, it's the least "screen accurate" of the ones I've mention, but we're talking about what will fit the OP. I sold mine because it was too big, and now have a goat legend. It still sits odd on my shoulders, but the rest of the fit is very good. I'm learning to live with it. I think I'm done shopping, unless I can actually try some thing on before buying and it's perfect.

Just another opinion, I-Bak
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Re: What Indy jacket should I choose?

Post by afalzon »

Be careful asking BK for custom options. As soon as I mentioned it Andy stopped responding to my emails, never to be heard from again!!
That's not right.
8 out of 10 jackets we sell are customized. Especially the USAAF and USN jackets.
Maybe your email got lost somewhere in the avalanche of emails we receive. Sorry about that.
You should have sent me a reminder.

The only thing we are not keen is to make jackets size 50 and above as got to have very large skins which is not always possible.

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Re: IF only one... Indy?

Post by Andymac84 »

trdaggers wrote:I have 12 indy jackets but for the for the life of me I can't think of anything to comment on that has been written before. All I will say is my Kelso is my favorite.

Gailen :TOH:
12!? Now that's a lot of Jackets u have to wear :D

To indyexpat and baldwyn: If u have to choose the movie first, my opinion and choice was a Raiders jacket. Because that's the one who started all. And it was Indys first one (not following the timeline but how the movies came out).
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