Freebie from Pecards

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Freebie from Pecards

Post by binkmeisterRick »

I just got my package of Pecards Creme/Jell this weekend (for when the Wested arrives) and when I opened the box, I noticed they gave me a free sample bottle of boot polish. I thought that was a very nice touch. They've got a repeat customer, for sure. :) Has anybody else had this experience with the fine folks at Pecards?
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Post by IndianaJames »

I think they send a small tin with every order if Im not mistaken....

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Post by Corbin »

yep, got the boot oil with the other stuff. It was a pretty nice touch. I always appreciate free stuff. :)
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Post by Ken »

I remember there was a Pecards goody-bag for all the attendees of the Queen Mary summit last year - credit here to both Pecards and Michaelson (aka Mr Pecards) for arranging this for us. Needless to say I now have a big tub of Pecard on my shelf (no really I do use Pecards - its for waxing my replica Michaelson stunt double moustache ;)).

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Post by IndyBlues »

Indiana Ken wrote:I remember there was a Pecards goody-bag for all the attendees of the Queen Mary summit last year - credit here to both Pecards and Michaelson (aka Mr Pecards) for arranging this for us. Needless to say I now have a big tub of Pecard on my shelf (no really I do use Pecards - its for waxing my replica Michaelson stunt double moustache ;)).

Now THAT"S funny!!! :lol: :P
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Post by Swindiana »

(no really I do use Pecards - its for waxing my replica Michaelson stunt double moustache ).
And I seem to remember that it doubles as a floatation device too.
There is only one original though... The ultimate gear one could never duplicate. :wink:

With my Wested coming up sooner or later I've been thinking about what other Europeans use. If they order Pecards or if they go by a different brand? Perhaps the one recommended by Peter? I'm not sure what to look for since I didn't get a reply from Pecards.
Maybe I'll just do a search to see what I can dig up.

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Post by Michaelson »

Quote...'And I seem to remember that it doubles as a floatation device too.' Unquote

Just be sure you use STANDARD dressing, and not the WATER SOLUABLE lotion when you're doing that! :shock: :wink:

Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Swindiana »

Just be sure you use STANDARD dressing, and not the WATER SOLUABLE lotion when you're doing that!
:lol: Thanks for putting up with us too! :wink:
I do have sort of a goatee that I'll probably apply that on. You never know when you need good survival facial hair when in trouble or out in the wilderness. Now I only have to figure out a use for it. This post of mine just got silly. Move along folks. 8)

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Post by IndyBlues »

Hey Swindy, I'll try and get this runaway train back on track. :wink:

I too, recieved a small oil can of the Pecards boot oil with my leather cream purchase last year. I still have yet to use it, because I really have no clue. How does this stuff waterproof your boots? I just assumed you just put it around the are where the leather meets the soles.
But you know what happens when you assume?
You know :)
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Post by Panama Tom Jr. »

I just received a shoe oil sample with my order of standard dressing - I'm obviously using the dressing on all my regular leather gear, but is the oil a better product for my Carolina Alden clones, or should I stick to the dressing?
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Post by Michaelson »

As a suggestion, take a look at the 'nailed' post at the top of this section. Leather_Loco has posted an excellent point by point use for the different products (and he should know, he's a VP AT Pecards), but if you need further info, click on his email icon and send him the question directly. If anyone can tell you, he can. His name is Eric. Regards. Michaelson
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