$200 to $300 budget...which jacket to buy??

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$200 to $300 budget...which jacket to buy??

Post by Charybdis »

OK, there are so many differing opinions and such, but I thought I would ask anyway. The next item on my list is a nice Indy jacket. Staying around the maximum of $300 budget, which one??? I am leaning toward goatskin, but what do you all think? I am also leaning toward ROTLA style...

I see there are Todd's, USWings, Wested, etc. Any direction I should take??
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Re: $200 to $300 budget...which jacket to buy??

Post by bilbo524 »

You can get a Todd's jacket for right at $200 plus shipping.

I love mine so far. Great Raiders look, and it's nice and lightweight so it moves the way a Raiders jacket should.

I did a fair amount of research before buying mine, and I think it's easily the best jacket in that price range.
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Re: $200 to $300 budget...which jacket to buy??

Post by Texan Scott »

For around $300, if you went Wested "Hero", you can get one in goatskin (seal brown soft goat) as you prefer, customized, and the details will be right. If you order from Todd's website, $200 in an OTR size, great lambskin he is sourcing at the moment. Factors to consider: type of skin and fit?
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Re: $200 to $300 budget...which jacket to buy??

Post by hocfutue »

+1 for Todd's. Wear it all the time.

Had a liner seam give in the armpit, but 10 minutes with a needle and thread fixed it. Only problem I've had, and I've put it through its paces!
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Re: $200 to $300 budget...which jacket to buy??

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I don't even own a Todd's, but for a Raiders jacket under $300, I would say that's you're winner. It looks more Raiders off the rack than any other jacket I've seen on the market right now. So, why don't I have one? Well, they aren't really cut for portly guys, which I am. :cry: But if I could land one extra cheap second hand, I'd do it anyway.

Now, if you want something more durable, more practical... I'd say a US Wings, with the hide choice depending on what you plan to put it through. The styling might not be exactly right, but as everyday, practical jackets, I find them tough to beat at that price point. I own 4 USW right now, and I love them all.
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Re: $200 to $300 budget...which jacket to buy??

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I have a Wested circa 2000 that has served me extremely well. There's a slight bit of wear in the liner at the collar and cuffs, but for a 12 year old jacket that's nothing. My jacket is off on specs that the current Wested models have, but for durability I've been happy.

I also have a USW Legend that, like Chewie said, may not be 100% SA, but is a very well built jacket. That's not an issue for me since I opted for the Bison hide so it would never pass for SA.

If I had to choose between the two, I'd go with a USW for overall durability.


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Re: $200 to $300 budget...which jacket to buy??

Post by Charybdis »

Thanks guys. I knew the verdict would be all over the place. It seems to me that in this hobby, it just goes that whatever you feel comfortable with, that's the one to go with.

I am narrowing it down to the Todd's or the USW depending on the money I will have. If I have enough, (closer to $300) then I will get the Wested for sure, but if not, then the other two options..

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Re: $200 to $300 budget...which jacket to buy??

Post by FlyingWing »

Great guidance, all!
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Re: $200 to $300 budget...which jacket to buy??

Post by Ranging Robert »

For what its worth-I got a US Wings goatskin for my birthday/Christmas. The goatskin is very soft but durable (I coach lacrosse in Texas and have worn the jacket on several ball hunts into the cedar and mesquite-there are no poke holes from branches). I wear a 43 suit and I'm 6 foot 198 lbs. I received an XL and washed it immediately. Dried it some as it was cold (for here) outside and wore it until it was dry. The leather has tons of character and I see something new every time I wear it...I just noticed a 1 inch scar on the chest yesterday and I have the jacket for two months. The jacket fits great and will last me for a LONG time.
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Re: $200 to $300 budget...which jacket to buy??

Post by Charybdis »

Well, as a final update to this thread, I got the USW 30th anniversary in lamb skin. Very happy with it!
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Re: $200 to $300 budget...which jacket to buy??

Post by Charybdis »

Well, as a final update to this thread, I got the USW 30th anniversary in lamb skin. Very happy with it!
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Re: $200 to $300 budget...which jacket to buy??

Post by Michaelson »

Excellent! Wore mine to town just this evening. Great jacket!

Good choice! :M: :tup:

Regard! Michaelson
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