Getting back that new leather smell

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Getting back that new leather smell

Post by BenBrim »

Does anyone else have this problem, or is it just my ignorance?
I have a Todd's jacket that I've conditioned with some cheap stuff and once took it in for cleaning. But my jacket never gets back a great leather smell anymore ( sometimes it just smells slightly our I think). Is there a product, like a cleaner or conditioner, that helps with that?
I sure miss that smell.
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Re: Getting back that new leather smell

Post by Weston »

I don't know of anything. I think it's part of the joy that comes with a new jacket; that new leather smell. It leaves when your jacket isn't new anymore.

They grow up so fast!
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Re: Getting back that new leather smell

Post by Indiana Jeff »

It's like new car smell or, one of my favorites, new hat smell; sadly it dissipates with time. The only way to get it back is get another new jacket. :)


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Re: Getting back that new leather smell

Post by ShanghaiJack »

I don't know of any way to get it back, but this might keep your next jacket from losing that beef jerky smell as fast. My US Wings Legend is a little over a year old now, and it still has that new jacket smell, especially when it is warm. None of my other two jackets have it, so it might just be that leather, or it might be that I treated it immediately after getting it with Lexol. I did not do that with the other two. Good luck!
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Re: Getting back that new leather smell

Post by Ranging Robert »

I can't help, but, I like the comment about how the smell goes away when the jacket breaks in. My US Wings goatskin smelled so strongly I could taste the leather when I wore it...after I washed it in the washer! I was VERY happy when the smell died down a little. Maybe you can try a leather cleaner?

EDIT--Lexol was the cleaner I was thinking of.
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Re: Getting back that new leather smell

Post by BenBrim »

Thanks for the replies.
I will try something like Lexol when I get the chance.
...And a leather smell so strong you can taste it? wow
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