MOD EDIT: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=45336" onclick=";return false;

(seller's photo)
The second pic on the left side looks a heck of a lot like the plane/cockpit hat.
Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs
jlee562 wrote:I know a few COWers have these Stetson Indy lids and we mention them in passing every now and again, but I've never seen one that looked so close to the on screen hats.
MOD EDIT: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=45336" onclick=";return false;
(seller's photo)
The second pic on the left side looks a heck of a lot like the plane/cockpit hat.
Looks GREAT!whipwarrior wrote:Or maybe the classic rope bridge bash! That's a definite crowd-pleaser!
When I first saw the hat, I was immediately struck by how the profile and block shape resembled my Herbert Johnson. According to the description, the brim dimensions are 2 3/8" on the front & back, 2" on the sides, while the crown height is 4 5/8.
Looks like a real beauty! I'll keep the original Stetson Indy logo silk liner, which is immaculate, and have the other trimmings changed out for the real Indy stuff.
Looking fwd, to that.whipwarrior wrote:Yeah, I can't WAIT until it arrives! I haven't been so thrilled for a hat since the 2-month wait for my HJ back in May 1999. I've already spoken to Local Land Surveyor, and he actually owns one of these Indy Stetsons also, which is perfect because he's completely familiar with its construction. I'll post comparison pics with my Poet once the refurb is complete.