Weathered LC gunbelt

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Weathered LC gunbelt

Post by Holt »

Hey Guys! I have been building my LC outfit slowly as I search for the most authentic looking gear and today I came a step closer. And here my newly weathered and ''accurate'' LC gunbelt. With the brass buckle,.... of course ;) allthough the buckle is slightly of in shape, it's so little I don't even bother thinking twice about it. It's very close. :)

You will also notice the 3 punched in holes. I read somewhere a very long time ago that Ford or a stunty had the wardrobe people punch in a few extra holes for a better fit. And the original belt shown below kinda looks like if that story is true. The holes behind his buckle looks sloppy and like someone punch a nail thru the belt.. so I did it to, It adds character to the belt. :)

All in all, I'm very happy with this piece and I think it will complete my LC gear just alittle more. All I am waiting for now is my WW2 webely holster to complete the gunbelt. It should arrive next week.

and the real one, notice the sloppy hole behind the buckle compared to the front ones. It may be the bad quality picture or it may just be a sloppy hole. Who knows?


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Re: Weathered LC gunbelt

Post by Holt »

wow. LMAO! 80 views and not one reply. lol. I guess people are not into LC gear eh. lol. :lol:
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Re: Weathered LC gunbelt

Post by jlhampton »

O.K., I'll give you one. The belt looks really nice. I like to take my stuff and add personal, finishing touches to it. I think we all do that. As far as being into L.C. , the gear is not my favorite, but it would be 2nd next to the Raiders stuff. I'd love to get a L.C. hat for more dressier occasions( I'm thinking Venice Pier style) The one thing that really irked me about L.C. gear was Indy not taking off that black tie sooner. It just drew me out of it seeing it with the rest of the get up. JMHO. Keep it coming. I'd love to see the rest of it.

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Re: Weathered LC gunbelt

Post by Holt »

:lol: :TOH:

Re: Weathered LC gunbelt

Post by whipwarrior »

The belt looks good, but that whip carrier is about a mile long. It won't hold the whip very tight unless you bunch the coils up in the exact spot. Trust me, I used to have a Noel Howard LC carrier, and while it looked nice it was functionally next to useless. I couldn't take three steps before gravity dragged the whip to the ground. In fact, my tried-and-true whip carrier is a Lee Keppler Raiders (circa 2000), slightly modified by a luggage repair shop to cinch snugly on my gunbelt and keep the bullwhip firmly in place. Not LC accurate, but it does the job right.
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Re: Weathered LC gunbelt

Post by Holt »

It's a super non slip whip holder. ;)

Re: Weathered LC gunbelt

Post by whipwarrior »

Ah. In that case, I stand corrected, sir. :TOH:
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