KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!)

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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by lantzn »

IndyRiv wrote:I think, if I recall right, the MFH bag is the one with the "pleather" straps. I owned one of them at one time (but don't have any pics of it anymore) and wasn't impressed by it at all. The pleather is very thin and seemed as though if you strained the straps even the slightest, you'd snap a big chunk off the strap. Just not good quality - the straps that is.

Everything else, however, was just great and if one could replace all the straps with thicker leather, this would make a great CS rucksack as, indeed, you are correct Lantzn that the bag is more of a brown rather than olive like most of the other German rucksacks out there.
Take a look at my thread here. The MFH is definitely not the thin straps and neither is the Mil-Tec. I wonder who made the bad you speak of?

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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by indianaandrews »

Forgive me if this image has been posted previously, but having looked through the hi-res images just posted by lantzn, it looks to me as if the Russian guy on the left side of the shot is sporting the same backpack as our intrepid hero...?

What do you guys think?

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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Indy's brother »

Tundrarider wrote:(BTW, could this scene appear any more staged? Everyone clean, combed and groomed, all lined up at the same height, spaced evenly apart...one can almost see the actor's assistants, barely off camera, standing by with their bosses' SmartPhones and toddies... :-s )
Not to mention the obvious harness underneath Blanchett's costume....

And is that Chris Farley next to her?
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by lantzn »

At least the ropes are different thicknesses.
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by InexorableTash »

Need a KOTCS-style backpack for the mini-Indy in your life?


As seen at Target.
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by borntorun97 »

I just stumbled across a website after searching for awhile claiming to sell German Army surplus backpacks that are the same style used in the movie. With shipping, it came to about $46.

Used, olive drab canvas, large main compartment, backpack straps, two smaller outside pockets, waterproof bottom, leather strap with metal buckles, same style of backpack Indiana Jones used in the Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, approximately 16" x 18" x 9"
I found the link on The Raven message board here.

After reading the reviews of the bag on this thread, I decided to give it a shot and order one. So, we'll see how it looks when it arrives. (Just got a reply email from the store, it will be shipped this Thursday)

The actual vendor is an Army-Navy surplus store out of Montana. The link to the item can be found here

Hope this helps others
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by borntorun97 »

I found a custom leather shop online that will custom make the tags to sew onto the rucksacks. The website is called Starz Custom Leather & More, LLC The business is run by a lady named Betty "Boop" Ford. I'm having her make a patch with my initials 'SH', and she is only charging $10 + $1 s/h, which is a steal. She just finished and dropped it in the mail today. I'll post pics when I get it, and also when it's sewn on my new rucksack.

Thanks again to the information provided here by lantzn with detailed information on sizing and where the holes should be located.

If you drop her an email, let her know Steve pointed you in her direction.
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Thank you for the links, borntorun97! I just placed an order myself for one. :D

:TOH: Best wishes,
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by borntorun97 »

NES wrote:Thank you for the links, borntorun97! I just placed an order myself for one. :D

:TOH: Best wishes,
Nebraska S.
Be warned....they smell VERY musty. I washed mine in the washing machine 3X and it still has a little odor. OxyClean seemed to work best.
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Indiana Croft »

oH Boy. Been a long time since I was able to do this. \:D/

I'd love to see a pic or two.
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by borntorun97 »

Indiana Croft wrote:oH Boy. Been a long time since I was able to do this. \:D/

I'd love to see a pic or two.
Croft :mrgreen:

Sorry, I was going to wait until I got the leather patch to post pics, but I guess I'll post a few now...(sorry for the low quality of pics from my Droid 2 phone)



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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

borntorun97 wrote:
NES wrote:Thank you for the links, borntorun97! I just placed an order myself for one. :D

:TOH: Best wishes,
Nebraska S.
Be warned....they smell VERY musty. I washed mine in the washing machine 3X and it still has a little odor. OxyClean seemed to work best.
Good to know! Do you think there's danger of dry rot with it?

EDIT: Glad to see the pictures--looks like it's in good condition. :tup:

;) Best wishes,
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by borntorun97 »

NES wrote: Good to know! Do you think there's danger of dry rot with it?

EDIT: Glad to see the pictures--looks like it's in good condition. :tup:

;) Best wishes,
Nebraska S.
It looks pretty sturdy. The only damage I noticed was one of the metal buckles was broken, but it still holds the straps well. The drawstring was missing from this bag, but I'm sure I can find some type of replacement. All of the leather straps held up very well, even after the washing. The leather bottom even looks to be in great shape. The overall condition of the canvas itself is slightly stained and faded (re: nicely broken in), but it seems VERY durable. I can't find any signs of dry rot. I wouldn't load it up with 100 lbs of stuff, but I'm sure it will work fine for everyday gear inside.
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Indiana Croft »

Does look to be in great condtion, as far as the draw string, I recently had to replace the one on mine and I went to a camp gear store, the had a OD draw string, .10 cent a foot, bought 4' and works perfectly.
Only change I made with my jacket is put on one of the draw sting pulls, the ones you pinch to pull tight and release, hated having to tie every time. :oops:

Over all nice find, can't wait to see if everyone has the same issue.

Croft :mrgreen:
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by lantzn »

Indiana Croft wrote:Only change I made with my jacket is put on one of the draw sting pulls, the ones you pinch to pull tight and release, hated having to tie every time. :oops:
Croft :mrgreen:
Like the ones used on this MFH bags?

http://www.flickr.com/photos/35223822@N ... 530201840/
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by IndyRiv »

I wonder, Tundrarider, if the crinkle effect could be ironed out somehow? It would have to be a very low heat as higher heat will hurt the lining underneath as well as might meld the canvas threads together like nylon does when it gets too much concentrated heat on it. :TOH:
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Indiana Croft »

Yes this plastic squeeze closure is just what I was talking about, as tieing them is teidus, and feed the straps through the buckles. but don't worry to much about "buckling them" long trips yes, short trips no.
And the para cord is what I also used, though I'll have to keep an eye for your color Tundrarider, as that looks nicer.

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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by lantzn »

What about dry cleaning? Aren't the chemicals suppose to clean without harming delicate fabric and to prevent shrinking?
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

borntorun97 wrote:I found a custom leather shop online that will custom make the tags to sew onto the rucksacks. The website is called Starz Custom Leather & More, LLC The business is run by a lady named Betty "Boop" Ford. I'm having her make a patch with my initials 'SH', and she is only charging $10 + $1 s/h, which is a steal. She just finished and dropped it in the mail today. I'll post pics when I get it, and also when it's sewn on my new rucksack.

Thanks again to the information provided here by lantzn with detailed information on sizing and where the holes should be located.

If you drop her an email, let her know Steve pointed you in her direction.
Borntorun, would you mind posting a photo of the label when you receive it? I'd like to see about maybe getting one, too, depending on its appearance. :TOH:

Best wishes,
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Mine just arrived!!! Here it is with my Adventurebilt CS and my ClassicBullwhips.com Raiders 8-ft kip whip:


:TOH: Best wishes,
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by lantzn »

I have both the Mil-Tec and MFH reproductions.
I have a bunch of comparison photos and labels I've made for various bags here;
http://www.flickr.com/photos/35223822@N ... 530201840/

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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Tennessee Smith »

NES wrote:Mine just arrived!!! Here it is with my Adventurebilt CS and my ClassicBullwhips.com Raiders 8-ft kip whip:


:TOH: Best wishes,
Nebraska S.
That's a good looking set-up right there!!! :tup:

Nice digs

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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by borntorun97 »

NES wrote:
Borntorun, would you mind posting a photo of the label when you receive it? I'd like to see about maybe getting one, too, depending on its appearance. :TOH:

Best wishes,
Nebraska S.

Here's a pic of the tag I had made for my bag....haven't had a chance to sew it to the bag yet.

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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by lantzn »

I had the same thoughts as Michael because it takes me a good 3-4 hours from start to finish to do a label. That includes artwork, cutting, beveling, punching, matching paint, painting, sealing, gluing and stitching. I too was curious to see what she was going to do for $10.

Tandy happens to sell a few different types of letter stamps on their site. It also appears she used a standard leather dye instead of acrylic paint. Tandy's Eco-Flo is a good dye choice.
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Tennessee Smith »

I ordered mine today from the same place NES got his. Here's hoping it's in good shape. [-o<

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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Marshall Barnett »

I just ordered a German Military Rucksack/Backpack. It was only about $45.00 with shipping.

Here's the link. https://go-armynavy.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Can't wait to get it.

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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by ShanghaiJack »


That's a great set of photos you have up on flickr. In your opinion, which repro do you prefer, the Mil-Tec or the MFH?
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by lantzn »

ShanghaiJack wrote:Lantzn,

That's a great set of photos you have up on flickr. In your opinion, which repro do you prefer, the Mil-Tec or the MFH?

My favorite is the MFH due to the higher quality of every one of the materials used and also the color. Yes It is more khaki green then the Mil-Tec's olive green color. However the Mil-Tec's construction is very close to that of the originals (even though the originals colors varied greatly). The pack in KotCS is one of the more khaki green colors while most originals found today are the greener ones. Some have found the more brown ones though they are very rare.
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Marshall Barnett »

I got my backpack today, actually I got it on Monday but one of the straps that secures the top flap closed was missing so I called the Army/Navy Surplus store in Billings and he put another one in the mail the same day. It looks awesome, all I need is the patch and the leather straps.
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Mark Raats »

Tundrarider's backpack goes "home" - Lucasfilm and Skywalker Ranch..


Cheers mate.

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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Now THAT'S awesome! :clap: :notworthy:

:TOH: Best wishes,
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by lantzn »

Tundrarider wrote:
KramStaar wrote:Tundrarider's backpack goes "home" - Lucasfilm and Skywalker Ranch..

Cheers mate.

:o :shock:

WOW, Mark!!! Great photo! \:D/ I am humbled and amazed to see "our" Rucksack being used and toted around the world, let alone to be carried into places like this!

Thanks for taking and posting this photo; I'll save it and share it with my sweetheart, who among many other things, doubles as my artistic consultant! ;)

P.S. Great to have you back on board! :H:

Michael :TOH:
That looks great, maybe he could start his own little "traveling gnome" photos using the bag traveling around the world. :o

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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

KramStaar wrote:Tundrarider's backpack goes "home" - Lucasfilm and Skywalker Ranch..
VERY cool of you to think to do that, then DO that, THEN take a photo and THEN share it here...
VERY cool, sir.
:D :tup:
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by backstagejack »

I found one on ebay supposedly an original but in used condition....I hesitate to pay the 50 bucks though.....buying used it always a gamble....
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Yeah, with these reproductions now on the market I think it's a better bet to get a new repro than take the chance on a used bag.

Put down the pitch forks :P , there will always be a market for fans who want the 'real thing', but when a reproduction rucksack (or MKVII) looks just as good, is at the same or even better price point, and you can be pretty well asured its usefulness will outlast an original; that's a better value in my opinion.


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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by IndianaRedmon »

Marshall Barnett, Thanks for the info link and info of the West German rucksack offered by Billings surplus.
https://go-armynavy.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
I ordered one last week and received it today very nice used bag and a good price. Thanks again :tup: :tup:
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Marshall Barnett wrote:I just ordered a German Military Rucksack/Backpack. It was only about $45.00 with shipping.

Here's the link. https://go-armynavy.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Can't wait to get it.

I love this site and the help everyone gives everyone else.

Marshall Barnett
Yep, that's the place I got mine, which Borntorun posted earlier in here, too (I think the previous page). That's a great resource!

:TOH: Best wishes,
Nebraska S.
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Marshall Barnett »

After I posted the link, I realized it had been posted before. Oh well, you can never post a good link too many times.

Just for fun, when I typed out my address info. I put my name followed by Marshall College - Dept. of Archaeology and the the rest of my mailing address. When I called the surplus store to let them know the first rucksack they sent me was missing one of the straps that secures the top flap and told him my last name, he said "Oh yeah, you're the professor". I don't know if he was joking or really thought I was a professor. Either way it was cool. :D
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by backstagejack »

I can find the MFH pack and it looks good. The only mil-tech pack I can find is a "modern one"......
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by backstagejack »

So on some sites this bag is listed as a "small" bag. In your opinions, how much are you able to fit in this? Say if I was going on a trip for a few days? Would you recommend it, or would I need more luggage?
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by fifthchamber »

It depends how well you pack really, but I'd certainly say a couple of days you're fine with this bag....It'll fit a good few shirts, trousers, underwear etc with no problem at all...Shaving kit in the side pockets? ;)

You're fine for that though..It's not "small" and holds more than my usual rucksack, but it's not the biggest pack out there either...

If you'd use a rucksack to carry your clothes in on a trip for that duration anyway, this one will suffice easily.....If you tend to carry more clothes usually, then yeah, this might be a tight squeeze..

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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I agree. I could readily get 2 pairs of trousers, 3-4 shirts, socks and underwear in my bag. The side pockets I usually reserve for water bottle and/or electronic peripherals (camera, etc.). Shoes will take up a lot of space so if you are planning an extra pair that would be a big limiting factor. That being said, dress clothes would not fair well being stuffed into a rucksack (any rucksack). Jeans, casual shirts, etc. would be what I'd pack. If I had to pack dress shirts, I'd go with a small suitcase.


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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Indy506 »

Is there anyone that has one for sell? Or maybe knows of someone?
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Ranging Robert »

Not sure where to put this-I was looking for a rucksack and came across this pack. Nice vintage look-not SA. Wish I could find it without the screen printing.

http://www.kakadutrader.com/5l2819.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!)

Post by Indy506 »

Oh, my bad. I did end up finding one for sell across the pond. It's the MFH rucksack.
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KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!)

Post by Indy506 »

How long does it usually take to ship one of the MFH bags?
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KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!)

Post by Indy506 »

Tundrarider, where did you get your bag? Also, why is the flap a different color than the body?
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by westy1970 »

I got mine at the Billings Surplus place. $45 shipped and fast. As soon as I get the scratch together I am having a tag made.
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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Indy506 »

Is there anyone that makes the name labels? I now have two rucksacks and would love to have my initials on them.

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Re: KotCS Backpack (UPDATED thread on Germany Army Rucksack!

Post by Cammer »

Hey guys, I just want to mention that I just put up half a dozen rucksacks in the Bazaar for sale. Take a look. :)
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