We went to Joe's on the weekend, and then I spent three days hanging out at the David Morgan company in Bothell. Here's a few pics from my time at David Morgan's.
Here's a pic of four 10 foot 450-series bullwhips in stock:

As many of you know, David no longer makes the whips (though he does crack every one before it goes out). Megan Baldwin and David's grandson Alex do all the whip making. I really liked the work that they're doing. The whips crack nicely and the plaiting is very neat and tight. Megan cuts out the whips and has a big interest in cutting the strands as neat and even as she can. Alex does most of the plaiting on the bullwhips and could give Joe Strain a run for his money on tight plaiting.
Here's some pics comparing one of David's whips kept as a demo in the shop with one of Megan and Alex's new whips:

-Adam Winrich

I did some braiding while I was there. They just reintroduced the blacksnake to their line of whips, so I had a go at making one. It's 12-plait, 8 feet 8 inches long.

They had a blacksnake that David had made a while ago. Here I am with David comparing the one I made to the one he made.

I liked Megan and Alex's work so much that I bought one. It's an 8 ft 450-series black bullwhip. I think it's great for wraps and Delongis-style whip cracking. Here I am with David holding the whip I bought.