There aren't many resin options out there in general for the S&W. From my very limited knowledge, even less so in the UK due to the laws. Many of the US vendors that do offer resin models have had problems sending them UK customers.
One suggestion is looking for something like this ... m_sbs_sg_8" onclick=";return false; locally. This particular model isn't the larger N frame S&W Indy carries, but if it's what's available.
Indiana Jeff
Last edited by Indiana Jeff on Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
It's because that UK Gun Laws, especially the VCRA declare that all guns that are of a post 1870 design are banned, unless you happen to belong to a museum, theatrical group or re-enactment society.
I think it's wrong as you can buy a BB Gun version of said weaponry as long as they conform to VCRA regulations, ie: a non-realistic colour that covers at least 80% of the weapon or a deac version with proper paperwork which is not able to ever be reconverted back into firing. Which is why deac revolvers usually have empty casings welded into the chambers or the chambers filled in and the firing pin removed.
I just think it's odd that in the UK, I can legally buy a deactivated M1 Garand and keep it at home, but it's illegal for me to buy a rubber prop from a movie.
Ive brought lots of replicas from across the pond and never had an issue getting them in the country. I usually ask that the barrel is painted bright orange. And never have gun or pistol ect written on the box, as long as you can find a seller who will send it you have to take the risk on loosing the gun and money , but ive never had one stopped to date
I have a full firearms licence and can buy a Barrett 50 cal rifle if I so wish but have all these problems with resin copies lol
The only advice I can offer is persist - I had exactly the same issue being based in the UK and had been on the lookout for one of these literally for years until I lucked out and managed to snag this;
Despite its realistic appearance, this is merely a finished/painted resin cast off of an original. It only cost me 40 quid too and although it has no working/moving parts IMHO it looks awesome. The only way to get anything like this is through a fellow UK fan so there are no issues - I got it on the RPF where these things surface occasionally...