The jacket is so great, even my son already wants to wear it (note those little fists at the bottom)! Oh yeah... and I'm not drunk, either... my wife has the talent to take pictures the moment people close their eyes...

Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Mike, Indydawg
I wouldn't trust that photo for color. Look at the too-orange skin tones. You've got a photo that's been printed onto a magazine and then scanned from that. So many opportunities for the color to get jacked up.Texan Scott wrote:This is the first time I have seen the shirt this particular color in full sun. It must be the way they developed it?
It's probably that I'm so used to narrow cuts on my sleeve jackets that by comparison this seems way off to me.Puppetboy wrote:My sleeve opening has been the same for a long time now, and after I got my Nowak "hero" confirmed that they match. The sleeves could be narrowed to taste by a good tailor/seamstress.
...so if the ripped pocket is SA, that must mean....Puppetboy wrote:I never noticed the ripped pocket in that picture. The right pocket is unstitched and the gloves are sticking though.
The pictures that I saw on Facebook looked fantastic, I too wanna see if people on the forums here were able to get the jacket...MARQ wrote:What do you think about the "new jacket" Todd has on the website![]()
and does anybody here have it yet?
I think the ones we are referring to are the same, except with a new run of leather, and a slightly tweaked pattern? Don't quote me on that, though. I am probably wrong on the pattern.HDRnR wrote:So there is a new Todd's different form the "new" 2012 version ?
Ooh can't wait!RayROnline wrote:Why did I start reading this thread? Oh WHY did I have to see TODDS in striated lamb??? Curses!![]()
Alright, I just placed my order. It will be my second TODDS, first being from about 2003 ish.
Naturally, I'll compare the 2 for you when it arrives.
That's what my old OTR TODDS was like. And I felt the same. How pleasantly surprised I was today. I just got a new one (striated lamb OTR) and it's a whole new ball game. I added some other comments and a few out-of-the-box pics earlier today.
Indiana Green wrote:Howdy, all. So I posted pics of my Todd's jacket when I first got it (a little over 3 years ago) and sadly, it had mostly remained in my closet since then. However, I recently decided to drag it out, give it a little "treatment" and give it a go at a convention. The treatment consisted of soaking it in a hot shower, wearing it around most of the day, and balling it up on the floor the rest of the time. Once it dried a day or two later, I took it outside, dragged it through some gravel, and slapped it around on the pavement. This all sounds severe, I know, but it worked like a charm. In fact, I still have some more plans to weather it. The main thing I noticed was how crisp and shiny it was out of the box and how well-loved and battle-tested it looked after I went to town on it. Gotta say, I couldn't be happier with this jacket.
Anyway, here's a before and after shot.
Wow, what a difference. It looks GREAT!
sssssssssshhhhhhhooot ! why does Todd always have to come up with such great products ?RayROnline wrote:MODS: Please Delete this accidental duplicate post. ThanksI just got my new TODDS Raiders (med.). I am Totally impressed. This is way better than my older 2003 version. The striated lamb looks and feels great right out of the box. The leather is slightly but notisably thicker. It still has those same great TODD's dimensions and the fit is right on. I LOVE this![]()
The service (ordered on-line) was friendly and superb. The shipping was very fast. This jacket will get a lot of wear. I must point out that my first jacket left me somewhat questioning. It felt a little light and costumish. After a few years, it got a better feel, but still doesn't hang just right because it is so light weight. This new one has just enought weight and hangs perfectly IMO. It is a vast improvement on a great design. I highly recomend this, not as a nice low-budget option, but as a great jacket period!
Mad "props" to Todd and all the Coyles staff!
Here's a couple of quickie bathroom mirror shots right out of the box:
I don't know what was more difficult. Holding the camera phone like that or cleaning the mirror, lol That full shot has been "flipped" so it should be correctly oriented.
Indiana Green wrote:Howdy, all. So I posted pics of my Todd's jacket when I first got it (a little over 3 years ago) and sadly, it had mostly remained in my closet since then. However, I recently decided to drag it out, give it a little "treatment" and give it a go at a convention. The treatment consisted of soaking it in a hot shower, wearing it around most of the day, and balling it up on the floor the rest of the time. Once it dried a day or two later, I took it outside, dragged it through some gravel, and slapped it around on the pavement. This all sounds severe, I know, but it worked like a charm. In fact, I still have some more plans to weather it. The main thing I noticed was how crisp and shiny it was out of the box and how well-loved and battle-tested it looked after I went to town on it. Gotta say, I couldn't be happier with this jacket.
Anyway, here's a before and after shot.
Nice work. Did you get shrinkage? If yes, please detail.
Noted. I measured my new one against my 6 year old one and found the back is nearly 1" longer. Funny though, It doesn't feel of seem to look it. I love the fit. And the weight is so much better than before!whiskyman wrote:I wish the back was shorter in relation to the front like my first Nowak. Nobody seems to include that feature anymore and it was the one thing I loved about the Nowak.
Not having a Wested (yet) I can't compare, but if you are familiar with TODDS the new fit is almost exactly the same as the last few. The only difference I found is the back seems about 1/2 longer.Panama Tom Jr. wrote:Old timer here posting for the first time in a LONG time...
I'm looking to retire my 9 yr old Wested, and it's looking like the Todd might be the route I take.
How are the newest batch fitting though? If I normally wear a large do I need to go a size up?
The sleeves are very easy for most seamstresses to let in or out. I would call and talk with them. Find out your length and ask if they have enough "play" to accommodate you.Panama Tom Jr. wrote:I'm 6'1 and around 200lbs - I sort of run between a 42 and 44 jacket - my biggest issue is the sleeves though. My arms tend toward the long side, and I don't want sleeves that will ride 1/2 way up my forearm while I'm driving...
Panama Tom Jr. wrote:I'm 6'1 and around 200lbs - I sort of run between a 42 and 44 jacket - my biggest issue is the sleeves though. My arms tend toward the long side, and I don't want sleeves that will ride 1/2 way up my forearm while I'm driving...
Exactly!Nos402 wrote: I never thought the Indy jacket looked this striated but I probably never paid that close attention .
That really looks great! Love the striations on this jacket! W>Nos402 wrote:Got my new Todd's 2013 M to replace my Todd's 2009 L. My first impression was that it felt a bit short but when I compared it to my 2009, it seems almost the same length. If it is shorter it is very miniscule. When I put it on with some more Indy-like pants today it seemed fine (as opposed to the jeans I tried it on with last night). I'd considered trying a Large but since the sleeves on the large are 1.25" longer, I think they'd come way long on me. And the extra 2" in the chest seemed unnecessary as well. I think it's just me being used to longer jackets in general.
I'm glad I bought it! I didn't really have any complaints about my 2009 but now that I've got my 2013, my 2009 just seems very lackluster by comparison! I asked for the least striated leather they had but this still looks pretty striated to me!
A few questions:
1. Why did Todd's decide on such striated leather? I never thought the Indy jacket looked this striated but I probably never paid that close attention and besides it's always so dusty, distressed, etc. in the movie that maybe I just never saw such fine details. I just know my mental impression (which could be totally faulty) is of a smoother leather.
2. What's is your experience with the jacket over time as far as it relaxing and changing as you wear it? Does the length, sleeve length,fit, etc. tend to change much as it breaks in?
3. Should I treat a brand new jacket with Pecard's or wait until it has some wear?
Full album with more pictures including my 2009 for comparison is at http://imgur.com/a/dR49O
All in all, I think it's a pretty fine jacket and definitely a pretty big jump up in quality from my 2009 (which, again, I had no problems with until I got the 2013 to compare it with). Definitely some serious bang for the buck.
This pic has absolutely sold me. I'm buying one of these!!!!Nos402 wrote:Got my new Todd's 2013 M to replace my Todd's 2009 L. My first impression was that it felt a bit short but when I compared it to my 2009, it seems almost the same length. If it is shorter it is very miniscule. When I put it on with some more Indy-like pants today it seemed fine (as opposed to the jeans I tried it on with last night). I'd considered trying a Large but since the sleeves on the large are 1.25" longer, I think they'd come way long on me. And the extra 2" in the chest seemed unnecessary as well. I think it's just me being used to longer jackets in general.
I'm glad I bought it! I didn't really have any complaints about my 2009 but now that I've got my 2013, my 2009 just seems very lackluster by comparison! I asked for the least striated leather they had but this still looks pretty striated to me!
A few questions:
1. Why did Todd's decide on such striated leather? I never thought the Indy jacket looked this striated but I probably never paid that close attention and besides it's always so dusty, distressed, etc. in the movie that maybe I just never saw such fine details. I just know my mental impression (which could be totally faulty) is of a smoother leather.
2. What's is your experience with the jacket over time as far as it relaxing and changing as you wear it? Does the length, sleeve length,fit, etc. tend to change much as it breaks in?
3. Should I treat a brand new jacket with Pecard's or wait until it has some wear?
Full album with more pictures including my 2009 for comparison is at http://imgur.com/a/dR49O
All in all, I think it's a pretty fine jacket and definitely a pretty big jump up in quality from my 2009 (which, again, I had no problems with until I got the 2013 to compare it with). Definitely some serious bang for the buck.