Darkening my Todd's strap

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Darkening my Todd's strap

Post by fenris »

From the moment I received my Todd's bag strap, I always thought it looked too light for my tastes. I've been applying Lexol on it whenever I remember to, but it hasn't really darkened the strap that much. It wasn't much of a priority so I just let it be. Then yesterday I remembered a technique I read here on how to darken the bag strap. It's the soot technique.

Instead of a zippo, I used a candle. I removed the strap from my bag and held it over the flame, moving it around to get a good coverage. I had to keep it really close to the flame otherwise no soot would form on the strap. I made sure the strap was, as much as possible, covered evenly with soot.

The strap was basically black at this point because the soot was all over the strap. I then proceeded to apply Lexol to "seal" the soot in... at first I accidentally wiped off the soot and had to re-"soot" it. Then I found that dabbing in the Lexol and letting it dry was better.

I re-applied around 3 more coats of Lexol - with around 5 - 10 minutes rest per coat. When I felt that the strap wasn't tacky anymore from the Lexol I had applied, I wiped it down several times to test if any of the soot would come off. Surprisingly, none came off and the darker shade stayed on.

Here's a pic... Unfortunately, I never got to take a "before" picture.

As you can see (if you're familiar with Todd's strap, which I'm sure most of you are) it has darkened significantly from the original color.
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Re: Darkening my Todd's strap

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Nicely done. I may have to so something similar with my Wade Eagan strap.


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Re: Darkening my Todd's strap

Post by Cajunkraut »

Adding to this for archival purposes.

I permanently darkened my Todd's strap from its original latigo color to SOC brown with nothing more than repeated applications of Pecard's on both sides of the strap over time.

I recommend waiting a few days between applications to allow the strap to dry and show its true color before reapplying. That way you get an accurate read of how dark it's getting.
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Re: Darkening my Todd's strap

Post by Ark101 »

Just got my first Todd’s bag! Definitely will be applying Lexol to darken the strap a bit!
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