New Raiders Whip up for auction at Christies?

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New Raiders Whip up for auction at Christies?

Post by fifthchamber »

I had the suspicion this might interest some of us here....You'll need to download the catalogue (Bond movie memorabilia...Great collection actually...I loved the Bond cufflinks from Skyfall, among several other items..), and go to the very end of the book, the last few pages after all the films and the goods they're auctioning are shown...

They're also offering an "Indiana Jones" whip from Raiders of the Lost Ark...Now, I don't doubt the authenticity..Since Christies are rather solid in that regards....Well..Mostly...However, the "whip" itself is a very interesting one..(P.164-165), it's listed as a "Hand made bullwhip of Kangaroo hide, used by Harrison Ford", and listed at 10,000 - 15,000 pounds...Buuuuut, it's not a "bullwhip" except in the very general shape...It looks like it's got hand grips above the handle "proper", the plait is different there, and is apparently made of kangaroo, but....It's VERY unusual....To say the least...

Have a look? What do you all make of it? I was thinking perhaps one of the "whips" used to swing on? Since the grips would make sense then, and the details wouldn't matter so much? Perhaps "WoS" or the Temple swing scene? Or is it the "whip" used for Harrison Ford to be dragged along behind the truck in the desert? I guess that would work for "used by Harrison Ford" well enough? Still... :-k

Either way, there's no way that this one was worn...So..What do you think? Where did it get screentime?

Here's the link; (P. 164 -165) ... -info.aspx" onclick=";return false;

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Re: New Raiders Whip up for auction at Christies?

Post by fifthchamber »

Sorry...Link to the catalogue wasn't working, I've edited the original post and you can find the catalogue download link on the right hand side of the page instead... :TOH:
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Re: New Raiders Whip up for auction at Christies?

Post by Oildale Jones »

Single PDF page for the listing: ... 20whip.pdf" onclick=";return false;

If you can't access the file, I'll try something else.
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Re: New Raiders Whip up for auction at Christies?

Post by fifthchamber »

Much appreciated Oildale! :TOH:

(Although, I WOULD recommend a look through the Bond auction as well..Not here, obviously, since this is an Indy forum..But...It's cool.. ;) )
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Re: New Raiders Whip up for auction at Christies?

Post by whiskyman »

Somebody at Christie's needs sacking, if you ask me... :roll:
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Re: New Raiders Whip up for auction at Christies?

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Disclaimer: the following are the musings of someone who is not a whip expert. ;)
Could the handle have been unwrapped of some of the upper layers? It looks somewhat vaguely like the inner layers of a bullwhip handle. For example, here's a photo of my own whip in an early stage of construction:

But I don't know what to think of that weird link between the handle and most of the thong. :?

:TOH: Best wishes,
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Re: New Raiders Whip up for auction at Christies?

Post by Michaelson »

Many many years ago Richard Swales told the story that the original whip had been contracted and made by B&N for use in Raiders, and had been brought his shop before filming began.

It was supposed to be picked up by the producers of the film along with the first orders of the HJ hats.

He said someone 'of great importance' came in, saw the whip, and just HAD to have it!! He told them it wasn't for sale, but the individual was insistant.

He contacted the folks at B&N and told them about the situation. They said 'sure, sell it to them. We'll make another....' and he sold the whip.

It was shortly afterwards, Mr. Swales said, that it was announced that David Morgan was going to produce all the whips, and that was the end of the whip making for B&N for Raiders.

True story? I don't know, but it was one he told on many occasions, and I often wondered what that whip looked like, or who it was that B&N allowed to buy it, especially with the production of the film looming on the horizon. Didn't make a whole lot of sense, but he never changed the details in each telling.

Could this have been the proposed whip that never actually made it to the set? Something to wonder about...... :-k

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Re: New Raiders Whip up for auction at Christies?

Post by whiskyman »

If it is...THANK GOD somebody bought it before it was used! :rolling:
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Re: New Raiders Whip up for auction at Christies?

Post by Michaelson »

:M: :tup:

Thing is, if it WERE the one used, then the Kenner CS toy whip that they sold a few years ago would have been SA! :-k


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Re: New Raiders Whip up for auction at Christies?

Post by tomek9210 »


No, it is very cheap whip. It hasn't been unwrapped of upper layers, because it has kind of "zenith" whip transition and on some cheap whips it's made on purpose.
And it has poor taper.

Somebody is looking for a fool...
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Re: New Raiders Whip up for auction at Christies?

Post by riku1914 »

Let's just say I'm glad that whip was never used in the movie because I wouldn't be willing to try to replicate a whip as poorly made as that one...
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Re: New Raiders Whip up for auction at Christies?

Post by fifthchamber »

Michaelson wrote:Many many years ago Richard Swales told the story that the original whip had been contracted and made by B&N for use in Raiders, and had been brought his shop before filming began.

It was supposed to be picked up by the producers of the film along with the first orders of the HJ hats.

He said someone 'of great importance' came in, saw the whip, and just HAD to have it!! He told them it wasn't for sale, but the individual was insistant.

He contacted the folks at B&N and told them about the situation. They said 'sure, sell it to them. We'll make another....' and he sold the whip.

It was shortly afterwards, Mr. Swales said, that it was announced that David Morgan was going to produce all the whips, and that was the end of the whip making for B&N for Raiders.

True story? I don't know, but it was one he told on many occasions, and I often wondered what that whip looked like, or who it was that B&N allowed to buy it, especially with the production of the film looming on the horizon. Didn't make a whole lot of sense, but he never changed the details in each telling.

Could this have been the proposed whip that never actually made it to the set? Something to wonder about...... :-k

Regards! Michaelson
If that were the case, Christies is REALLY pushing it to say "Used by Harrison Ford in the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark" though right? I agree, "considered for use in...." sounds a lot less important, but this IS Christies..I'd expect at least a touch more from them..

I suspect someone has missed something. I emailed David Morgan about the whip last night, and their reply was "We have no knowledge of this whip and would not know who made it"....I'd agree, it's not a "Morgan whip", but that just leaves more holes....

Curiouser and curiouser... :TOH:
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