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Post by Captain D »

Hello All, :D

With the exception of the $170 DHL charge :evil: ....I am COMPLETELY SATISFIED with my new Wested, which has just arrived!!!!!! :D :D

By coming home from a rough, and long, evening at work tonight at 11:00p.m, I find to my amazement a box sitting next to my desk! I tear open the box as if it were Christmas morning and there it was.....the specs are:

1.) "Raiders of the Lost Ark" style jacket,
2.) Dark Brown Durable Goatskin
3.) Size 46 Regular (Standard)
4.) Cotton Body-Satin Sleeves
5.) Rectangular Slider fasteners for the back
6.) Under-Arm Gussets
7.) Elastics were placed in the Action Pleats to help keep them from coming open
8.) And, the "back panel extended to the inside edge of the sleeve seam."

I tried to order the BEST screen-accurate jacket for "Raiders," and all the while order what can be used as an "everyday" jacket.
All the many hours of homework FINALLY paid off!!! The jacket is AWESOME and is EXACTLY what I have been looking for since I was a kid and first saw Raiders. After all the many Indy jackets that I have owned in all sorts of leathers, THIS (Dark Brown Goatskin) is the BEST drape, weight, and durability that you would expect in an Indiana Jones jacket!!!! :D The pocket placement as seen on MK's diagram is PERFECT!!
EVERYTHING is in place for what I had asked for since ordering over the Wested website exactly 4 weeks to the day! I went a size up to ensure room for sweaters, and IT IS ABSOLUTELY PERFECT.........EVERYTHING stated above in my list was in place when I opened the box!!!

I just want to say that this will be my LAST Indiana Jones jacket that I will ever buy, and it will last for generations to come! Special thanks to Peter and Gerry at Wested; their customer service is TOP NOTCH, and to Flathead and Michaelson for all the helpful are all HIGHLY appreciated!

Pictures will follow in the coming days as I set up my Digital Camera!!!
For those thinking about purchasing a jacket from Wested, let me say: ORDER WITH CONFIDENCE! :D

I am so excited about this jacket, I wish that I could give Peter a big bear hug......they did that GREAT of a SUPERB job on this jacket, lol. I'm going to call Wested in the coming days to thank them personally (Order # 3371 if you are reading this Peter :wink: ).

Sorry about my uncontained excitement, I just wanted to share my joy with all my friends here at C.O.W :D

Take care!
Captain D (Aaron)
Last edited by Captain D on Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Minnesota Jones »

Captain D wrote:I just want to say that this will be my LAST Indiana Jones jacket that I will ever buy, and it will last for generations to come!

Captain D (Aaron)
Congrats! But I wish I had your willpower! :wink: Indy jackets can be like Lays Potato chips, you can't have just one....
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Post by Mike »

Congrats! ... and I trust it will find its way to Gettysburg?

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Post by Mr. Bill »

Holy smoke!!! Is that DHL charge for real??
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Post by GCR »

Mr. Bill wrote:Holy smoke!!! Is that DHL charge for real??
That's what I was thinking! The jacket sounds awesome but that charge is definately not right! I'd call or email Wested IMMEDIATLEY. In another thread where someone mentioned they were charged $40 extra by DHL, Peter popped up and said it wasn't right and that he'd look into it. I'd see if he can do the same for you...that is NUTS!

And I thought my 20-something dollar bill from PBB Global was annoying...Geesh

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Post by IndyBlues »

Cograts on your new Wested!! I know how you feel, I just got mine yesterday also. What an incredible jacket, huh?

As far as the DHL bill, I havent recieved mine yet. Did yours come before or after your jacket, or did you recieve it with it?
$170 is way too steep for me also. I'll keep you posted when I get my bill.
We all may be calling Peter about this.
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

It takes about two weeks to a month for it to show up. Mine was only $22 or so. I paid it immediately. I can't imagine $40, let alone $170. That is a mistake.
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Post by GCR »

Hemingway Jones wrote:Blues,
It takes about two weeks to a month for it to show up. Mine was only $22 or so. I paid it immediately. I can't imagine $40, let alone $170. That is a mistake.
Hey Hemingway,

I never even got a bill from DHL... :?

I only ever got the PBB Global bill (which was about 20 something bucks)This situation makes it sound like when Capt. D answered the door and recieved his jacket, the delivery guy also gave him a $170 tab. You people who got the DHL bill, do you also get the PBB Global bill?

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Post by Seb »

Ahoy Captain!!!!

Congratulations with your jacket. Looking forward to your pictures.
I always assumed that the torturing 'wait' was an exaggerating @#$%-story... And now, I can hardly fall asleep. In a few weeks I'm gonna catch a plane to London... and hope mine fits as well as yours Cpt. D!!!

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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Hey Hemingway,

I never even got a bill from DHL...

I only ever got the PBB Global bill (which was about 20 something bucks)This situation makes it sound like when Capt. D answered the door and recieved his jacket, the delivery guy also gave him a $170 tab. You people who got the DHL bill, do you also get the PBB Global bill?
I thought they were one and the same, but I could be wrong. What I was referring to was the PBB Global Bill, which I received two weeks after I received my jacket. I thought that PBB was a company used for processing a bill for customs as reported by DHL. That's what I mean when I say that I think they are one and the same. But, I could be wrong. -Often am, and always apologize.

Gee, I would hate to think there's another bill floating around out there.

The thing I wonder is, if Peter used a different shipping company would the charge be different or go away all together? I have ordered tons of stuff from overseas and have never been charged customs. I have ordered jackets from Barbour, which came by another carrier and have never seen a charge.

Maybe it's different because it is a custom made to order jacket. Thought I have bought made to order stuff (knives) from France without a charge either.

Whatever the reason, $170 is grossly out of line. I would be curious to know whether that bill was rendered at the time of delivery. It sure sounds like it, as you said.

I think it's interesting that we receive these bills that we don't really understand. We know that it was something to do with customs duties and we pay them, but unless they're really out-of-whack, we don't question it. I least I didn't.

This is a lengthy way of saying that it would be helpful to know definitively what is the going on with these charges.
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Post by GCR »

Hemingway Jones wrote:This is a lengthy way of saying that it would be helpful to know definitively what is the going on with these charges.
I'll second that...I've already ordered two Wested Jackets in the past, and I know I will order another one (or two or three) in the future. The $20 something bill from PBB was annoying but no big deal...but $170??? That could make someone think twice about buying a Wested, which would be an absolute shame, they are beautiful jackets! Funny, now that you mention it Hemingway, I never got billed a customs charge for my NH/MBA Shirt or Gunbelt or my MK-VII Bag either and they all came from overseas...

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Post by Hemingway Jones »

I actually have my Invoice from PBB Global Logistics right here. It was for $21.18. $13.68 for US Customs Duty and $7.50 for Disbursement / Advancing of Funds (I think this is a charge for them advancing money on our behalf).
It says:
"Important: Duty Shown in this Invoice has been calculated by PBB (Based on Information supplied by Shipper / Consignee) in order to allow for timely presentation of an entry to U.S. Customs. The amount is considered an estimated duty deposit and my eventually be increased or decreased by U.S. Customs. PBB has acted only as your agent, and any charges, penalties, losses or damages resulting from this transaction are your responsibility." (I shortened the name of PBB on the paragraph above and the highlighting is mine).

So, GCR, let's hope they don't come back after us. They probably won't. I think we would have heard something by now. [-o<
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Post by agent5 »

All these extra charges are outrageous! I was very thrilled last night to find out I have 2 contacts in London who come in 3-4 times a year. I'll be having my next Wested delivered there and they cane bring it in on the plane to avoid these silly charges.

Oh, and congrats on your new Wested.
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Post by Captain D »

Hello everyone, and thank you for your responses! :D

I had called about the $170 fee, and it appears that DHL just made a mistake, and they said that my charge will only be like $35 dollars......whew, lol, thats weight off my shoulders (and my wallet :wink: ) so, everything appears to be okay!

Again, "thank you" all for the kind responses, and I will post the pics in just a few days or so.... :D

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Post by Seb »

Hello Europeans,

Isn't it true that for most of us Europeans, collecting the Jacket in London personally with a carefull planned trip is almost the cost of the postage and taxes..? (If you don't feel bad about avoiding taxes of course :oops: )

Just curious.

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Post by Eiti »

If you are Euopean you must not pay any taxes ! I send my Jacket back two weeks ago and postage was 25 € . For that money it is unpossible to travel to London ! For my last trip i payd 80 €. But it would be fun to visit Wested :)
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Post by Seb »

Oh well, I assumed that there are always some custom taxes. At least, in the Netherlands. I checked this on our Dutch customs website.

For leather goods, that would be a totall of 23 percent of the whole product value including postage cost. In my case that would be 23 percent of approximately 255 euro (170 GBP), which is 59 euro's.
Totall cost for the jacket: 313,65 euro's.

You know that paying only for the jacket makes: 225 euro's.(150 GBP)

I would save 88 euro's... That's worth a try, right?

Easyjet Ticket: (well planned!!!!!) 40 euro's
Leaves you 48 euro's for other expenses.

Am I being stupid??
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Post by Eiti »

I payd nothing !!!???
In older posts you can read that the other Gearheads form Europ also had not to pay a tax
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Captain D,

I just got my DHL bill at the beginning of March. Mine was $17.33 for customs duty, and $5.00 for processing fee, for a grand total of $22.33. Since you don't live that far from me, I would expect your bill to be in the same range. Even their $35.00 guess-timate was a little high.
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Post by IndyBlues »

I still didn't get my bill, but I'm starting to think that they are trying to see how many people will actually pay the bill unquestioned.
Our Gas company here in Philly is notorious for sending out high bills, hoping they will be paid without a thought.
Funny thing is, if not for this forum, we wouldn't know what the other guys were paying, and end up getting screwed.
To quote Ren, DHL doesn't know we IndyGear heads talk to each other concerning these matters.
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

IndyBlues wrote:I still didn't get my bill, but I'm starting to think that they are trying to see how many people will actually pay the bill unquestioned.
Our Gas company here in Philly is notorious for sending out high bills, hoping they will be paid without a thought.
Funny thing is, if not for this forum, we wouldn't know what the other guys were paying, and end up getting screwed.
To quote Ren, DHL doesn't know we IndyGear heads talk to each other concerning these matters.
If they're not careful, they'll be looking at an IndyGear heads class action suit.

Post by whipwarrior »

$170!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

That's the last Wested I'd buy, too!
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Post by mechinyun »

Sorry about hijacking your thread, your specs look good! Now lets see some pics.

In reguards to the import fee.

What if you just never pay them? Will they get a collection agency on you? How could they? Im having my wested sent to a office, in my girlfriends name.
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Post by Captain D »

No, lol, thats okay! Its good to chat about this stuff...all interesting and important info indeed being shared for everyone! :D I hope that the custom fee mistake didn't throw anyone off from purchasing a Wested from overseas....It was just a slip of paper that came with my package stating the $170 charge, but I should have made some calls n' contacts to sort the problem out instead of getting everyone worried there for awhile :oops: . Therefore, my apologies to everyone here at C.O.W! Again, order with confidence when ordering a jacket from Wested, including it's shipping. :wink:

I can agree, that even the roughly $35 fee may seem kinda high since PBB customs (or whatever it was called exactly) was only like $20 bucks when I ordered all my prior jackets from overseas. But, I'm just happy that this jacket turned out great as it I don't mind the $35 dollars. Pics will be posted in just a few short days, so I am excited about sharing them with everyone!

Take care!!
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Post by IndyBlues »

Hey Captain D, what did this slip of paper look like. I have two slips that came with my jacket. One is about 6X9 inches, blue, that looks like a shipping order reciept. The other is standard 8 1/2 X 11 in., and has Westeds business info typed in the top left corner, and has whats listed as:
1.00 Temple of Doom jacket Unit price 170.00, and then at the bottom, it has the Invoice total, of 190.00

This paper looks more like Westeds invoice, than DHLs.

Let me know
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Man, I hope they don't try tro slap an extra $170 on me when my Wested arrives. :( If they do, though, it's good to know what I'm supposed to pay in case I need to take some action...
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Post by Captain D »

It was a small paper that was posted on the outside of the DHL package that read "170.00." It was printed as if it were a service charge.
However, I went back behind my mailng address info and found Wested's invoice info. It too said 170, so perhaps it was just the British Pounds most likely. But, the paper appeared to be a service charge of $170 nontheless, and that was where I recieved the impression that "IT" was the shipping charge. But anyway, all is good and I am happy that it will only be the $35 :wink: .
Again, I hope that my over-reaction didn't throw anyone a curve ball, but I thank you for your interest and willingness to help me to establish the issue!! :D

Sincerely and with highest regards,
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Post by IndianaGuybrush »

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! That explains it. The 170 was in fact the cost of your jacket, not any kind of extra charge. I admit it can be confusing! Glad to hear that it worked out for the best (PS - I got my customs charge a few days ago and it was a hair over $20).
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

That makes sense to me, too, since my order came to around 170 pounds sterlling. WHEW! :roll:
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Post by FLATHEAD »

Was the paper you are talking about stuck to the front of the box?
And was it multi colored?

If it was, it is most likely the Customs Documentation that is required
to be placed on the front of the box near the shipping label.

This documentation has all the information about your purchase on it.

The 170 should be the declared value that Peter is supposed to supply
to the shipping company so they can input any customs fees when the
items get to their destination. It should also have what the contents
of the box is, so that customs doesn't have to open the box up if they
feel the description fits the weight and size of the box. If they do open it,
they will look at Peters actual invoice, and see if the contents match
what the declared value states on the outside documentation.

U.S. Customs is supposed to take the 170 british pound number, convert
it to U.S. currency, which would be about $310.00 right now, and then
charge you 6 percent of that, or about $18.60, for your customs fees.

Then, any additional charges the shipping company may charge will
be on top of that.

If you look at the papers you are talking about with this "170" on it,
see if it is in a box or column that is marked "Declared Value" or
something close to that.

You don't owe that much, its just the value of the package for customs
duties and insurance purposes.

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Post by PETER »

Stop. Do Not Panic That was not a customs bill but the PRICE OF THE JACKET £17o pounds.
Pbbb was the import agents for Airborne now taken over by DHL
There is apparantly a facility for us to paay the import duty or sales tax whatever in the UK which we are considering bot that would go on the bill and as some seem to escape I think it is best left alone.
Fot the nan in the Netherlands there is no import duty as you are in the EEC.
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Post by IndyBlues »

Thanks Peter, for clearing this matter up. Absolutely love my jacket , BTW. :)
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Post by Scandinavia Jones »

For leather goods, that would be a totall of 23 percent of the whole product value including postage cost. In my case that would be 23 percent of approximately 255 euro (170 GBP), which is 59 euro's
Seb -
Just as Peter said in above post - No import duty for Intra-Community trade! That's one of the main points of EU membership. However, it's not uncommon for the customs authorities in various EU countries to keep on like they always have, charging you for stuff in a routine manner...

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