Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Oildale Jones »

I've owned three standards (one L, two XL) and I still have my most recent XL (and no intention of ever selling it). Having read some of the older comments, and having some experience with the different jackets, it seems to me that there were at least three types (variants?) of leather used in the 2008-era (including 2009?) jackets.

My first one (L) was made of what I referred to as "fashion leather" (ReturningSon and others have described it as "plasticky"), very dark and very thin with an almost metallic "shimmer" to the surface. The next one (XL) was a thicker leather, supple and smooth (almost featureless) without looking artificial, and was a lighter, "warmer" brown color. My third (XL) was even more similar to the Bantu Wind in that it was darker, thicker and slightly less supple than my previous one, and has pronounced grain.

For what any of that is worth. Gee, I guess Todd would know, right?

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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Mountaineer »

After some poor weather, a super-derecho, and then 4 days without power, today I was able to get some shots wearing my "washed" jacket.


Side and Rear shots in the main set on Flickr: ... 237256746/
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Oildale Jones »

Great fit! Well done. :clap:

And you, sir, should be doing Rick Grimes (The Walking Dead) cosplay. :)

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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Mountaineer »

Thanks Oildale. I'm pleased with how it turned out.

Only gripe I have about it now is that I left it draped on my bed's footboard waiting for the chance to take pictures, and it developed a reverse pucker mid-yoke. However, a little Lexol before I store it back in the underbed bag and it should be good to go.

I never thought about putting together a Rick Grimes, but that may be an option down the road.
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Texan Scott »

There are differences in subsequent issues of these jackets. I was able to get my hands on a jacket from the first run, and the previous owner stated that he thought his was the second or third one sold, as nearly as he knew. They were milk chocolate brown in color, almost looked like custom leather, and examples of it can be found on page 3 of this thread with Mountaineer and Indy Vink's photos. After the first run, then he/they sourced a darker, dark chocolate colored leather, this is pre-pattern changes.

There were differences in zipper pulls too. The first run's pull looked like this: ... ipper.html" onclick=";return false;

Those after the first run and pre-pattern change, ie slim fit, (the leather was darker) and the pull looked like this (as KT posted):

I am a little fuzzy with the details, but I believe this jacket remained the standard offering until he decided to change the pattern to a more relaxed fit jacket, and I think that may have happened around 2010 or so. After that came the BW of last year, then the absolute gem in terms of the leather sourced for the new run, which was thicker than the originals, but outstanding leather for a Raiders jacket. Todd also kept the loose fit pattern, as can be noted in the sleeves.

Another difference is that the 2008-2010 Standard jackets did not feature the hand warmers going into the lining of the jacket, as did the 2010 and forward offerings.
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by nicetrylaoche »

I recently inherited a Todd's Custom Cowhide jacket from Gorak and am ecstatic to be able to post in this thread. Here is a pic with full gear:
Front shot:

Back shot:

I'd love all of your opinions on how this jacket compares with my other two over at this thread:
viewtopic.php?f=16&t=57658" onclick=";return false;

Thanks guys and gals!
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by youngjedi71 »

nicetrylaoche wrote:I recently inherited a Todd's Custom Cowhide jacket from Gorak and am ecstatic to be able to post in this thread. Here is a pic with full gear:
Front shot:

Back shot:

I'd love all of your opinions on how this jacket compares with my other two over at this thread:
viewtopic.php?f=16&t=57658" onclick=";return false;

Thanks guys and gals!
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by WConly »

I'm confussed about something regarding this redendition of the 'Indy jacket.' With some of the photos -- the side straps appear to be designed to go from front to back (including the picture of the back of the jacket on Todd's site), and in other photos -- the side straps appear to go from back to front (like Wested). Which is it? Or is Todd offering more then one style of jacket? I know about the 'Bantoo Wind,' and this is not the reason for this question. The photos within this thread all look like the same basic jacket, minus which way the straps are positioned. Would someone please explain and expand on this? Thanks. W>
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Oildale Jones »

The straps go from front to back and feed through a buckle. If they're too long for your liking, or they slip like mine do, you can feed the excess back through the front hole of the buckle, as "ntl" appears to have done. So they go from front to back to front. :)
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Zuiun »

I have a Todd's jacket set to arrive tomorrow. I really was on the fence between this one and a Wested. If the Todd's just doesn't suit me at all, I imagine I'll go for a custom fit Wested.

Either way, I don't know what the heck I'm doing ordering leather jacket when the average temp around here has been 100+ for the last couple of weeks. :shock: :lol:
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Mountaineer »

Texan, my darker jacket, the one I just wash-treated, was purchased in early 2009 and it has the handwarmers cut into the jacket and lined with a fleece-like material.
The earlier 2008 milk-chocolate jacket has it's handwarmers under the front snap pocket leather, but on top of the jacket's leather front, formed by a layer of sateen fabric.

WConly, Oildale is correct.
On my earlier jacket the straps were shorter and I therefore wore them pointed to my spine.
On my later jacket, the straps were longer and I wanted to 1) shorten them so they didn't dangle as much, and 2) lock the adjustment (because sometimes the leather slips in the buckle). I ran the straps forward so that they pointed front. Wearer's choice.
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by WConly »

Thanks guys! Just had me a bit confused. Appreciate the clarification. W>
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Zuiun »

So I received my jacket from Todd's. I specifically requested one without pronounced grain, and the jacket Kristen picked out is very uniformly smooth. Just my preference. I have an old lambskin blazer-style jacket that probably cost twice as much as Todd's and the quality and feel of the leather on this new jacket easily matches that more expensive one.

I was nervous about the fit -- getting something with long enough sleeves usually leaves me swimming in the body. But a large fit the bill nicely. I had to tighten the straps a bit and now the jacket fits loose enough around my chest / waist without looking like a tent. Freedom of movement is good in it. I have a couple of biker style jackets that are FAR more restrictive (and feel about 50 pounds heavier when worn).

I'm still a little concerned about the sleeves. They fit fine now, and while I love the look Mountaineer got with his aging technique, I think I'd probably need to take the jacket somewhere to let the cuffs out a bit before trying it.

I'll try to get some pics taken soon -- I'd like to take some outside, but right now we have 100 degrees in the forecast for the next week or so. #-o
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Oildale Jones »

I am looking forward to it with great anticipation.
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Mountaineer »

Zuiun, I'm going to tell you this, and please proceed with caution if you take the advice, but if you plan on doing a wash like I did, I'd hold off before paying someone to let those sleeves out. Here's why:

By getting the sleeves as wet as I did, the cuffs were like putty. Some leathers, when wet, get like that. Once soaked, you can roll out the extra sleeve length (there's probably an inch, maybe 1.5 inches, of leather up in the sleeve) and crease the cuffs where you need them.

Here's the caution part: Go a tad bit longer with this adjustment while they're wet, because when the arms wrinkle (and everything dries) things will constrict a bit. Not like a 100% cotton or wool garment in a hot wash, but leather does dry a bit tighter after casing (wetting) or in this case, soaking.

The cuff length was the one thing I fidgeted with the most on mine while wearing it dry. If, while wet, you make them the perfect length, they may dry a bit short; I made mine a bit longer wet (checked with arms down at my sides, out to my front) to get them slightly longer than where I wanted them to rest once they had dried. Once they had dried, I was OK with the lengths.

If it doesn't come out on the first try, soak just the cuffs and try again. Leather is pretty resilient and just takes some getting used to with how it acts. Be sure and condition the jacket with some lotion/conditioner afterwards. Yes, leather is resilient, but you've done a lot to it in a short time period. Adding some oils is a good thing to do to keep it going strong.

Sounds easy, I know. However, seeing as it's a garment that's not really cheap and you don't want to mess it up, it also sound daunting if you've never done it. You can. Just take your time.
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Zuiun »

Mountaineer wrote:Zuiun, I'm going to tell you this, and please proceed with caution if you take the advice, but if you plan on doing a wash like I did, I'd hold off before paying someone to let those sleeves out...
Thanks for the advice! I do love the look you got out of your jacket, but I'm on the fence about doing that on my own exactly because the fit is good as is.

Whatever I do, it won't be a hasty decision. I want a chance to wear the jacket a bit before I decide if I want to try to modify it -- and right now, there is no end in sight to the 100 degree weather! #-o
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Mountaineer »

By all means, wear it. Then wear some more. And then wear it a little more. You'll see how it breaks in and can then make a better decision.

I'd had mine for three years before I decided to go this route.
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by RaidersBash »

I was just going to post a question to other owners, or Todd, as to the dye jobs of the new jackets. Only a couple times have I been caught in some very light North Dakota summer drizzles, and there are spots on my brand new jacket with NO DYE and other areas where it's VERY VERY light and you can see the grey tones underneath where the dye has completely washed off or washed off quite a bit I've never had a jacket do that before.

Was wondering if I had an odd one or if this is something others have experienced with this new run?

Otherwise I love the jacket. The enhanced fit is AMAZING and the pattern/details are GREAT!
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by fenris »

Hmmmm... I have one of the new batch jackets and have not experienced that. I've even soaked it in hot water and been caught in the rain in it while I was in Hong Kong, the dye never came off.

The only time I managed to remove some dye was when I was distressing the jacket using alcohol and some scotch brite pads.
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Michaelson »

The only jacket I ever had that happen on was a lambskin Wested LC. It did exactly the same thing as your jacket. :-k

I just applied some brown standard Pecards to those spots, and it touched up nicely. Gave it a nice patina look too.

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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by MARQ »

Do you know what´s up with this jacket,is this the same design as the new ones or what...The price is tempting,but how´s the leather and is it equal to the ´08s design? ... dy-jacket/" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by RaidersBash »

Bantu Winds maybe?
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by HDRnR »

MARQ wrote:Do you know what´s up with this jacket,is this the same design as the new ones or what...The price is tempting,but how´s the leather and is it equal to the ´08s design? ... dy-jacket/" onclick=";return false;
Look like old Bantu's, says has quilted linings which some Bantu's had and loose thread.
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Texan Scott »

The website says it is currently unavailable?


"Our classic Indiana Jones style jacket in Large with the regular liner. Some stitches are loose on the pocket corners." Stitches loose, etc., was true of the BW.
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Scott-round »

Hello All! :TOH:

I'm a longtime COW board follower and a first-time poster.

I ordered a Todds jacket in October of 2011. I asked the Todds people for the grainest leather they had, as I think striated leather is very cool, and looks like what I see when I watch Raiders. This is what I got:


Needless to say I was pleased when I opened the box, tried on the jacket, and smelled the beef jerky for the first time.

I assumed that all of the new batch of jackets had similar leather, but have been surprised that I have not seen more pictures and more people raving about the leather.

I would ask others who have purchased the latest iteration of the Todds jacket to post some pics and comment specifically on the leather.

The jacket is a great deal at $200, and your chances of getting sued are minimal!!! LOL :lol:

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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Oildale Jones »

Looks great! I didn't know Todd's jackets got that grainy. And the more distressed it gets, the better it's going to look. :tup:
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Texan Scott »

Careful, that beef jerkey smell will get you hooked! ;)
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Scott-round »

Tell me about it... I've had the jacket for around 10 months, and you still get a beef jerky rush everytime you put it on. Better (and longer lasting) than that new car smell!

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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by RaidersBash »

Wow!!! that is indeed very grainy. I've not seen anything like that before either. My new todds is pretty smooth, but I like them like that.

Nice jacket! Congrats! :TOH:
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Texan Scott »

...that jacket has striations on its striations! In dog years, that sheep had to be at least 150! :P

That's another use for the Todd's Indy car air freshener! 8)
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by While »

I just opened my box with boots and jacket!

I was very unsure what size to go for. When I measured myself and followed the chart I got LARGE. So I went with that. I regret that now. It's too short both in arm length and the torso length. It also had a small damaged spot on the front.

Other than that the jacket looks very nice! I realize this post is pointless without pictures. They are on their way!
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Scott-round, that's some grainy GOODNESS you've got there!
:D :tup:
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by whipcracker »

What are the size of the pockets on Todds jackets I forgot? For some reason they look short or is it because the newer jacket attempts have bigger pockets?

We went through all of this before some years ago I remember but I don't remember what the out come was... #-o
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by MARQ »

I like my leather smooth,that´s way too grainy for my taste... :o
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Zuiun »

Ok, so I've had a couple of rare occasions to wear the jacket and I've formed some new thoughts.

Overall, it's pretty comfortable and I like it. I was able to roll some extra length out of the sleeves, so the fit is better length-wise.

But here's the thing I don't like: There is zero taper on the sleeves. In fact, it almost seems like the opposite. Like I'm wearing bellbottom arms. :lol: I don't want them to be too narrow at the cuffs, but I definitely a little bit slimmer. They are definitely MUCH wider at the cuff than almost every photo I've seen on this thread, so I don't know if this is a new cut of the jacket, or if I got a fluke.

Either way, it looks like I need to investigate some tailoring... :(
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Oildale Jones »

That's funny; that's the exact opposite of my experience with Todd's jackets. In fact, I think earlier in the thread there's discussion about widening the sleeve diameter with V8 cans. I wouldn't mind having a little more room in the lower sleeve myself.
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Zuiun »

Yeah, I don't mind having some room, but the version I got is a little bit TOO wide at the cuff for my taste.
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Actually, same experience for me, Zuiun.
Love the jacket, but those sleeves are a little roomy down at the wrists.
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Texan Scott »

Mitch, you should post a few pics in your Todd's..? I'd like to see it...? :-k
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by RaidersBash »

didn't indy's jacket look roomy at the wrists? I remember a couple scenes where I thought so. The map by the river....i thought there were a couple others...but i could be mistaken.
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Zuiun »

RaidersBash wrote:didn't indy's jacket look roomy at the wrists? I remember a couple scenes where I thought so. The map by the river....i thought there were a couple others...but i could be mistaken.
That's possible, but this is one case where I'd rather have something fit to my preference than to SA. While I bought it because it's an Indy jacket, I'll likely get more use out of it as "just" a jacket rather than as part of gear. ;)
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by fenris »

Zuiun wrote:Ok, so I've had a couple of rare occasions to wear the jacket and I've formed some new thoughts.

Overall, it's pretty comfortable and I like it. I was able to roll some extra length out of the sleeves, so the fit is better length-wise.

But here's the thing I don't like: There is zero taper on the sleeves. In fact, it almost seems like the opposite. Like I'm wearing bellbottom arms. :lol: I don't want them to be too narrow at the cuffs, but I definitely a little bit slimmer. They are definitely MUCH wider at the cuff than almost every photo I've seen on this thread, so I don't know if this is a new cut of the jacket, or if I got a fluke.

Either way, it looks like I need to investigate some tailoring... :(
And I thought I was the only one having this problem. The cuff is indeed a little too big for my wrists. I've been thinking of how to fix it, but I'm too scared to have it tailored.
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Oildale Jones »

Maybe not so roomy in the cuffs, but the lower sleeves look sorta puffy. FWIW.

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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by tapon »

Scott-round wrote:Hello All! :TOH:

I'm a longtime COW board follower and a first-time poster.

I ordered a Todds jacket in October of 2011. I asked the Todds people for the grainest leather they had, as I think striated leather is very cool, and looks like what I see when I watch Raiders. This is what I got:


Needless to say I was pleased when I opened the box, tried on the jacket, and smelled the beef jerky for the first time.

the skin is thick ...

I assumed that all of the new batch of jackets had similar leather, but have been surprised that I have not seen more pictures and more people raving about the leather.

I would ask others who have purchased the latest iteration of the Todds jacket to post some pics and comment specifically on the leather.

The jacket is a great deal at $200, and your chances of getting sued are minimal!!! LOL :lol:

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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Texan Scott »

Anyone have measurements on a Medium jacket of the newest run? Mainly pits, back length and sleeves...? :-k
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Texan Scott wrote:Mitch, you should post a few pics in your Todd's..? I'd like to see it...? :-k
Two things come to mind, here:

#1 is:
Scott, after I read this I was embarrassed to realize that I'd kind of forgotten that I'd never gotten around to actually POSTING photos of my Todd's Jacket here in this Thread!
Don't get me wrong: I love it PLENTY, but I guess I forgot because there never seemed to be much need for it as there was always plenty of photos floating around these pages that pretty much showed the jacket I was wearing. Still, when I read your post I was surprised because I think I'd kind of forgotten that I'd never gotten around to actually posting here in this Thread even just to be "one of the club!"
So anyway, sorry I haven't done so earlier.

#2 is:
The other day I said in my earlier post that my only wish is that they make the sleeves a bit more tapered between the elbows and the wrists... but I should let you know that since writing that last week I think I may have actually made a little bit of progress in THAT regard, as well:
I gave them (just those sleeves, mind you) a bit of a soak (specifically from the elbows down) and a warm drying and it actually looks like I may have managed to get a little bit of shrinking to help prevent making my scrawny wrists look that much scrawnier! \:D/
So, as it turns out I might not need to post (specifically) SLEEVE photos for my online Jacket Doctor ("paging Doctor Scott..." ) to peruse this time! But thank you as always for being available to take a look and offer an opinion.

Here's something I did manage to get done, though:
Over in the Bill Kelso jacket Thread I posted a few words earlier about how much I love it when an Indy jacket
...well, actually... it'll just be simpler if I just say HERE's what I wrote:
Mitch LaRue wrote:One of the things I've always loved finding in a good Indy jacket is when the leather has a smoothness and relaxed softness that allows it to (for lack of a better word) "swing" ...There's plenty of action-packed scenes in Raiders when Indy is twisting this way & that, turning suddenly and throwing punches (Flying Wing fight) and as long as his jacket isn't zipped up a bit (Raven Bar) the jacket is in full-blown, full-swing "ready to fly OFF his back" - mode.

I love that.

For me, if it's gonna be a good Indy Jacket, it's gotta have that SWING.
:D :tup:

So anyway, at one point this past weekend I was wearing my new jacket and my wife commented on how nice and soft the leather feels, so I mentioned how I liked how this characteristic contributed not only to the way the jacket drapes but also how it swings (and then told her the same thing I just wrote in the paragraph above)
As it happened, my wife had our camera with her, so even though we didn't have the time and opportunity to do the photos I'd still like to eventually do to accompany a little write-up, there was time for me to throw a few air-punches for the camera to try and capture what I'm talking about.

Here then, at least, are a few of the photos we had some quick fun in taking: a little collection I call "It Don't Mean a Thing..."
Hope you like 'em.
After I got home and took a look at those Bill Kelso photos, really liked how they looked and decided to do the same kinda' thing with my Todd's (COYLE's) Jacket (it, TOO, has "The Swing!")

So her's a few shots of me throwing around a few "swings & a miss" punches while wearing my Todd's Jacket:





SO much great "Raider-y-ness" from this jacket AND at such a GREAT price!
Thanks Todd!

All the Best,
Last edited by Mitch LaRue on Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Texan Scott »

....just 'a swingin'... :- ...glad to see you are back in the swing of things, Mitch! :P

:-k ....your wife using the credit cards again...?

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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by RaidersBash »

Mitch! Didn't you have a buddy around these parts that always told you how much you would like the Todd's jacket? :-k
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Yes, indeed RB! :)
Just goes to show that I should just shut-up every so often and just DO what my friends TELL me to do! ;)
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Re: Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread

Post by Holt »

you know, from those ''swing'' pictures..

I can barely see if it's a Todd's, a wested, a nowak, Magnoli or a BK...

get some thin leather and you have it...
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