Texan Scott wrote:Mitch, you should post a few pics in your Todd's..? I'd like to see it...?

Two things come to mind, here:
#1 is:
Scott, after I read this I was embarrassed to realize that I'd kind of forgotten that I'd never gotten around to actually POSTING photos of my Todd's Jacket here in this Thread!
Don't get me wrong:
I love it PLENTY, but I guess I forgot because there never seemed to be much need for it as there was always plenty of photos floating around these pages that pretty much showed the jacket
I was wearing. Still, when I read your post I was surprised because I think I'd kind of forgotten that I'd never gotten around to actually posting here in this Thread even just to be "one of the club!"
So anyway, sorry I haven't done so earlier.
#2 is:
The other day I said in my earlier post that my only wish is that they make the sleeves a bit more tapered between the elbows and the wrists... but I should let you know that since writing that last week I think I may have actually made a little bit of progress in THAT regard, as well:
I gave them (
just those sleeves, mind you) a bit of a soak (specifically from the elbows down) and a warm drying and it actually looks like I may have managed to get a little bit of shrinking to help prevent making my scrawny wrists look that much scrawnier!
So, as it turns out I might not need to post (specifically) SLEEVE photos for my online Jacket Doctor (
"paging Doctor Scott..." ) to peruse this time! But thank you as always for being available to take a look and offer an opinion.
Here's something I
did manage to get done, though:
Over in the Bill Kelso jacket Thread I posted a few words earlier about how much I love it when an Indy jacket
...well, actually... it'll just be simpler if I just say
HERE's what I wrote:
Mitch LaRue wrote:One of the things I've always loved finding in a good Indy jacket is when the leather has a smoothness and relaxed softness that allows it to (for lack of a better word) "
swing" ...There's plenty of action-packed scenes in Raiders when Indy is twisting this way & that, turning suddenly and throwing punches (
Flying Wing fight) and as long as his jacket isn't zipped up a bit (
Raven Bar) the jacket is in full-blown, full-swing "ready to fly OFF his back" - mode.
love that.
For me, if it's gonna be a good Indy Jacket, it's gotta have that
So anyway, at one point this past weekend I was wearing my new jacket and my wife commented on how nice and soft the leather feels, so I mentioned how I liked how this characteristic contributed not only to the way the jacket drapes but also how it swings (and then told her the same thing I just wrote in the paragraph above)
As it happened, my wife had our camera with her, so even though we didn't have the time and opportunity to do the photos I'd
still like to eventually do to accompany a little write-up, there
was time for me to throw a few air-punches for the camera to try and capture what I'm talking about.
Here then, at least, are a few of the photos we had some quick fun in taking: a little collection I call
"It Don't Mean a Thing..."
Hope you like 'em.
After I got home and took a look at those Bill Kelso photos, really liked how they looked and decided to do the
same kinda' thing with my
Todd's (COYLE's) Jacket (it, TOO, has
"The Swing!")
So her's a few shots of me throwing around a few "swings & a miss" punches while wearing my
Todd's Jacket:
SO much great
"Raider-y-ness" from this jacket AND at such a
GREAT price!
Thanks Todd!
All the Best,