Ode to the underrated jacket...?

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Texan Scott
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Ode to the underrated jacket...?

Post by Texan Scott »

Chances are you have one? There could be a jacket in your closet that maybe did not entirely meet your requirements, but over the weeks and months has grown on you. First came the TN jacket, then Bellstaff and now the Bill Kelso offering. There will always be flavors of the month, but do you think there is a trend toward the higher end Indy jacket? In light of this, you really appreciate a jacket that is a good value for the money? Today, you can still buy a good Indy for $300 or less, ie Todd's, USW, Wested), and with one maker, customized. Many have found some outstanding deals in the Bazaar or on Ebay, second hand.

Here is mine. This jacket is a Wested, and I made a short list of things I wanted, but mainly I had simply asked Peter to make the best Indy jacket they could make, and here is the result. It is made of thicker lamb, and initially, it fit well, but I stuck it back into the closet and didn't think much more about it at first, but over these months, it has really grown on me, and I can now see the value per dollar spent on this custom jacket. You may also have one such jacket in your collection?

Post up the jacket that gets your vote!

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Re: Ode to the underrated jacket...?

Post by IndyBrit »

with you on this. I have had a few jackets from Wested but the Hero hits the mark
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Re: Ode to the underrated jacket...?

Post by Indy Magnoli »

You can always find a more accurate jacket, one that fits better, or as you say, is the flavor of the month. But in the end, my "special" jacket will probably always be the one I got back in the mid-90s from Disney:


It's been on more adventures with me than any other garment...


...hard to beat that. :TOH:

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Re: Ode to the underrated jacket...?

Post by indymassilia »

..really nice thick leather lambskin,Texan Scott!Wested made a great job!
Wow,IndyMagnoli,i hope make such beautiful travels like you in the future.. :)
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Re: Ode to the underrated jacket...?

Post by Texan Scott »

Thanks, guys and GREAT pics, Mags! ;) :tup:
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Re: Ode to the underrated jacket...?

Post by Michaelson »

Agreed, Indy...those old Cooper/Wings jackets are/were tough as nails, aren't they? :M: :tup:

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Re: Ode to the underrated jacket...?

Post by Holt »

Nice pics Indy! I love that jacket.

Cooper/Wings makes an excellent product. I have been wearing my AQ HERO wings for a couple years now. it is actually my go to jacket.

I should get some pics up soon of it..
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