Adam Savage's self made Indy whip!

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Adam Savage's self made Indy whip!

Post by jedichase »

Hey everybody,

Many of us know Adam Savage from Mythbuster's and know he's an Indy fan. Here is an awesome video of him explaining how he made his own whip. Pretty cool video, there are other video's showing Adam's mancave/shop." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Adam Savage's self made Indy whip!

Post by Canuck Digger »

Brilliant thanks!
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Re: Adam Savage's self made Indy whip!

Post by knibs7 »

I always thought his handle was too thick, but then again, it was only his second try at whip making. Way better than I could do.

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Re: Adam Savage's self made Indy whip!

Post by riku1914 »

It's quite impressive for what it is. I would never have drawn out the strands though ](*,)
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Re: Adam Savage's self made Indy whip!

Post by Cracker »

The handle and thong is too thick but if this is really his second whip it is most impressive. And that he was able to plait the overlay in only two hours is even more impressive.
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Re: Adam Savage's self made Indy whip!

Post by fenris »

It does look massive because of the thickness. I doubt I'll be able to crack that whip because of the length and weight.

What I'm disappointed about is his AB... The bash is so crooked. Hehehe.
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Re: Adam Savage's self made Indy whip!

Post by classicbullwhips »

A fun fact, Adam is a member over at the replica prop forum and he contacted me a few years ago wanting me to make him a better Indy whip from the remaining hides he had gotten from David. I was first in shock that Adam Savage was contacting me about making him a whip :shock: but I glady took on the challenge. So if he still has it Adam also has a Classic Bullwhips Raiders Indy in his collection. I tried to see if I still had pictures of it but it looks like they got lost some time ago. I do however still have the FedEx packing split from the hides he sent and it was right from M5 Industries. I always hope to see my whip maybe show up on an episode of Mythbusters, that would be so cool.

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Re: Adam Savage's self made Indy whip!

Post by Zuiun »

What's funny to me is that Adam always strikes me as very meticulous and detail oriented (i.e., drawing out the strand pattern on the hide before cutting), and yet he seems to have all sorts of Indy details wrong. When he was relating the story of the Fedora, he left out Steve. When talking about the Indy whip, he seemed to think that the movie whips were only 6ft or 8ft, and that an 11ft whip was way out of the ordinary (when we all know 10 and 12ft whips are common). And every time I see his hat, it looks like it has a tear-drop bash up top, which might be a personal preference, but just seems odd for a guy so obsessed with screen accuracy. :lol:

But that's all nitpicky. He's still my kind of geek.
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Re: Adam Savage's self made Indy whip!

Post by Canuck Digger »

Well, there's fan and then there's gearhead... I have to admit that in some areas, I too had an "overall" view of certain aspects of Indy's gear (like the differences between jackets from scene to scene...) and it's only after reading up a lot, mostly here on COW, that I started getting a sense that there are major differences ALL OVER the place! So it's understandable that not everyone would be so meticulous about every tiny little details... It strikes us as MAJOR bloopers sometimes, but to the average TV viewer who saw the movies once at the movies and another on TV, it goes completely UN-noticed and completely fine. That said, I must concur with you, Adam is a cool guy.
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Re: Adam Savage's self made Indy whip!

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I could listen to Adam read the phone book. He's so enthusiastic. He's worked in the effects industry all of his adult life, but he still comes across as a fan first. So cool.
What's funny to me is that Adam always strikes me as very meticulous and detail oriented (i.e., drawing out the strand pattern on the hide before cutting), and yet he seems to have all sorts of Indy details wrong. When he was relating the story of the Fedora, he left out Steve. When talking about the Indy whip, he seemed to think that the movie whips were only 6ft or 8ft, and that an 11ft whip was way out of the ordinary (when we all know 10 and 12ft whips are common). And every time I see his hat, it looks like it has a tear-drop bash up top, which might be a personal preference, but just seems odd for a guy so obsessed with screen accuracy. :lol:

But that's all nitpicky. He's still my kind of geek.
Watch the video on his build of Rasputin's Glove from Heckboy. He's researched that thing to the tiniest detail. Like any of us, he only has so many hours in the day and I think he's an Indiana Jones fan, but like Canuck Digger pointed out, he's a fan, not a bona fide gearhead. I've been a Star Wars fan since 1977, but I couldn't tell you the difference between Darth Vadar's costumes from film to film. Nor Han's holster, blaster, etc. Not in the same way I can talk about Indy's gear. Nor do I want to. Star Wars excites me the same way Indy excites Adam, but I don't know the details to the nth degree.

In his talk about his AB, he got details wrong and hat terminology wrong, but his enthusiasm is more about how a 'normal' guy wanted a really accurate Indy fedora, couldn't find one so learned how to make one himself. I think the same is true for Adam in whip making. Indy got him hooked on how cool whips are so he went about learning how to make one for himself. He wasn't worried about SA, he is interested in the skill building of learning a new artform.


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Re: Adam Savage's self made Indy whip!

Post by Zuiun »

Indiana Jeff wrote:Watch the video on his build of Rasputin's Glove from Heckboy. He's researched that thing to the tiniest detail. Like any of us, he only has so many hours in the day and I think he's an Indiana Jones fan, but like Canuck Digger pointed out, he's a fan, not a bona fide gearhead. I've been a Star Wars fan since 1977, but I couldn't tell you the difference between Darth Vadar's costumes from film to film. Nor Han's holster, blaster, etc. Not in the same way I can talk about Indy's gear. Nor do I want to. Star Wars excites me the same way Indy excites Adam, but I don't know the details to the nth degree.
No, I get you. And I think with the hat, mixing up a few details isn't a bid deal -- especially because that's not a project he undertook himself. He knows the basics of the story, which is more than most people and that's cool. I think why the whip thing struck me as funny regarding the wrong details is exactly because he does get SO into the minutia when he's actually building a project (I know that I do that, too -- you mentioned Star Wars and I got into lightsabers for awhile and can tell you every specific camera flash gun used for them from the original trilogy... :lol: ). Like his gun from the Fifth Element, for example. He said he built it some percent too big, so he scrapped the project and started over. So I dunno. The whip length thing just made me chuckle.
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Re: Adam Savage's self made Indy whip!

Post by riku1914 »

Maybe he was less screen accurate obsessed when he made the whip? I'm not basing this off anything, just a guess since he said he made it so long ago.
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Re: Adam Savage\'s self made Indy whip!

Post by The Intercept »

Sweet video, Showin respects to the Morgan!


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Re: Adam Savage's self made Indy whip!

Post by J. Roed »

I've seen the clip several times and I am bummed he never took it out and cracked the whip... He also said "no whip cracker in his right mind would ever crack a whip this long. (11 feet)"

My 12' Strain is a peach; I love cracking that whip...I must not be in my right mind :lol:
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Re: Adam Savage's self made Indy whip!

Post by knibs7 »

J. Roed wrote:I've seen the clip several times and I am bummed he never took it out and cracked the whip... He also said "no whip cracker in his right mind would ever crack a whip this long. (11 feet)"

My 12' Strain is a peach; I love cracking that whip...I must not be in my right mind :lol:
He did crack it on the episode where he and Jamie tried to make an avalanche

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