Wow! Thanks for all the great input guys! I have been using a cotton with mesh crown hat like this one for over 15 years!
The problem is it never looked that great, kind of funky with that mesh crown, and after a short while the crown just collapsed. After all these years the hat now has holes in, is very beat up, and is starting to fall apart. So I figured I need a new hat and it might as well be an "Indy" hat!
At first I figured just get an inexpensive real Indy hat. But even a Todd's hat is over $100 and I just couldn't see myself wearing a real fedora for doing yard work. The crushable felt hats were my next idea but I remember having one of theose many years back and it was hot, itchy, and I think the color even ran when I sweated. Then I saw this Indy cloth hat. Figured it would be similar to my cloth mesh hat without the mesh crown collapsing.
I'm not worried about rain. If it rains I just stop working! It's more keeping the sun off my bald head! I did think of a straw hat and I do have a straw Indy hat. But again it's too nice to get all beat up. And living here in Hawaii the straw hat is great for more of a casual dress up hat for going out. I wear it quite often as it goes well with shorts which I wear 90% of the time anyway.
So that brings me back to this cloth hat. It looks like it will hold up better than my old mesh crown hat. It should definately help proetct my head from branches and brush when I'm trimming trees and the weight shouldn't be a problem as I've worn other heavier material hats in the past. The thing that still concerns me is the dark color absorbing the heat and no vent holes to let it out.
I think I may still go for it. At $41 shipped to Hawaii I won't loose much if it doesn't work at all. Like I said it probably will be good for brush cutting as it looks pretty tough, but I may end up getting a straw hat for riding the mower every other week cutting the three acres of lawn I have.
I'll keep you all posted and do an update to this thread if I do decide to get it.
Thanks again!