MOTB Fedora

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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MOTB Fedora

Post by Aragorn658 »

Ok, so ive searched for an answer and i can't find one. Is the motb a left over lc lid? To me it looks actually like a cs lol, but thats just me. Please don't get mad over this thread but i really would like to know, thanks dudes.
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Re: MOTB Fedora

Post by BendingOak »

MOTB ?????
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Re: MOTB Fedora

Post by fifthchamber »" onclick=";return false;

Start at the beginning...Go on from there...

I'd say yeah, a left over LC they had...No way a Crystal Skull, but yeah, the similarity is reasonable because Steve and Marc paid homage to the LC hats in their own design for that film....

But yeah, it's not a Temple, so there's a high chance it was the hat (or one of them) left over from The Last Crusade.

You could try reading all the info over on the main page actually...There's a lot there, some of it not entirely sured up, but a lot of it certain now...It's worth the read, and saves you from writing posts asking questions you don't need to! :TOH:
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Re: MOTB Fedora

Post by david_h »

Aragorn, do you ever wonder if maybe you are over thinking all this? Ya know, just a little?
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Re: MOTB Fedora

Post by Aragorn658 »

No no I just ment the bash was looking cs along with the brim. John have you not seen the mystery of the blues?? Indiana jones beard man!!
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Re: MOTB Fedora

Post by Aragorn658 »

david_h wrote:Aragorn, do you ever wonder if maybe you are over thinking all this? Ya know, just a little?

Over thinking? Look I was just trying to make a new topic to talk about let's face it the well is running dry here fellas. People if you don't like it don't comment. I swear lol some timesi wonder if I should leave this forum. Or maybe some of the other indy forums are nicer.
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Re: MOTB Fedora

Post by fifthchamber »

Aragorn658 wrote:No no I just ment the bash was looking cs along with the brim. John have you not seen the mystery of the blues?? Indiana jones beard man!!

....Well, yeah...It does..But it looks even closer to Last Crusade, because that's what it was used for before the Mystery of the Blues....

Steve and Marc used the design (Bernie asked for it to be closer to?) from the Last Crusade, as well as trying to keep it close to Raiders when they made the Crystal Skull hats...So yeah, you'll see the influence...

But it's an LC hat....Essentially.

Seriously, do please read the main sites intro? It'll save a lot of typing..And on some things, you really could use a little more search and thought perhaps? It's not that people hate you, but more that you've done these kinds of posts several times and they're all usually answered with a short search or some reading of the main page..That's all...It REALLY would help answer those questions of yours and stop anyone else getting angry with them.... ;)
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Re: MOTB Fedora

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Um, fifth... just to point something out, as a guy who remembers his early days... not everyone even knows about the main page and the info it has to offer. Plus, so much has been learned over the years. Asking anew is never a waste.
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Re: MOTB Fedora

Post by fifthchamber »

Hey Chewie...

Actually, I didn't think you could even get to this part of the site without having gone "through it" as it were..So I'd taken it for granted that to get to COW, you'd have seen the main page (Although yeah, some people wouldn't read it...Although I think that's a pity, and a rather bad waste of the site personally)...

I guess he could have typed "COW" into a search engine and ended up here, but I'd gone with the more likely assumption that he would have seen the main page....

If he hasn't I guess he knows now....I wasn't ragging on him...Just saying that a lot of the questions he's asked so far here have already been answered there, and actually, that's why some people react in the way that they do to his questions....

For what it's worth, I'm STILL a "newbie"...So yeah, I get the need to ask questions....But I also know that some people get rubbed the wrong way by answering the same basic things again and again, so.....Thought it would be good to point out to him..Just in case he DID miss it..

Askin' anew isn't a waste..Agreed...But, sometimes, it can open one up to slightly more vitriolic replies than mine, simply because people do assume that you really SHOULD have read the main page if you're a member here...That was all...

(In fact, we have in Jujutsu here in Japan, an attitude called Shoshin 初心 meaning "beginners heart".... The attitude to be attained is that you'll NEVER reach the level of someone who "knows", but always be someone who "asks/learns" instead...And while it's hard at times to remember the idea, it's still one I'd stick to, especially here....This place is GREAT for information, but you also NEED to FIND it YOURSELF...Not just beg for it...And I think that's the message I wanted to pass over to Aragorn...)

Anyway...Thanks for the reminder mate.. :TOH: You're right.

Warm regards.
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Re: MOTB Fedora

Post by nicetrylaoche »

Thought it would be more appropriate to change this post to a PM so we can stay on topic :D
Last edited by nicetrylaoche on Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MOTB Fedora

Post by Michaelson »

Actually, after finding the site, you NEVER have to go through the main page, as all you have to type in is" onclick=";return false; and you're in.

Don't take folks too serious, Aragorn658. If you don't know what hallways to look in, you're not to be faulted.

That said, from what I've read/heard, the MOTB hat was indeed an LC hat that Ford pulled out of his own closet that he kept, as that part of MOTB was shot near his home in Jackson Hole, WY, so he just brought along his own old LC jacket and hat so he could knock out the scenes and go back home.

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Re: MOTB Fedora

Post by Aragorn658 »

Michaelson wrote:Actually, after finding the site, you NEVER have to go through the main page, as all you have to type in is" onclick=";return false; and you're in.

Don't take folks too serious, Aragorn658. If you don't know what hallways to look in, you're not to be faulted.

That said, from what I've read/heard, the MOTB hat was indeed an LC hat that Ford pulled out of his own closet that he kept, as that part of MOTB was shot near his home in Jackson Hole, WY, so he just brought along his own old LC jacket and hat so he could knock out the scenes and go back home.

Regard! Michaelson
thank you sir, i always seem to stir the pot for some people when i don't mean to at all. i know i'm a noob but i'm trying not to be. sorry
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Re: MOTB Fedora

Post by Michaelson »

Not a thing to be sorry about, my friend! You're an equal here. Enjoy yourself! :TOH:

HIGH regards! Michaelson
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